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Wedne<day, May 16, 201l


Pension scam: Senate seeks arrest of IGI directors 8ylsliuWakili



has given a

one-weck ultimarum

10 the

lnspcctor GcomI of Palace.

MoNmmcd Abubakar. to am:st lop rnanaganmI Ctt'(. utha of thc Industnal and

GcncRllnsur.lnccCompany (IGI) ....1""'" """J'IIdty In lhc mismanagement cL pm"""fund,.

5pcaIdng to our


spondent on phone )UIcrtby. the chairman of the ~ Joint Comnuttcc on Public Service and Estab· Usluncnl andStatcand Local

GoYcmmcnl AdnunislnIlion. Senator Aioplus Etok (PDP, Akwa lbom North· Wc:st)' conHrmed that he has signed the W2rTVII of arrest.. lbc committee m :ent..ly Investigated alleged sharp pr.u:tk~ in the management of pension funds in the ~"Y.

Court asked to stop Jonathan from reinstating Salami By Atib a.l11 AN AI>ujoI """" HlghCoun h.B btm • .kEd Io.zap PI$. dm Good udt,Jarwlwtfrom

........... "" '"""""'" """lon>J","_"'" of

Presidml 01 thfo Court of Appeal. Ju!; tia Is. A)1)Sabmi. 11>< "" "ulT. Nooh Ai=

Attorney (;alCr.ll tntion (IIGF).

the Fed·


thz aU Iht meetings, d.iscuJ..



n tI eo rdnstalernmt ol

s.wru by"" "'"""" Judldid O;Jun.jJ (NJC) must be

put on hoIJ as it is iIIcgaI and WICOIlSlit\ lkmal. Thr NJt :oo Thwsdolym:om.mendtd to !.be P'n':skknt the renstI lement <:i Sabrni.


pmdN b> . Jonathan



I'ccommclldnion oClhe NJC Ajarc said the suit Sa1ami

6kd dd" 'SLng his~ ­ sian w.1Ssl LUpendingin cowt

lberdly R In§winghlm will undennlno::lhcrulc~

FG: 308 killed in 118 Boko Haram attacks 81 MislWlu ~I

2009 while: 308 peopk:

POUCE AfIiurl; MnmlrrCaJebOlubolade said tbe Boko Har.un sea has kiIbJ ~ people Ul 118 altock:J in suNorthem

nei;ud to the group ~ anscd. orubobde appm:ialed the mnams of Nigerians 10 issues of pmonaI safety and 5«Urity. saymg the~t has takcnoonc:rete measures loensurcpeacc and stability in thecounuy. '1 is Important 10 nQ(e !hat ac:iUeve--


Slales and Abuja.

He milUSler ,nade the remarXs}'eSler--

<by althe ongoing mlnistnial pb.tronn in Abup.. Ht:saXJ 118 lltUlWU'I!:catriedoul in a..dU. Homo, Kaduna.N'JF. Yobe and Pbteau SlatCS by the sea siDer


killed in

Hesaid thalJJsuspcrucoo-

France commits $200m to Nigeria's electricity By 't'unus Abdu~mid

FRANCE has committed S200 million (N]l billion) ID

the Nigmas powe- S«IOf. A Il'ICIllOfmdumcl under·

standing (MOU) was)'$tt<by Signed bccwcen the Power Minister" &rth Nnaji and IWO Frmch com-

"'"'" """'" by """a..,cmmcnt 10 undcrukc fcaIibilirystudies.sdectandcon· SlruCt :II

high voltage lrans-

mission Ilnc and sub5tatklns.

mmlS olthe pOOa in stnnrning crtmes

and lC!'TOrism is noc


pubIkiscd but

Farmers in Nigeria drop to 27% -UNDP report bJd Wa Ics:stimr: and fewer peopIeand resoura:s.l'reeing people ID work in other TIlE Afrian Hwnan DeYdopmcnI

smon; - orcnjoylTJ(ft~time.-the

"""'" of"" Unit'" """'"' o..dopmenl Prognmmt-{UNDP) rdcastd yes-

""",,\'{"rtha population projected. 10 exucd two billion SIOmd.ime after 2050. SubSahar.an Arm win need ID produccsubstanliallymore food. whilem~ng the stmr.cs which agricuitW1li production pIaca on the cnvllonmcnl.

terday in Nairobi Kenya said the.han! of the C'COOOfllicaI}y active population in """"""" In NI.... "" _ from JJ'MI in 2001 1024 ~ in 2011. Thr tqXlft entitled; Su.stalnmIeAgri-

ita I'adua: Nigeria lost a true leader -Sambo Yar'Bdual, administration was wdl

'II'liculattd and woukt.solVftl ~ dco.dopmental dJalIcnp facing lhc


In his remark. <hlnnan of the ocxasion.OUcfSoiomoo lat, ~11':­ .seltN by ProCessor }my Gam. saki lhc bk Yar'adua ....<IS <Xlf11.mittcd to

"" prlndpks of """""""" '"" RuleofLaw.

He said the book tilled: The Scrv·

ant Leader 2 • ] Years Presidential \\'3krshed oflAtt: PreOOmI Umaru Musa fuN:!tA,"isa must read fOriill


III his 5pt«h. author d book. F.mmmud Adeda. said the book is his modesl contribution to the kad·

cnhip process 10 N"~ The book W'd.S ~ by Pro( .f.ssK:I: U Essietoftbe Baycro Unfva-· Sty.Kana.

PDP suit: Ex-NITEL chief allegations untrue-MTN MTN NigaiahudCKribcd as untrue :IIllcgations made against the romp,IIlY by a former Genera] Manager of the defunct Nigerian Tdecommunicationl limited (NITEL). Solomon Ogundele while swearing to an affidavitl filed 'II the Federal High Court. Ahuja byrne Ekiti .Ild Osun stat~ chapters of th~ People's Democratic ?any (PDP). Ogundd~ had on Friday sworn to an affidaVIt in support of PDp, revca1ing how MTN and the Nigerian Communicatiollll Commission allegedly s:abollged lh~ dnve of th~ stale owned telecoms company 10 make profitl.

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