Friday. NoYomber 16. 2012
- Quick Read LASTMA arraigns fake officials
Kano LGs to end multiple taxation
'Six million Nigerians living with diabetes' From Hope Abah. Malwrdl
SIx million Nigeril.ns an estimated 10 be living with diabetes while ckaths usocialcd with tht- diseax I n projected 10 increue by
52" bydKyeu 201S. Brand dcvtJopmcnt managu of DccDoo Nigeria. Pharm. Erdoo Apeh disclosed this .11 a nCW$ conference: yesterday as part of the organisation', activities 10 mark this rur's World Ol.beta Day Awartne:u Campaign.
-n.. World H<alll> o.pnu.tion (WHO)
has estimated that about 6 million people an reported to be affected with diabdcs
while m in ~ 10 Nigerians art at risk of having the d.iseue beausc 0( their Ufc style. c:atin& habits and nondWant attitud.e towanh comprehensive and routine mcdic:al cbcdwpl": $he saki. ~ Health Reform Foundation ofNJ~ria (HERFON), had also declared thai diabetes is likdy to cause mOf"e deaths than imagined. The: body said it is .a major c&aue of deaJJu arising from DOn-communicab1c d..iscua: (NCDs). HERFON. a non-
govnnmcntaJ organization and publishcn of the y=Iy Nlg<rim H<alll> R<mw. d<cbnd in • pro;«tioo that death through diabetes will acxount (or 52 percent in 20 1S~ Celebrating thls years theme: mtide:d. "Protrct our Futun" Apc:b opined that tbt disease was on tht lDausc amooa Nigerians in recent times.. She linked the high prrvalcncc nile to the Iifestyk of people due 10 obesity. diet. pbyslaJ inxtivity among othen while me cautioned that evuy penon should IC'r it as. duty on thdr part 10 msure ruporu.ibk living.
Jigawa NUJ to stop fake journalists
Niger SURE-P fund hits N2.5b
From Abdullahl Anako, 0..,..
From Altyu M. Ht1IrnagAm. MlnNl
The Jlgt1lw.t stair-council ofthc NigcrUn Union of Journalist (NUJ) tw commcoccd rJlO\I'n 10 ilop qudl from paradillg therrudycs as )Oumahstt ill 1M SUIte. Thil was disclosed by thr- Vicc·Cht1lnnan of Jigawa state chapter ofNUJ. Alhaji Saliw Aminu Dutst": whtk inaugurating thcethlcsand dilclpluwy committee of the union YUlenby in Dulse. Hr- wd the ethics and diKiphnary commlnee is sd up to handk: COh'lpWnll on profeuional and rthK:al. miscondDCts of journUists in the m.te addmg thaI it is high time qudl a~~"D the waf but to resl~ ROIl)' 10 the profasion. The five member commit~ is beaded by Hassan Chamo wbUe A1iyu O.angid... Mati Ali. Ibnhlm BdJo and lsrnaila Ibratllm will mcmbcn.
From Narifi Dt1Iwud Khaltd • .. no
ICPC laments slow criminal judicial process
Niger state Governor Mu 'WJ 8ab.angida AlIyu ycsterd.ay revea1cd that the AVUIp of the Sublidy RdnftSting Prognmmc (Suu.p) accrued 10 the mle has rnchcd N2.S billion. Aliyu made the SUltcmml when From Johnkennedy UZOm.l. he m:dved chairman and rncmben of the nale SURE·p committee led by Aliyu Manum.o in MinnL He added that out ohhc amount Owe'" N 1.5 billion goes directly 10 the state p-emment .accounl while the balance would be dcpo5ited in the accounu of the 2S kx::aI govmuncnl areu.. The goycmor directed that a scp.an1e bank accounl be opened for- the fund for c.asy monitoring saying the money would be used (or it was meant. In his rmw\. chairman 01 thc committee dllCbcd thai prognmmes o( the committee haw: been Jprcad 10 aU the LGAI
o( the stale gpng after the lIDtW employmenl o( 1.1 SO indigenes, the comminee would soon mcd the 3000 larget of employing youth in the state bcf~ the end o(N~
FG partners biotech researchers on food security From Eyo Charles. (Abbar Af:11cullurt' muusler Akmwumi Adcsin.a sakJ the (ederaJ government will partner \"UlOWi rescardl instltuuom lDyoh-cd ID agncu1tunl
btoccchnolog}' In Nigcn.a and abroad u.anothcr "''I)' ofboostmg food sccunty in theCDUnlt)' Spcabng the Open Forum on AgncuIturaI Bio·technology (OFAR) coo(errnce in CaI.abv Adc:stn.a said Defore W!' can transform Nigeria: into a leading pLayu In food ITl.JfUu and 10 grow wealth (or
rru.Ibons ofbrmen and' N"JgCri.anS. wr mUSl partne'wnh ~I ~ msmulKmS ""'"",,,"' """"",",,, boouclmoIogy in and outsade the country" Represented by the south MlUth JqpOfW chrector of the nun~ M.aruns Odcy. the lllllUSler wei the world IS undergotng ~ tr.uutOnn.allOO ",fuo:h m.aD} n.alJonS are also krying into ""Ihout UUlllUles
He wd for NIgcn.a to become bunger. free accdcnte the adt)t'ftl1101t of food and I«Unty. gmcntc cmp&oymcnl on gender, cducatlon and .00 <1m< """"" grow!h of fMm<n "!hen "" gIobiliu.uon hdd at the FnkraJ country cannoc afford to bg bdund· Uru\'CBItyofTcchnolog\'Owcrri Dinctor Gcncnl ofN.ation.aI8iotcchrdogy rom ~I
Agency (NARDA) & OFAR
N-'gcru dwr, ProfCS5Or 8.aJtud,ek Ogbc Solomon su:1 his agmc)' has the ch.argc to go round the country 10 stnSIbSC: &rmcn.. bwm.aWs. mcd.i.a .and the people .about thl ~gb<ndluof """"""'" ofC-.al1y Modtftcd orpnwns (GM) (oods and 0"0lS tnuIillg ofcrops in agriculture.
He obscn'cd tru.1 the cn(orttmcnt functJOn of the CommlSSlOD cannot bt" dfKtlvc
• mleriocutory
UlJunCliOnJ ",illch ruuhs 10 dcby and statu of tr~ls of su~.antl\·e