12. DAllYTRUsr
27 news report
Wednesday. October 17,2012
Your gUide to successful farming
Inside Anambra dry fish factory
... . Packaged dry nsh. n.medTHlnlrtiru,. ready fOf' gte.
From Be~trice Onuchukwu.
Awb WorriN by low patronage" of hi! fi5h farm. which confirms a ~ Mftf lOt improving and diVft'5ifying his fi5h markd, I fash fl~tw invmledadryer for the nws production of smoked fish. The output from hIS cxpan<kd flJh farm has not been aIM to men the high demand for dried f15h from
his cwtOft'lUS thertby forcing him into buymg fish from othn t1rms 10 dry and sdl to med up with cwtomcn: dcsiTe. T«martim Qoba.I Resources Limittd. which $lMItd as I fi5h rum In Fd>ru;uy 2005 at Adazj· Nnukwu in AnMXha Loc:a1 GoYmlmmt Area ncar Nncwi in Anambn Sta!~ as • catfish hatching. growing. processing and marhtins fum. has today embarked upon ~ icaIc drying and pacbging of fubin addition to ill fuming. Speaking e:xdusivdy to Daily lhuI, the prnrridOf. Mr. Erneka Martins Uoghalu. said the firm whKh is Into nws rroeJuction of flSh in Its farm. has abo comrtW!JK.t'd the proassmg and production of dried or smoked flSh that am b.st for four monlhs In good stongrwithout going bad. H~ saki the k:K:alIy f<iliricattd
• Oftn fi!h dryer room
~ invmltd
by his flft11 haft the capacity of pnxa:s!ng I SO kIJogramsoffash at a stretch which he sUd ha5 not been able to meet high demand from increasing CUSIOmUS thertby prompting the fum to invmt a bigger d.ryft with improwd produ<tion apKity. -W~ are proposing to nttt
plant in a JJ· fm stnJctuf"t', two-5torq building Yertk::al ttpIUlSion. W~ ~ Installing I 7SO kilograms drltt to cnsun: that our custOll1q5Ife AtisflCd with quality dri<d IUh, wdJ """'..... "... "'Y. nn¥
~ IhaJ]
be aIM to improYt' on our
production capacity and ItlempC 10 m«t lncrta.sing demand by our customers,- he said.
On howhestartcdhis fish farm.
llogtWu said it started as I
and pcnonaI pro;ect 10support his parmts by pruvidi"llJ1l1ctivrty to
k«p than b<uy...J 10 hdppnMd< them with IsbbIe mean50f grthng
groundnutwould bring back the good old days - Professor Echekwu
protein and I.D altcrnali"" to meat. -After Sdting up the fish pond. I mapr strp was tUm in stocking 2000 fi5h which was • bold rtlOYr though the pond am KCOmmodat~ more than thaL W~ swtcd with the catfISh sp«kI bdi::ltt ~ tf'a\.'ened into the lrea of """",,,,,g """""'·fuh ...J packaging them. At present. we haft rxpandtd our farm in Iddition to the dryins plant.~ he
it came to bang Wlth 1rt16cial reproduction of catfish and raised
aid He Rid the company buys fish
produced by his oompany ~ desegned in I way to pnMdc the opportunity to grow fish undrr I hygienic condition -~1obi1e rtsh pond can fit Inlo any plICC' and can be art up ~ TheTc is no Umitatlon
from c5tablishcd catfuh fanncn f~ processing. !ina: the 20 mctas by 5 mrtm ClJ*ity ponds
containins 25.000 taIM sb.c flSh amnot meet the nw-kd demand, adding that fi5h fanning has been made ea!Y by his brm bcausc il ls inlo the 10aJ production feed fotthefi5h. Be Aid his fum has b«n into fash hotlchrry !ina 2006 wOOl
fingrrhn~ to table $itt fISh in its
H~ Aid I weD fed rmwe fash has the Clpaoty to btar 40.000 flSh in its Uk lime. l-k aid his fmn has also invented mobile f15h pond that can be used fOr I~ famtitl« ~fish for domestic conrumption and sma.II and medium businesses.
addins that the mobile fish ponds
and it am be reaped afta ~ four months with 2.SO ft5hes. My drirr lOr now cmwns ISO mhcs In I row in five chambers or 1 ki)og:ramrm c-ach. Tht d.ryft provicks I h}'gimic way of
drying fISh lOr both dorndtk and indu5trial usc. Schools. hospital5. hotels and othn pub& places am usc thc:se~~t1y; be
Some 01 the traders and that spoke to Ihl5 ,rportt1 said despite the process "" fuh "..,..t thmugh. they.un
maintam thdr ongmaI t.stt.. Madam Nka:ti N-..-agwu a dry fl'5h mm:hanI: dt this rqlOJtcf in
Nnrwi that. ~ Ihb ~ stancd~&h.' ""fJIf1;lO ~ in I"ar away Homo SbfeID buy dmI
fJShand take to AhI..F..wguand otM parts dilitSoldi East .,be one in &Iga and this on: hrrc are tht gne, T1Us one 15 ~ bma bcc::a.Ise d the h)'gienic way iI: n produced and pIICbgrd. But our
customn:s "Y they still pfdcr the Saga flJh bcauw it is swmrr. You know, thai orx' Is from ~ while thisoneil from pond. With lime, l 1m 5UR: peopk will apprtci;!llt thIS
one; she said.
After setting up the fish pond, a major step was taken in stocking 2000 fish which was a bold move though the pond can accommodate more than that. We started with the catfish species before we traversed into the area of processing smoked-fish and packaging them.
How Sebore farm cross breeds to produce exotic cows
A fish 5d1 II Nnewi main markt. Mn Ngozi Euala. sud though Saga fish is 9n'f K:lrCe now due to the security chalIcngt' In Bomo SUte. people ~ still ulong for It, adding. "Sap f~ is swmer and cheaper. Ptork Wet il more Ihln this OM and the &8'1 fish is more dried ~ lhough thl'