farmers' delight
WedMsday. Oct~ 17,1012
c _ " , _ ...
What the farmers say...
The rose oOiVdCocUnd Mod itbn. it conwuLlllj incrtUl:ng at most marlcds ad"os.t lhe counlly due loWftni fKton ranglnK"fiom tkMu.slim 'rud-d -Kabir sallab cdebmion whkb i. just ~ the c:omc:r, to the 800d that W1.5h1!d away f'annIa.nds. flushed • .".., fish ponds and kiBed aorhe IJVCIloci. A visit to Muaba I~ madra, Aj.akoro pm. market and Kado Biko mukd in Gwuimpa Estate fC"I'nJrd." u~ted bike in the: prices J thf: foDowing food items lbat an in hish dmund..
• ...... ..,... ...... "'of tom-too
.... m .. NI20two
.. ~;.rlt'l----- .... ~i N1I0to HUO., Gw.rimfN
• Groundn ut pyt'lImid in eNd", Nigeria
• .n ,'nrage Itz.ltdtlm
ofabou1 H2I,OOOln s.ptembtHlJ
nowN65,ooo to N68,OOO at
"',Talba 11".-
Ilock mlTkeL
A bunch of smallsQItd }'am 1100 plec:..lthat
walN',ooo thiltl~la~
brobnow Hl1,ooo.
20lltrfl conUllner
of.,.lmoU It GWlf-
WIS N6,200
'" Septem-
by AmiNit
,.. h Qual;o"I: Pkasc. 1am confusniabnul Ihll your report '" ODlh TTI4$t J:;o\'r.nmenl w'lIl~ 10 hdnJ:; Inll 'he grollndnuapynnllds I do Ilnl '"" Ihll hdrrrn.--,p: II :1111 rk-\-ond Iht ":IIlernenl hy Ihl" pohllClans. un you p:et ;an upt'rt or,"I"n for me(ln Ih.l' Ami"", ("",,,. - KAts;"A SllIt,. A"s.·n : Prorll" Itm! 10 think th;al ground nul r~TOIImid ....ould re;appe;ar .18:11111 (iroundnut rf'lImd unn!)1 al'pe;u (;Iou",llIut I'rr 11I1I.h .. ("It u\.C'd III :II((umul~llIIg lhe Hop for n.porl bul In Nlgl"lI:II nowl,m hnl'fI~r \() nil comp;allle~ In I>.ano alnne. ~"t>u ha~'r I1l11ff Ih.. n 20 Oil corllr:lllll(\ 11<108 ItTUlindnuI In prnduce Ih~H ml ~, .. ch nor ..(thrm unnN e.-tn 1t~1 tnough nw malC"T1dl~ 10 I'lfIdu~C" IhtlT Olt. Therdnrr, II n nOI 1'tK.<Ihle In WI:'" Ihl" T(("meT}!en(e of liIT1lundnlll P"'·~mld5 nul Ihat ~ no( me:lln Ihat Itll>undnut J'fodudlun i< 1101 U high as !>efnre Prof('JW' C."did"J A. EclrtA:.·II, Sp«;A/iJt 'If 'h~ G'If";r ''''pm""",,", of Gn"mJ"1I1 ..·jtfr Ih, I""",,/t of Atriultllnll RC':UATCIr OAR', AhmAd" !Hila U"/o'rnity (ARl",
Q"a,ion}: l1 ..11/1 TrlH'. :11m IIlIC"Tt"'iIW In Ih~ f:Ulllllltt .. "d cul!lnllnfl of J"ltahlf"'l
an .1IIm.oed
How wtlt I nan II' Is It
lrue thaI POUlton can .Iso be mrrsle-d by d,'-C','-C's' Eu/rltl'l Ma"dll"£ Ma"t" I" PI41tC"all StatC". £·mAiI;
In hui fOf one to tWI!
A", ..-t' · 11,e demand f(1I (nllll"r< III I'I.m an.1 lull/\alC" p<)latOM " \u(LC"<dul alar 111m/: J""IOIIt"lUIlI\lhOfl d~nd< nn 'I"\'rnl dlfftlenl fa(l(l/\ Ihal lI!lrnl I'l:IInt dl"\"tlorml"nl Intludm8 \.C'ni '-C'lrdloo ""I qUII,h· and 1t"SIIIIIt, "'lIlel man.gem~nl .. od d,'-C'a'-C' (nOUn!
",,1.'1>("5 gTO'" hc-<ol '" nllJ.\I, wdl dr:llmw '\011< "I farlllr" mav ra,'-C' Ihl" linr hc:J, NoI"'",n III til 11 III,h("< 10 ellh~n,1" .... :1111"1 n( .... m8 IhnlUlth Iht <fill (0Il1p<:l\1 :lind "Ih" "'gdm, lIl;att~1 \Ulh 011< Tnu("d liT gTrc"n e<'-C'nlill IIllnurr hell' Ihe '1011 rtlam "'.lII" Ih.llt 1\ u\.C'J I'hcw I>rglnll' alo:o J'f"\1,lt ,,\11 l1ulT1C"nl\ dunnJl IhcH
dI't.11tnl"I(IIII1" ... '''(~ rol:llln,,'!. h.we" a lIlIl~lant nl"t'<1 Inl nulnenl", fllT/lltt"\ ..flen 1("<1 Ihe <,.(>1\ 10 dtt~rmln" Ih~ 1\'!"Of" and qu~nllh' 01 tl1l\'lII" Tt"tIUlrt"d I ~rrTH rrcumrnC"nd lertlll1lflp: prngl1lllunrI lohe no (urrmt pdd gn,aI~ r"'tYKIU' en,!, pdd'!.. 11\'!.ue INn and '1.0,11"1 rI"ComlTW'udal1<.'m '\:anll.,. wnl~ rna.,. rt"tlUiTt mOf( nitrogen and c>lher nulnl"nli (ompall'\j III OIMr 'rmullng t.n.I, ~I f'C>UIOIf"' IIC" (til IIIln Iwn Ilr I"") anll • half ,n(h P'tt:e", wllh tad, nnt h.""jot .II \1":1151 onl" nt. ,,'hC"1t Ihe ,","Iml{ Will
d..ys bdou planting
pofatOM afC' plamt'd I Z Inches MI",-n:n tlIlh ,'Iiltl III UIW' th., 1ft t'C't",'«n Z to ,\ fm araJ1 lht\ .ur r'"nlrd IU'! hc\".... Ihe ""11 arrm'lllTUltC'h I Inl 1m hn det'1' F'lI>()'C'\i pu'""I(" pu<h LIp Ihrnu~h Iht ".,1 \"hen th •• ha~n\ .• 1"1\11 1 to 1 IIhh<-l 01 ",JJ,'II,"al voII arc' a.l.lrd In Iht '''I' row In r,C'\enl ,",lI'1l>1H1,('<1 lu~r'
clilled -h.lI.nll:·11I ~1"«11 10 In 1-4 d.ll\-" 'rrnll!\ ",II em~rgt
~pph~1 In ' .... '1 ..11> l'l.lnl~ ahoul Ihrff In fuur ,,~J.:\ afler 111.1, .. 1 rbllllll~
Rt-Iw«n ~fI .. m! II " 11.\, l'l .. nlln~ I""I~I'I("' 1m h.I\,....IIII/I l'ol .. I'~ un 1.'llIr I" '" m'"llh,,,r nh.It' mlhl" I,/:h. 'Inr1l!!r rn\'.I1.nm(·nl Pfo<h .h.. 1 .m .. , ~ .In I'"'II~I" \lor mdmlr t1r~ tx-nle" "" r~""rm', 'I'hllh ilmll~ .. f1"'·l'; f "mnmll fun~OIIl dl<;(".I<'("o' Ih.ll .au,( damap,e h. 1",':110 ''''I'' ue nrh .lIn.1 t",te 1.1,lttlt .lind ,11111"""11111. hh~hl It , Mllln~"la url\ hhl!h' .. nd \'tri ll. ,IlIUm" ,It, ~n I...· tll!>tllthl nn tw I".. n'III'):1"11 It\'d'lIl the ..... ,1 DI\'nr\l"d rotatOMI"'l(.n"dttll" \11>1" d,eb.ot~k ' .lin 1>(" • '\111'" I re,ult l'f I"k oj .lIJ'-""'luale ntllnjl:t'f1III Ihl" ,,,,I Rem~.... 1 nf "'('nit olI1<1 unr T",due Will hfll' tn manalte ronls and funltll\ b.II.wd d,\("un [n ~d,unn fumrn un rr"ltl~~ l W,' rot:ll'10n 10 ellWTr 1'1'1 .. 1<>("' .. rr not 1".. ntni In Ihl" 'Urnr lnUII(Hl .gam unl,l Ihl" IhHd,UI .h~r
ar~ I~;uh-