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e DAJJX TRUST W~dnuct..)'. Oct~


17. 2012

news report


How Sebore Farm cross breeds to produce exotic cows "l'M crou brftdin! of cows, the Nizman local brttd and lmpor1ed aOOc stock. docs ~ only produa &t COW$ that producr atn bcd", bul Ihr ~ry

of CTOlS brrd cows 10 producr milk abo incnues along WIth the protnn n1ur ·You havr IIw cahu. Thr calvrs go fot- two.. Ihrrr hIres whllt you go few two; Sam Thkur 01 Xbotr Farms.. Adamawa Statr. Aid. aplarning thcd)g(jvanlagc 1M mlJvr cows haw In IrrmJ of milk productIOn comparrd 10 thi!: exotK bradJ whkh, hr said. rroducr at Ins! 15 hIm of milk

prriUy 8dund hlnl wu a brauhful hrnl of rxOCK bf«ds romJ'flsing a

bulland flvrd.&Jryanlr frrdlngm an Iron mesh prn_But thc H'ttlng ....as no'! a f;urn It ""IS Ihr Abu;;a Krffi rOMI ground Mlhe N;allOnai AgrkulturaJ Show Ihat brought tognhrr farmcn. policy mak.rn.,

farm Input manufactunn and lYW'kners and othrr stak.rhokkn with thc majoraim 01 ckwdop!ng thr agric J«Cew. ·If you want to go d;airy; hr Aid. .... "'""" b NZSO.ooo for a buD. You may abo I!O artlncial Insmllnation. breeding anifldally withoul a bu1I With

(roun snnnl. Thu ~ cost Nls,OOO. Bul if you hn't a bull in your hcnl. you know ;any lime your cows COfnt on heal. you an certain. Bul with the wmcn, you n«d 10 haw a sp«wist 10 go round your herd and then Imenun;alt. So. lhal is not ctrWn -With N250.000. you will br abk 10 gt1 a )"tI-T ok! bull to lIart Wrth.. bul we: advisc n.rmt1'I 10 lIor lilt 75,. of thi!: aotK brMb brauS(" iI b morr Ihan thc full aock brccd5 in Itmu of rnutanct to rndrmK tnfrctt(lfU., loIrnnct 10 the wnthtt here amund Ihr tropical woe So. W't adYls(" our farmrrs 10 Slop al that in If'nnJofbrMitng.-


• MlniJter 0' Agrkulture Or Akinwumi Adesfn;a Ill. K;ano St;ate Commbsionet" for Agrlc. H;ajl)'~ 8;ank;a Sani dIJpI~y.

38,000 FCT farmers get 3,279 tons of fertilizer ByNmlmam 1hr Ministrr oIStalr for r'«knJ C.pillll TnTilory CFCO. 0I0}T OIajumokt Ahnlidt. has urged thr pnvalr trCtew 10 cstabIt.Sh IgtO' based industries in thr trrnlOfy as pen of dIOru to lncmlJr food productlo~

1hr mlnistrr. who INdr 1M call at thi!: 2012 World r-ood Day cwpnurd by thr Federal MlflJ9ry of AgnruIturr and Rural lkvdopment. ad\isaI thai food production W!uId"", t>t Ihr w..

mponsibilityofthr ~mmL Shr noted that thr new policy thrust of gt:rY'tfnmmt was to ml(XJ"'Tf Ihr hrmcr groupii and thr privatt $C'C1of 10 drlvr thr aplCultunJ transfomwlOl1

FCT in parucular. anee thrrc: tTcn'I(ndous potentw. and daboratr marltrung outlets for Ihe5C' products." said Akinjidc. who was rtpf'tKNtd by hrl'



Mslsl&nl ~rr

on Fwa.



Counols. Mr

challrngr bcfor't us is 10 rrodua food for tht teaming porulation in thu country Thil cannoc br5t'tll as thr I't:SpOQSIbUItf of tht gtn"tTnmml aIonr. The privatt 5C'CIor should taU up the chalkngr of establishing agro based industries m thr

Shr assured ltal thc FCT Adminlsu;atKm was ready 10 col:labon~ with any vbblr group 10 rromotr ;agricukurr in thi!: nalion·s aplt;al pmlcularty In Int areas of imJ"fOV'td fum input1 dbtnbulion. IrKtor hiring M"n'icrs, prodl.iCt markrting and


Othn value cham pnKr:ssrs. -Wr have rrgistrred in the FCT. 8,000 cooperative

has survryed and captuml (IYrr SCUxlo fumm in ItS data. bank.. Of tiuJ number.;a totaJ rl oyu 38,000 t - bmdittd from

tocidirs of dJfftrrnt tcOnomlc


bIIckgrounds. Thest Indudr prllnary. 1K0ndar-y and Apex c:oopn;atlft OrpniuUOfU Wllh local mmlbrrship of lbout 1.2 million. "The Fer hat a1rudy jr.ryN Inlo tht Agncultun1

).279 mrtrK l on~ of assortrd fcrtiliurs and Impnn-f'd ~s..


thr presmt adminutr.rtton. and is at thi!: forTfronl Undtt tht GI'UIOo"th

lKIor. tnsurtnl food s«unty. dlvrr5lf'(1ng tM «OllOmy and tnhaocing fortlgn f'Xch.1ngc




GE5 is Ont of lhe kry imllaliYCS undrr thr Agrlcultur.l' TnnJI:form;a'ion Agrnda aimrd I' revamping tht


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