Wednesday.ApriI18. 2012
Mobil sealed station for under-dispensing stalion .fter discovering thai the 1IIIIon adjusted TIlE
and m(orumml kHm of the Consumer Pt04cction Council (OlC) yesterday ~ off Mobil mUng sta· tion located .roOf Kubwa aPfCSS'"'llY Abu.l, for under disprtw"lpdro1n m prod lICUtOConMl11H'l1..
was led by Ihe [kputy Director, SuryC'iIIancc and Enrorccn.c 1I.En8'. ShlmnT Kolo.ataledoff three p'.mps the filling
its pumpslo.hol1 -chlngc unsulp«tlng consumers. Aficr assessing Pump
2 the Mobil filling III lion, the enforcement ltam diKovcrcd thai for every 20 lilres of petrol bought •• consumer Is being chnted by N 17 ,46 while (or CVlt.ry 80 lilres of petrol bought • .I con sumer 1S being short changed by N 1,000.
Si mUariy. tht
I' pump 5,
cnforccmcnt team
observed tb.t five lilnes
or petrol was being sold 10 consumers al NSOO whIle
I' pump 8, 11 WIS
diKovcrcd that for every 20 litre. of petrol bought from tht: slallon. th t: con sumer losa NU.I 3. When ukl!(! to com· ment on the discrepan· dCll in Ihe pump. ill the slat ion. ManagerofMobii Oiling slalion, Oayo Alberl, ,aid he W:llS not in the position to comment, adding that it Is the Sla tlon's deaJer thai could reil-lly comment on that but WllS not avallable
When the team vii lied the MRS falling sla· lion wilhin the same nis, It was discovered thai the StlhOn waJ dispensing products to consumers ICcuratelywilh the eJ:ccp tion of one of the pumps which wasove:r dispensing products to consumers "The tolerance levd of the Olling Slation is ok", Engr. Kolo said. The team scaled off the pump which W:IIS over dispensing at the station and urged the manager of the mingstatlon (0 ensure
I"uraldy wllh ucepllon of little shortcomlngl notICed '" the sllllon's pump adjuslmC"nls The CPC Head of C"nforcemenl learn, Engr Shamn T Kolo Silld Ihey are all OUI to prOlttl the Interest o( Ihe consum en and ensure Ihry havt: valur for thC" money spend for producu and servICes He-called on those run ning bUSlnuus to ensure they do It with all tnns parency, warning thai the council Will pros«utr orrenders
the pump it adtusted to dispense accuu.tely. Manager o( l.IRS 011 ing Jtation, O""h Ache· gbulu, commended the lum (or Ihe VI"I, adding that the staHun would have bc:-cn runlllng 1.1 a lou for over J"rcnsing were it not for the vlsil of Consunler Protection Council enlorcement tum whICh drew Ihelr anent ion 10 Iha' The tCJ.m ill-o vislled Oando mhn~ ,Ialion in the Ifn and nln .. rved thai thC" stallon wa~ dispenSing
UBA rewards 340 staff with MVPs IT was a cde!trttion of merit as 340 Ilaff of the United Banlc leu Africa (UBA) Pic. wh,t "xcdlrd in their rHp«rhe Odds in 2011 finand II year. were honoured a!t Friday for their outSlard nS contribution to the Rlowth of the bank durinl: the year
Thc:sc: CiIIttg0ries of Ilarf were rccognbed and dtcorated IS Most Valu able Performers (MVPs) ala ceremony which took place limultanrously at the bank's Hud ornce in Lagos and other loca lions In Nigeria. a Itatement from the bank Aid The MVPs were selected from both the
market facing and backoffice operationl department.. and luid emerged (rom a rigoroul meclion procell. They conslllenlly scored very high in the lUI) Perfonnance AppraiAI erda whil.st maintaining d .... n disci plinary records during I.he period Mr Phillips Oduoza,
Bauchi farmers to access 1 bn loan FARMERS In &uo.hl State are 10 benefit from the NI bUlioo loan 10 be: guvanIced by the ltate and Central BankofNirv.(CBN). A member of t he: Stale Committee on Ihl revival o( Cotton pmdUl:tion in Biruchl. Dr. 0.00. AbdulIahi said the III b part of1M N200 ' • n rdca5ed by thc CBN to food KCUrlty in the: ntry. 1bt: cornmi e' mem·
bu. who dUTinS ISCalC~ advocaqtouron .. ~production of the m modity. said Bauchi Is pclisc:d to add value: to the nation:' food security.
Dr. Dauda ,Ah::tullah.l who is also 1I1e Puma· nc:nl Sc:cmary~ ' lhe: State Ministry o( A culture:. N I bilexplained that lion would be: dL\lunc:d to (..rmen· COOPO:-.ltiw: sod· eties through the Bauchl Credit Financing AgftKy (CFA)whkhwan: hou5c:d the:moMy. He ~onkd thai a t«hnial impletr"."tation
commiltCC' hu already bern pulln place to en5U~ equitabk disbursement ofthe loanable amounllo Wmus In the: twt"nty leal gow:mmmt arras of the:
""The: .. Technical Imrle~Dr. Dauda Abdul-
"lahi while assuring that the acces.sibl NI biUion will be made available to farmers between now and early nextyoar said the loan is awaitIng oegIstered members o( the cooperative sodeUeslOcom~e
necessary dow-
mentaUon for the disbursement menl:lltion
hndc:d by the: Commis-
sioner 0( Agriculture:. Alhaji Tasi'u Mohammed as ctwnnan. also has ~ resentaova of the CON. commercial banks where:
the: loan could be accc:ssc:d. the: slale chlJTt1\&D of All Farmers Association of Nigeria, as: wdl as other stU.dtoldc:rs in agriCultu~ umrmbc:rs.. Dr. Dauda Abdullahi while: IMUrinS thai the acceuible N I billion will be made: ava.i..lablc: 10 (armen bc:twttn now and early nat }Ut said the: loan awaits reptc:nd mc:m~ of the: cooperative societies to complete nc:cc:ssary docummtation for the: disb",,,",,,,. Accordina to him. the early disbunc:mc:nt is to mabie the: fanners putchase agricu1tunl inputs such IS sc:c:d. fertiliur. seeds. and agro-~kal. and called on the: farTJJt:fS toavall oftbc: opportunlly afforded tbtm by the: goyen unent. He (urther explained thai the NtbdUon Iotin disbursement under the Commerdal Agriculture Credit Schtmc Is intended to benefit all farmc:rJ in Bauchl Slate indudins mtlon fannc:n who would enjoy 9 pt:rt:mt subsidy on agriCult ural inputs,
~They consistently scored very high In the last 3 Performance Appraisal Cycles whilst maintaining clean disciplinary records during the period .
Group Managing DircclorlCEO, URA Pic while ~peaklng at the ev .. nl said the :llward wu deSigned to mOllnle and encourage Individual staff performances toward tht altaln menl of the bank'i corpontr ~oals :lind blUinns t4rgets
"This straleglc ini· tlillve II aimed at Iden tifying. developing and retainins the lOp perform InR workforce by ensuring their satisfaction, conlin ued .slay and commit ment to the bank. We are acited to rCCOSnlle our employe« (or thc:lr hard work and dedlCilitlon 10 the bank: he .dded
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