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Wednesday, April 18. 2012 DAILY T RUST ~~----------------------------------NEWS AS09CHRONICLE

'Don't purchase land from mass housing developers' B, IUsirlmim

come out with guiddines

MEMBERS of the publk

"'''' ""jwamcd purchase

thai it l5 IllqJtl I land from m; hawing dC'\'CIopen .J1 the FCT. '11k: warning was given by tM Olrtaor. Fer Mass HOU!III\@Project.Engr. u.G. Jibrin w~aidlhc~. open are expected to fully dcYdc P houSCI on the pkIU aIloca:.c..1 10 them before Kl1lnt 1(. the gcncnI public. He advised people 10 m;at ,he temptation ofbuyirighu.d frommass housing dt'Ydt>p'.!fS. adding thaI if anyollt Is caught, he will be


ACt OIdinglo him,drvd· open p.ll up claims thai !her I re c:apabk or provkl.Ins ho IUsa and they were giYm and II minim,.) cost. He eqiamcd thai the




relating to mass housing projects in the territory. The director lamented that whenever.some devd· open feel they have no money to provide SC'COod· ary infrastructure. they

share the land and $dI.. He said the impUcation of such an act is that inlegnted fadlitits will not be gottCll in those placts. b<awc ~ will want to ~ their own and such facilities an" SUJlP'f*'d to be a networt: adding that ~ is a continuum, as it does not lefminate in one estate or district. -You cannot truncate any of the bcilitic5 It ooe point. since il has 10 be unifOfTTl and when )'UlI.!idJ the pkJts. you annat get unifonnity as


Gwagwalada farmers to get 50 0/0 subsidized ertilizer By Abubibr Sdiq iyh

distribution offertiliurs al



SECRETARY of Gwag~~lilda Area

Council, Alhaji Usman Yahaya. hu disclosed thiltlhe council wiU subsldiu fertillur by 50 per cenl ID this year Farming 5CI5On in the.,ea. Yahaya.. who nad I chit WIth our Tq)Of1er, uid agriculture, hu bcc:n accorocd "riority by his .dministration. He satu the council Will lOOn lid up a committee comprising members o( the council's caumet. coundllors. IradlliolUll ntle:n, villilgc'JdlstrlCl heads and $Kunly agents 10 monilor the

The: S«n:tary bowotvcr condemned the diversion of(erWiur Ind hiJacking of the product by middlemen, addmg that such ca.ses are prevalent at the federal govttnme:nllevd. According to hllTl. the rederal government should intensify efforts to derq:ulate fertilizer distribution so that farme:nean gt1 !hecommodtlYas lilt when due. adding Ihatthe couneil has seedlings in sloclu Ihal will500n be distributed to (ilnners ilC'055 the run! communities.. The councus scribe further dis ·

closed that arrangements are being made to procurt thrcc new lracton Ihal will be hired 10 fannm at.robsi · db.c rates In order 10 boost food production in the Irea. Ylhilya said the coundi is also making plans 10 rehilbilitate IWO roads along Demonstralion Primary School in the council's metropolis, build additional dini", rehabilililile and sink additional boreholes aoon villages.. He said all the proJ«u arc already caplured in this year's budgel, sayIng 1M council achieved 85 per cenl budget performance last year

cvnyooe would be doin~ his thing in his own way.


Bwari council reassures communities of govt's attention ..yn

CoundI of the FCJ' Monday informed residrnl' in various rural DWARf

commwuties In the area (lUI the councils authorities au determined to providt billie Infn.slruclure in lhdr dcmains ~ithin the cowxiTI Urnlted resources. Council's O\aitman, Prter Younna Ushah.. who spokr t hrough his Press Sccretuy. Daodu Dasha. <ksc:rlbcd 1M problems Clti5ting in rural comlnUnilies U1 the council an!'a IS Ye'1f'!1Crmous.

Actording to him. the probll>lTs n«d urgent but gradltll atknUon from the t0UIl4U\, authority coruid-

mng tho-limited IUOUI'ctS "'~"f .llbecouncU level. H Slid the bulk of the cow LIl, monthly aliOCl-

lion 15 used to pay workcn' saIarits, adding that aftu

.sudl payments are ~. what is left is aIw2ys DOt mough toluend to the variouschaHengesfacingrural communities in !he iItft..

1he coundI', c:hairman Shred that the council is mapping out stnk:gk:s on hawtobooslilSfnlmWfn'mue:lnOJderlo&dlitattthe soIYIlIg ofsuch prnbImts. -Despitr tM tinancW chalknges. Ihe council has been able to provkLe rural eledrification In m;myvil!ages as weU as buill MaIm facilities and construc1ed

(elldu roads,- he said The council', dlllinnan appealftl to Bwatl resklenls, cspcdaUy those in the vilIagcs to be palient with his


adding !hilt

many of their ~ucst5 will bunmdl!d to.

Kuj students' union executive inaugurated By

U I Sdq IsM

THE ewly dected o«u-

ernbenofKujcArea Coo :if Studenu: Umon \I) wne lut Thundayi IIJ8Ul"lltec:llopilotihe .ff&ll of the union (()C" one U\'e



d«led wert 8. Ibrahim. presiodull"llhman Musa, l>rttident, Rablu je:cre:tary- general. .JnS. Mathe:w,wiJtIe ~retilry- 8cncr.t!, I hilko, /inanqal RC. 8i:nu Abigail, (rtas· !

Yusu lonat Int

'iah leta IIrer, lie rt I':Iko Hunl

11OnJasSalibu,pubII onf offKcr, while Icslah and Haruna Y'Jnusa were made

drreclor of welfare and

auditor- general nsp«th'dy_ In his acupt;mce spe«h. the dcd.ed President. Adams 8. Ibrahim. said he would work. towards having an office spac.e for the unK>n to conduct its busine:sstherr.. The president also Aid that the union will make availabk: names of qualified studenu to thecouneifs chairman so that adrrus:sjon can be gotlen (or them in tertiary Institutions. He pledged to also strengthening the rclationship be~n the union and the area cnundrs authorities..

RESIDENTS wa iting to fetch water at Zuma village in Swart Area Council at the weekend_

Rights group visits Gwagwalada flood victims By Abub.1k;u Sadlq lsah FOLlOWING com· plaints ~J' re,Idcnu of Gwagwalad:1 Arel! Councll over, fluod al1~gcdly cau\cd by ctln~lruetion work curled nul by Dan· lat:l Con~tructinn Company in the area, uffidals of Ihe Hatlonal Humin

Righi Commission (NHRC) hilve visited lhe vic tlrru Int! assured them thllt then complaints were bemg.]ookcd into. NHRC Deputy Dlr«lor Public Arfaln anti Cummunil;allon, Mr. Lambert Opk.ara. who bril."fed ne"''5men after the omdal~ iMpccle:d Ihesil~

Solid that the commission wac sct up 10 protcct the rights of every citizcn of the cou"ny. "NHRC Is .h....ys CO/llmilled to prolecting cill· T.ens rights In Ihlscountry. which is the reason why the commission decided to come sec thi ngs and InvesUgate In order to see

what will be: done about it."hesaid He sympathized with the Oood \'ictims a.nd assured them thal the commIssion will CC'lIch out to lhe construction company a.fter in~tigalion is concluded. noting lItilt every citizen has the right to own a proputy_

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