news 2
Gunmen throw explosives at JTF in Yobe From Hamlsu ~biJ Mllt.nU, O.~turu
upk»ivn II the opttI llvt'S of the loint Task Force (rTF) II Potiskum locaJ Government Atn of Y~ SI.tc
Confum1ns thb; in • '''lemen!
ymcm.y. rTF spob:sman. Ueu tm.nl Eli l..uarus, said. "In ~ nrly houn olloday. men of rrF
acted on m(onTUIUOn and cor doned off. suspected ItrrorisQ' hideout in AngUWllR Ja,i am. of PollSiwro in YoM Stair.. In the pro«SI of searching the ara.. Im provised n:plos~ devica were thrown our troops. E%changc of fire bt1Wftn men of f[F and the suspected tenorbU f"olIo.wfd. Some: amu wa-r ~ and lhe Ran:h is still ofl8Oing"
According to him, ilcmJ rKO'+Ved include two AX 47 rilks, lhrtt AX 47 (burnt), OM Rockd PftlIJl'I!lkd Grenade 7 (RPG 7). J RPG 7 charS"S. 2 bullet proof ,ackds. 1,367 (7.62mm) ammunition, IOuDaplockd 1EDs. 42 auortrd Tine maprlnn.. I blue I-Ionda dvtc cat, 2 Toy«a Hilw: can, motor cycle. 6 pcntmg sets. 6 I~rc tpta, I VIIS video CUKItC. I WttC
hard dr~. I
a..rcor. Sn-cnllim
cards. one ps cylinder, and .. vdnck numoo j'lates.. Lau.nu. who appH1cd 10
rendeR'" of Potblwm to remam calm. did not say whether there WlU any ClIsuaity from tither skit. But • IOUlU II PotUbun Gm aaI Hosrt'a1 confumed that the: corpKo( • JTF otrKn and aoothu
lf1JUR'd oWlttl' wnt btoughiiO tht hosrl~ in
the rnorttInJ.
IIcmrll; In IKU re hili by ururls to the dud-atCU lI\'e 0( rILllOUanJ ("".a.... lfe-MlyfUb. d four 01hrI u il rrwkrtrn tantlmg lnaJ on tht. alkStd \ld lubsidy JC:&m )'I:$lucb.Y fall«l the court oidlOUrnrd thr tulmg on the arrlicatlon 10 next Monc.by Vb.. aJonpdt. NAb Usoro,. ( iudfrcy OkDrir. 0l.ibu2.01 Osbuolwi. and Josrpb O'll &n bring pl1*CUtcd by the Spt.daJ f fllud Unit of Nigeria l'oIler Porce (Of -.lk?dIY drfnudlng tM k'drraI Goftmmentlo the IU lXof"Nll.'4 biIlton. lusda AbanS of the Federal I-UghCowtsill.llnalnLapAJd -I will ddiftf a compMitC' ruling on tht two appUalions before thisoourt. ULhtob;ectiOn ofthr respondenu b (M'f ruled, the INttu will be struck. oul, but If it IUbsuta, then I wtU ~
findings on the- -Whcations
Various JUdIc:W authontirs bal"E btto died by both countdJand I think I need tune to dwtU on them. The malin I, tht.rd"orc adjourned 10 Monday OcL 21 subJKt 10 judJdal timec:ow-& to m. and ochen.. )oleph Nwobtkr aid the a,-.plianU thou&d be 8fV1ted b.i.l beawr: the .nert offencr (Of" whkh they wnr beinS remanded IS not a capital <lffenct.. But the. ptOIKUtJon couJUe:1. GodWin Obla oppowd the b.i1
• New m.mberof t he P~tellu Stlltl! House of AsHmbfy. widow of fonnef" Mlljority Luder Mrs. ~Mng FulMtl. Ullklng twr Nth of IIQegklnce during h et' swell ring-In clI!f"I!mOny In Jos yesterct.y.
Flood destroys 400,000 farmlands in Kogi From Usmlln A. 8el~. Lok. ()yn 400,000 farmland,
hat b«n
dc:stroyN .aoss the ninc IoaJ goftmnlmt ueu In Kosi ..atr by the nan t flood diwtft, thor sUle~thatAicl
The Stair Deputy GoYrTnof. who Is tbr: 0Wnnan. Rood dbastft m.anagemrotcommluror.
Arc Yomi Awontyi. dbdoRd this in LokcJ;a JUlttday wbik 'pnk!ns with joumalbt. I-Ie Aid out o( the number 200,000 were ria farms.. assurtns ria farmen thai ~mml wu making rfToru to them W1th n«rsAtJ' inpuu to ensure that they SO bad 10 busillCSl as lOOn at It IsAfr (Of' thrm lodolOj
Awoniyi said pnnrnml was contdOU$ of the nced for rice farmers tonnbarkon re-rl1nlins immedlaldy 10 r n able lhem ulilise the avaiLabk walr r, liner the flood was rccrding fall Accordins to tum. they arc maki ... penonal dJOf'U and.bo coilaboniinS With the FrdrnI Govttnmrnl IS ~II at other
Reps barred from entering Niger Republic From bmlll! Muca.,s hlr. 8imin K.bbI Nigrrim poU«me:n known AI gendarmerie on T uetd<ay bilrrN mcmbn'Jof theNigerian Houte of RqnescntatJvn Committrt: on Works who ~rr on 0Yft tight function from tntftU1g Niga Rrpubbc for lIJina annrd KCUrity mtn. GcndMmrrit' Is ruponsible fOr the enforcement oI'bw and 0f'Ikr
ouI5ide urban arras in NiFThe commitlrt: watt to Inspect the construction of Kamba m.d bctwun Kamba In Krbbl 10 Peb In NiF which was approved In 2005 by the adminbtntJon o(fonnr:r Pml dmt OIusepn Obuan;o. One of the Nigcrim palla-men prevmled thr bwmHtts. UonssKie ~mcn. offICials of t.hr Stalt Srcw-ity Scrticr and policrm r:n. from parking thei r
whKla at the Thnp GI.do bridBC- AymS thq had 10 KCk. perrniuton -and t.hr JeCUr it1 men arc not supposed 10 enter our country Wlth amm unltioru!' Thr leader o f the comm"Itt. Enainttl' Muhammad All WUlhl, aiel -We are herr for the zood ofboth count rirs.. Wr parked our vdUcJrs here when 0111 K'CWity m.m drew CKa" anentton 10 it. We arc not brt'E fOf boundary iuurI.-
relevant bodtn to suppty the ncr fumen With peddy ncr ~d agro-choniail to tNt they can maU lhe bat of the ~ai n ins period of the fIIlnins wason. Awoniyt fu rther saki that fISh (armtn would be assISted
W1th canon and fuhinS nett: 10 facilitale thdl return 10
&pplk:at.ion, -rfns; "Although the llPplK:anu wuc arrrstcd OIl October 9, the: bundJe 0(nblbib: was oo1y takat out on Oclobu ll. wbkh is the: constItutional me aDowed ror thr rupondenll o hold the applkanu" ThrdcfmdanlJwhoappurN ore lI-'lagu.I.ra!e lI-iartmj I of a Tmubu MaSbtral I.D Ugo5. ~ ordend m:DIDdrd in SFU ula'ody
R~s at. Unguwar IIJl a~
hrrt the. huleot.tl ... raid
Id muIbpk bla", and rubob W"eft bnrd (Of" Itt bcms m I~ arca
Anotbcr rtsident a1d IKlltknt oa;\Uftd M1 tlun anJ 9:00am
Kana releases Nl .7bn for rams The Kano Statr GoYC'rnmenl bas released N I 1 billion (or the pilymrnl of ram bonw to ilJ civil KfYlI n lJ to cr:lrbra1r SaliM . Th r New, Agrncy of Nil\e rla (NAN) reporh that the bonw was inlrllduced by the (;owrnor Rabllu Kwankwuo administration 10 USISt CIvil sernnU In the stItt.. A statement by th~ Publk RdlllonJ orncrr orthr Minbtry
of Finance. AlhaJI Garba Inua..,.1d thai the monqhad been rdeaxd 10 miniJtilts. depattmenu and agmdrs for onward disburtemrnL Accordingl(t the atalemrnl. N520 mil/kH1 be diJburK<l 10 thr 'lIle civl.1 Krnnls. while loc:aJprmmenls and thr Stile Primary EdUQIUon Bo.rd Will disbulJ4!; N410 milhon and N841 mUlion reJp«livdy 10 their sl:aff