Thu,sday. April 19. 2012
W/Bank: Poor people are getting poorer TIlE Work! Banksaid )'C5lcnbiy that poor ptOpk In dndopiDg countries are gcning poorer. A new lim from the bank shows thatat nl60 prra:nlof people in dcvdopins countries ~d nearly 80 percent in the v.OO.d's poorest coonlries bdt effective safety net covengc as countries struggle to protect their fnOS( vulntnble dlittns f'mm the ~ impacts 01 gki»I fmancia1 voblility and lOad and fud pria hikes. The rdease said tlw66 million chikIren around the world SO to.scho<H hungry and struggle to mnanlratc and Iearn.. ddkit Uw an be.ddm5cd with.scbool £eafingprngrammes
More than 2.8 million nr:wboms die in the fVSl wedt of lhdr!tva. ."'iany of these deaths an be ~Ied by providinB ~ pre- and post-oatal ~ lOr mothns and their chikItm. Food insccwity leads to greater f.uniJy con!Ikt and divorce rales." the bank said. PnskIcnt of !he Bank. ~ B.. Zodllck said. -Afety JW:tJ an InnSfunn people's liws and provide a foundation '" _ """'" without ""'""" bud..... -F.fkctivesafdynct~avm::omes~a.nd promoles economk: opportunity and gender equality by bdp\ng people find jobs,copewtth economksbocb.and ~ thc ~ edoomon. and wdl.being dthdr dtildrm..-
DIRECTOR (ill'neral Hillrvl!stplu$ Unill"d Statel of Amen(;l, Dr How.ilrth BQUIS, Inlpf.H:tmg .. CII5I1I1I11 procpurng (en Ire. dUrlng .1 vISIt to Lagilye communrty In Oyo Stilll! benefldory 01 llitam in A [allall" 11.1111111"11" Nigen. Yf!Uerday.
FG declares 12-month emergency on gas supply ~1inmy U Pd:roImm~wsaid
area d Ihe g~
First quarter: UBA posts N16bn profit .....
UNITED &nk fur Aim (UBA) Pk.. hasposted II ~II ofN 16 billion in the fust quarterof20l2. surpassing the N 15.1billion pro6t IORcast announced c:arlicr on in the year.
Deta1lsofthcbankJ:unauditcd fuse quar1er re5UlLs
to the Nigerian SIod:; Exchange (NSE) )'CItcrday show that gro:5I5 nmings incrused by 33 per ant 10 N53.9 billion
fmm N40.5 billion mxnIed In the fuR quartcs"oi20 II. Profll bd;n taJ: grew byOYn 200 per ant to NI6.1 biI· lion com~ to N4..8 billion In the corresponding period of
... ,.....
.said thai gas supPy
10 _ _ """"""'"
dmw.I ., !he eltelI thIt siBnificarv: wIumc:s d :w.aiJabIE
In " rdatr.d dndopmmt. the bank rdcascd its full )Ur results foe 20 II and recorded amofN 10.5 billion duelOoneoffwrite-offs, indudingthosc arisingfmm the transferono..u
P mnaincd unutillscd on a
to the A.ssd Management CompIlny ofNigma.
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InspiteofthaLbalancr:w.rtgrowthln20ll wu~ with touI assets ioat:asing to N 1.94 trillioo.. SJU""'thof20 per cent from the NI .62 uiIlion KhieYed in 2010. Comrnentingon thefUSlquaJ"l«rc:suhs. thcOtlc:fRnana 0fIiar of the bank.. Mr. Ugo N",oaghodoh sald: I'bt: fu3I: quar. ter TaUh reafIirms U8AS strong earnings capacity.
RWaItd Ihal~dr
_ ""*'" "'" -~ ~
strong and _ shall continue 10 optimise the balance sheet
Thr; rn.ini<;kr said that with the NaUonallntcgraled ~
cvrn 5lronFcami~ This ynr will alsosee.significant contr'ibutiom rmm OUI" solid t:IpB1l5iw: sdid Africa £randUsc.-
~ (IlfIling 00 Jlft2rn, thrn~~of'inoe;&.
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N,,, Hm
--"'" BOOgtt
&<mCrude"'" PlMrtyRatio
Manecary I'ldlcJ ~(t
. Un Sl6bn
IJ.6M 6901 .1,..
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