Monday, March 19, 2012
14 Muslims, Xtklns unite for ~ace in K!xji from UsNn A. lido, lobiI
A group. MU5limKllristan Forum in Kosi State, hu
~wil_1o ...00: klgdhcr"in the ~
.'X...... Iwmooy.
1hiI was mntamtd in a communiqur: issued :Ill the wcdtmd. theOld 01". mecI · tngc:lthe~in Lokop.. the !Ute apitaI. 111t communique said tht body wi! not aJIow any dislnctioo from
Zamfara warns against diversion of fertilizer From Llwan O.njulN AdMnu. Guwa
......... uod<nL""",,S
100 tractors and their implcmrnt.s. In addition 10 4SJXX) mctnc IoneI: d :assorted (miliur b dl5tri· bution 10 &rmas. I k added Ita! go'YCffimml wiD link (amJrrS 10 bank:s 10 nJahIe Urm x:ass cralil fKillties.EarUn-, tht Slates Commlssionrr b Agriculture. AIhaji Malamj AIiyu Yandoto said !he 5bk government. bst ~r. imported N2.4!iClln YoUth cHcrtili7zr and dislnbukd 10 &rmc:n; at lhc nile rL N 1,(XXl po'" bag.
ZAMFARA SWc GoYemor Abdu1az.a Van Abubraka.. tw warned otfmb cl lhc stale ~inst divming rmnizn and utile!" agricultu~ inpub mnnl lOr f3JT1'leQ in the state. strasing that hi5 administration wiD not hC5itatc 10 deal with allyont found wanting in lim area no nutter how highly
Corps members tasked on security on li"kbr. A1f~ said the wvning btame I1t'Q5W)'
fnn MuliUc MubA,. bbiIY
The IOrum dd workshops and ..... tirw$ will IUnn put o(lu programmci lotduatr and mhancr inter·
11-1£ Oir«!or CocrwnI. NalionaI Youth Senio:o c..p. (Nysc).1lripIitt G<n<nI N........ """" Aff'Ja has caJkd on corps members to be!«lrly comdous at lil11CL Addressing the 20 12 Baldi '1\ mrp5 mcmbm al Kaisma NYSC oricntauon CIII'l1'
uwing 10 the insecurity sit\QlkJn in the QIt1fltI'y. -Be xcurlIyconsdous ~ )'00 arc posted IOD)UJrpr1lN1TassignmmlConsidcr-yourown
-If aand respect 10 the rdigion and ruhure c:A your host community. I :un ~ )'00 .....uJ ik-e in
pcaa:wilhthcm.l aMWF)'OO lObc::comnUucd 10 your duUc::s.;' he.dviKd AMtlnng tI~ corps membrn 0( all ncassary support. hcsaid. ·Wcarcdoingour best 10 irnpruYr: your ~ngand hmce. weare apcding you 10 rcdprocate the sestwc by ahiblling a high btl of cornmirmcnt-
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