Tambuwal visits Buhari over ailment flWllta.~ T.At.W,.1Hunl
10WI.I15 hIS mum (rom I medk.aI lIip~
THE Speaker of the liouse of R~
Amlnu Tam-
o.J~... l""""r ....i'" Gm<nI
Muhamm.!u nuhari • residcnCi""-
In KiduNi to wUh him wdl
TambuwaL whospokt 10 newsmen during the visit, Aid he visited the howcc 10 wbh Sulari quk:k r«O\"ery afla rKC'lving 1mInI<nI >brood.
DraiIy TT1I5' pthaaI that
Bulwi trudltd ~ weeb ago and had just relurMd 10 the country. · 1came 10 K1duna to sec c;merJDuhari who Just rdumtd back Inlo the country from his mtdi-
caltnp abro.d and 10 wish him.
spudy rtCO\wy,- Tambuwal said. Responding. Bulwi thanktd the sptaktr for 1M visit reprdLrss of their political dnrerence .nd. urp him 10 ittp on With tilt spirit of tOBdhcrnm.
Monday, Ma«h 19,2012
Quick Read NBA urges Reps to probe N44m bribery allegation TI-I E
Sar Assoc:101tton,
Iup bn.nch. tw c.lI~ on ltad mlup of tht Howe of Rq'~ .scntalivcs to.sct up In mVUllga· lion pand 10 unravd Iht bnbery alItgiitiOlu madt by the D na:· tor Gtntral or Ih~ Securities and "Exchange Conynlsslol1 (SEC). Ms Arunml Oteh against th~ chairman oftM Uousc',commlll«OIl capital market, Herman Hembe. The NBA made known iIs poalion in I aattmmt by the lnndt
dwnnon. Ibn.avaibb6t """"""'" 0m0Ic. and made 10 newsmen In lagos ~ the wctktn:l 0td1 had on Thursday ICC\III:d thtoommltlrect.innanoldtmand· ingabouc N44 million from thecommlsiion.lrommhtcdpublichtar·
..,.In Abujo. Farmers vow to
fight hunger, poverty in North SMALL salt farm~ra In the Northern regio n b..ve pledged to fight povert y and hunger in the ~ by ensuring food ItCUnty TIlt rllrmera under the Auocu. lion ofSm11i Salt Agro Produc· en 111 Nlgerl.. (ASSAPIN), said the piC'dBt: was in 11M With the Millennium Dndormcnt Goals..
~"B l1li.
the bunt:h fA Ass.
APlN, North· Wat duper UI fbkmI LoaI GoYtmmtnI Ala. fA I<atstM Stitt )u&mby. the r-:.ionaI Pmt
dmoftheassoaatlOl\,t-bjI)'lAmma Jibnn, saki the inibaltY't wuaimcd II boosting agricuhuntlllClMht'S In the
ofth~ Hou s~
",..1ft of ~ Swt ~ I bjiya FatunaShcrna. ~ttd by the sla1ti Commr..onc ':It Women AlFairs. Dr Asma'u AhduIbhi. mlcr· ~ glI"Cf1IlIIeflts comnulmeol 10
Represent_lives, Amlnu Wa.zi,1 Tambuwal. \'WIth former Head of Stilt
Speaker paid him II (ourtesy villi following h,s retum from medlul 'np, In Kadun., .,.esterda
~ The Nm:mI rre.dcnt. AgncuJ
Bamanga: PDP chair not for neophytes
Yoruba community turba ns Yuguda, w ife From AtImfd MoMmmf'd,IM:hI
NATION-U. clulim wmup aspirant (I{ the ~ [)cmo. cntic Party. Bamanp TUkur Aid he would cnd the (uhunofimpo!lll@andidatHonthe ~rty; AY'"g the party'slnlert:SI
would btIbovnnylnttfUl
manship fA the PDP 15 fOf tIdm and not ncophyttt: -AJ OM of thoSC' who mull the puty, OM is not ComfOfI-
smns tht (ortuntS of the IN'1J lhat was widtly lCC~td
Ilynrs.droprlns. Wtnttd 10 bnngtht rorlune ofthc Jnrly up and ttw is job I wanllo
He .~td this yntuday In Minn • 'IIiBfT Stile. whik Mldreum~ party ddrpla from the '11'ul dtc pu1y'III«' muioL
licu- luoneohhdoul1d mK fatJK'T'S oJ IIw party. hlJ IspinlJO<lll> lead wput' ",'U bued on hI:. ~an 10 'nlmilVrn h m line WIth Inc "5100 altnc
run~hesaKi. In hll ~1Jot,
'IIIhcn Tukur also dismlsscQ the cblllI thai h· ,ru too old 10 ylot forl~rI"mjob.SlY;ng. "chim
" We Irt go'"glo Jd,uiltl the PIrty so thallht rou"llfKfl .nd womtn btNnd us can undtr stand how tht party is MinI
lhe ~ate chalrrtUfl of tnc PDP. Abdul
m.m Enap, condemned the
rdtpIlOII of lilt panyl iUrm'! acy Ue .ppealed to whoever tmazcd U Iht chlirman of the jnrly 10 tNurt thai the IU I"trn acy ohht parly waf r8lortd
TlI EQb"ofYorubi! in 8auchiSl'lt, Alhaji Ahnudu Add:NsI taWIl, has tu rbaned Govttnor Isa '\lguda of lbuchi Stm-u thtOtunba Jl:taroc of Bauchi and his Wife. IlaJlya lIau . . Abiodun Yugtlda. 15 Ye)-e Otunba Ala)'eSC of Kauchl am kist tight sccunty The c~mony look place )'tS. terd .. yat lhe Govttnmtnt Ilou~. lawai sui the YOfUt» cornmu nity in the SUtt turbaned the two btaUK ol their contributions 10 tht bcttcnnent of IiviOf! stlnd Ird ofYOOIba p«Ipk In the stile. !-It Ihocommtndtd ruaud .. for Ippomtulg 12 YoruM IS hiJ pel" JOflal atdcslnd tJlt Inllimng of fWtT 20 femak apprentlCcs of YorubOrIgin mskills.c:qulSldon ,tt also ronlllltndfti "t/gud.. (Of lilot provision of tht divkkmb of
dtmocracy thrtlUll,h tht exccut ion of p«Ipk-«knltJ J'f01C'CU~'ttJM)f' YuglJ(b Akf B.atKhl SL1lt" rtg;lldtd aU rcsidmu as Indi· genes of \he stille .nd COfIvuled temporary appoinunmlJ of non IndigmtS 10 permanenl and pm. AOflabk. sarins lilot ~ was to sustain the unity Ind Sl:llbtlily of Nigerta. l-I~ called for ptil«ful cocxU;t· mee a mong the citiunry, Jlotnting OUI thal:ll n:lltkJn cannot f'"l'5JIt'f In chaos and ~ 10 provKk Mk· quate 5CCUfity to lives and rroPCrty. TIlt ocQSion was muktd wi th pomp and pagurll rr amidst tight secunly with hR,;1y Irmed pobu
men gurdlOf! 1M rrmuJtS TIlt ccrnnony "'1 ancndtd by the YOfuba commUnity and~ JCrIlIllyt'S of the Ba.uchi, 1.1tI.lI'1lr~, Katilgum , MISiIU. Ningi and 1>.55 emirates.
twaland Allitd ~ Unionoi "'""" (AAEUN) _ Abdul1ahi 8unpdu dc:xribcd tile Ass.
MIN imli<ltn~ U
landmark tkwd·
opmmlln agncuItu~
Thieves storm PDP congress in Kaduna From ~m AhnYCh·s.b. KMuN
THE Peopl~s lkmocnlic Party (PDP) congress In Kadunl Stalt' Saturday recorded ¥artons caKf of ptIrering dCSPII~ the tlghl S«U· rity at venue. TM congress which took plact Il the Urn"u Musa Y"ldu indoor sports «nln al Ih~ Murt.la MuhamJtlild Squre, was btu!ly guarlkd by ItCUrlty men but tlul l dldn' dat' susp«ttd thit'Va from thdr ndanoulactlV
ltics. Oneof the thina WUClUght by SC'CUrity men With stoltn goods from a store In the; vicInity