I- 46
Thursday, May 19,2011
HOTLINE: 08036417326
ducing green house gas emissions in Nigeria By Tina A. Hassan GREEN house gases often referred to as the GHG are part of the g~es that make up the atmos ere but what really stands th m out as green house gases is that when they abound in large quantities in the environlJlent, they are said to be responsible for changing the normalcy in the environment.
According to the Energy Information Administration site of Environment Impact
Assessment, gases like carbon dioxide, water vapour, nitrous oxide and aerosols usually absorb sunlight into the earth's surface and help to keep the temperature constant by retaining heat (infrared radiation) _ [n the last few years, the level of these gases is steadily rising and this means that more heat is being absorbed into the earth and the earth is gradually overheating (global
get to their places of work, schools and markets_ "Nigeria flares enough gas to power the whole of West Africa;
warming), due -to steady rise in power generating sets to power an environment expert with temperatures, causing the green boreholes and light our ho!"es the Human and Environmental house effect and the reason for or for other purposes, the development (HEDA) who the increase in the level of gases government .can introduce and says carbon dioxide is the most (25percent increase), is largely subsidize solar panels for solar notorious green house gas because of 路 human activities energy generation, that way, Nigeria is battling with because especially industrialization, there would be no need too use it is more in abundance in the exploration in fossil fuels, forest fossil fuels and compound the atmosphere due to the high clearing and tree felling amO!!S-----diID~1.e dJ",-nge crisis at that is incidence of gas flaring, high others. at the brink of erupting if not . number of cars on the road and power generating sets hecause The phenomenon is the contained. climate "The way to go for Nigeria in they all use fo ssil fuel which widely acclaimed change and the challenge before reducing the green house gases emits carbon dioxide into the the world is how to prevent the emissions is to adopt renewable atmosphere. This is closely followed by planet earth, which is the habitat energy sources and not using methane from the huge wastes of man from overheating because fossil fuels. climate change has the potential Instead of using fuel in our found in landfields and nitrogen of wiping out life from earth_ cars, we can mix it with some from our agricultural activities. According to him , if Nigeria is Director General of the percentage of ethanol to prevent Green Energy Society of Nigeria carbon emissions that promotes really wiUing to cut reduce green house gas emiss ions , it must cut (GESON), Tokunbo ,akande climate change", she advised_ explained that the best way for Although these gases are down its carbon emission by Nigeria to reduce green house largely contributed by the promoting mass transportation gas emissions is through the use industrialized nations of the means to reduce thelDumbe r of of alternative sources of energy world, its impact is being felt in cars on our roads, encourage such as solar, wind and hydro the whole globe, Nigeria is not water transport, plan our cities in such a manner that people would spared of the impact energy among others_ She said instead of using Mr_ Sulaimon Arigbabu is not have to travel far distances to
our government can convert this
into better use in fighting climate change_ Methane from land fields and nitrogen from agriculture need to be properly managed by clearing dumpsites and practicing sustainable agriculture_ We need proper city planning in Nigeria such that it allows us to travel less to places thereby redUcing the number of cars on our roads;' he said. Another expert, the Country Director of the Heinrich Boll Foundation, Kristine K said gas flaring especially in the coastal region is a major challenge for Nigeria if it must reduce green house gas emissions.
"Bush burning and gas flaring are a major challenge of climate change in Nigeria and if it can be overcome, it would hel p;' she said_
UNICEF, Unilever harp on hand washing to prevent infections 路By Romoke W. Ahmad
if carried out effectively will contribute to reduction of mortality and morbidity due to sanitation and hygiene related diseases. Speaking in Abuja on Tuesday, on hand washing
to 44% of diarrhea incidence in children can be achieved and further reduction of respiratory infections by a quarter through hand washing with soap or ash and water after using toilet and before handling food, saying it is the single most cost effective health intervention. He reilerated the commitment of UNICEF in ensuring th e survival of the
mass awareness campaign,
campaign because it is vital
Chief of Water Sanitation and Hygiene Section (WASH) of UNICEF Nigeria, Mr_ Vinod said hand washing is a hygiene measure that greatly reduces infections from germs carried on the hand. He said "it is estimated that diarrhea is responsible for the death of nearly 200, 000 children under five years old every year while respiratory infections ki ll another 240, 000 young children every year in Nigeria which studies have shown that they can be reduced through hand washing with
to the survival, growth and development of children, The symposium on hand washing is tagged 'Making Big Differences through small actions' is aimed at
UNITED Nations Children Fund has described the hand washing with soap as a life saving intervention which
beat, endan!jere.d by c1imat: change as global
melts more_ice.
and encouraging hygiene through hand washing to reduce the rate of morbidity and mortality among children_ Managing Director of Unilever Nigeria Pic, Me. Thabo Mabe said all concerned stakeholders will need to influence and share control over health initiatives, decisions aDd
soap at critical moment."
He further stated that
reducing poor sanitation
resotirces that affect them.