Frklay. October 19,2012
Osun College of Education shut over students' protest llwOsunStaI~CoUqeorEduca·
lion. lla-Orangun. wu Ihut yu-
tcnby, following I VIOlent protest bystudmlJolthelnnl!utlon. The colkgc luthontics onkred the ~ o(thc~ 10 stern I~ wa~
of protests which bcpn in the nrty houn ofTuetday 1M studmts were Aid to be protcslI"B Dm" what !My called
tlweavoidabkckathollwoolthdr ~~ in I motOfC}'de cnsh on Monday night.. 11w dad studc:ntJ WttC saki to be riding on • motmt:yde when the motorcydt
ran into a hn.p 01 man! lOr road cONtrucdon by the local goyttnment council 1'tu= students argued that lhe accident occumd u • result of negligm« on the J*1 of the pcmmcntandiUapts. One ~ the studtnu. Mt Taiwo AddcH, said JKI"""C'" autatr in tht town in the put three wcdu was TUpOnSib&e lOr the actidmt. !be mUTe town hou been in cbrttncss for O\"ef three wuu and thccouncU offldab then wml ahead to put gram on !he road ~thm:isnostrtdliaht. The
Fakn.I RcMd Safety Commission llat is IUJ'POKd 10 chec:knultc thm:'l II busy coII«tln8 I1lOOq (rom motorists.t the apcmc of ~i lMs,- he uk!. Another studerll.. who pk.ded anonrmity. abo bIamcd the council for the incidml, callins roc immediate intuvmtion by the
bot.hcm:l about the darknt:u In tht town. the FRSC Is not doing its work and thh has turned tilt toed 101 cblh tr.p.Thlstakpcmmmt must do somdhlng as a maller of urgmcy to addrea these
AU dToru to spnk WIth tht Eucuti\'C Srcmary oithc coondl. Mr Segun AWOfundc, proved aborti~ .. tM council was domed while he could flOC ~ rnched on his Inobtle phOIK. (NAN)
lbecouncillsnot R1Uilmal aU and the u«ullYe S«l'ttafJ of the council docs not 1CC11l10 know his ontons:; how can you er\dan. ger pt"Opki 1iV\'S in the name of constructkKI.r The council is not
issues topt'n'ml re:-oc:.currenuoi such ugly NenU in the future,'" Iv
Quick Read Muslim students condole with Sultan over Adegbite's death From flakl,.a .... Muham~. Sokoto The Nalional btcutiftCouncd o(the Muslim SludentsSocicty o( NigeriL (MSSN) has colnmiscnlN with the Sullan of Sokoto and Prcsidttlt Genc::n1. NiFU Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NCSIA) ovn the death of the NCSIA SC'(:tC tary Gmcnl. Dr.Abdullatcd' SpnkIn! dunn! Ackgbllf' the coodolencf' visit. MSSN National President. SiraJudden Adul-AUtt, who Jed the dele ~lion.Akl Dr.Adf'8bite'sdcath was nOI only a loss 10 NSCIA, but to Mu~hm 51udents as ""'ell He aid the laIc Adcgblle Wls a bridge bc1'ft'Cn Muslims from the Western part of Nigeria Ind thaec (rom the Northern part_ In hu remarks. the SuI Ian of 50«0(0. Alhaji Muham mad S.'ad 111 . co mmended the group fo r the visll. Slying Adcg bite was a well rt'Sptcled man
Agric summit to
hold in Kaduna From Maryarn ... hmaduKaduna
Yakubu Gowan's 18th
4 NYSC members die in Cross River From Eyo ChariH. Calabar
The Crou Rlvn Stlte Coor"din.tor o( the National Youm Servia Corps (NYSC) NUtUe Ib.n!ha. yatCTday Aid that four corps membn'l of the: 2011 Batch C lost thar llva
dunng the In'Vk:t: year He made Ih .. known dunng the: passin! out umnony oi the corps rmmbcn in Cabbu. He Aid out of the 1,997 monbt:n that puscd out. 20 won the state 8ov~nKM"" lwud, while 24 othns won the NYSC
chairman; He saKI the SoC:rvice ,nr al two COfl" mcm~~ would ~ atmdcd u they faikd 10 11ft up to ap«tatton Hec:hargcd thccorps mm1bcn to appty the experience they
NUJ condemns demolition in FCT From A1iyu M. Harnagam. Minna The N~ Union of Journaltit (NUJ) has condemned tht: danobtion of houits and other SlJuCtura by tht FcdcnJ Capital
Dndopmmt Authorily (FCDA) in the Fcderal Capital T milory {FCll. Ahuja. The NUl made the condernnalk:m In a communlqulre.t by the pre:sklttlt of the unk»n after the Nl tional Em:uIl~ Counol (NEC)m«tIo! of the union in Mmna.. The WOUP ~~ that the mnovaJ of
illcpI suuctura 5houkI. ~ done
with considnation 10 thc f18ht of dtlttns to adcqua.k shdlcr "WIuIc mn«<lmo 10 the &ct it is the Iblutory mpons;ibUity of FCDA 10 control property tkvdopmt'Itt in the Faknl c.p.taI Th-ritory. the union (ruwnJI aI the wanlondcstructionofhowcsand othn structures. all In the name dcvdopmt:nt conlroL It iJ thecon· tttltion o(NEC that cwryaction alFCDA u il afl'ccu the ~ of ilqll structure Jhou)d ~ daM WIth due a:KltiKkntion 10 the righl of the oliuru 10 adt:-
quale shdter; the NU, satd.. The uno, aIkd on tht Fcden.I Governmenl to dcdarc a state of ~on all the communiUtS that ~ nvascd by Hood ICroU the country. wtuk commendins it for the Reps takm., far. On the pre:IICIlt security challenge. NU, calIcd for a noappn.iAJ ofthcsituallon WIth. VlcwtOCUIlailing same before such gdJ oul cl control 1be union abo caIkd on the SO""C"'mcnllo ensun: thal aU thoIItfound wanting In thefud subsidy scam ihouId ~ made 10 accouna lOr thor actions.
acquIred dunng thaI SHVIce ynr In all Ihar mdnvours. Also speaking. the sll1e's Commissioner (or Youths and SportJ Dc~dopmc::nt. Mr Patrick Uz~, urgfll the corpI mcmbcn 10 ~ crnllft whcrcw:r they frnd themselves.
The FcdtnI MmlJlryof AgnruI ture in coIlaboratJon "",th Yomcd Nisma LUnltcd, Is I0CKpmu I lwo-day tift\tit117..atlOn worbhop 10 adJress tM destruction of agricuJtur.U products by pests. This was contaiMd In I stillemmt slgMd and ls5ucd by the: Manap.HK Oinctor cl Yamed Nigma Lunitcd. re:ured C0lonel Idris Yomcd In Kaduna. The ~ he said is ap«tcd 10 IIltrlCl apcrts on agricuhun. indudms (arrnen from ICI05I the: country. He sakilhc summit wtlJcu.mincthedT«tofpauon agricullurcand workout modaJi t~ to txkk the Issue. ·F~ from the ~t al ~ stock and Pest Conlrol and lhe F<d<nJ Monut", 0( Agnroltu<T ~ apectcd to ddl~ JMPCB on the 10pK ""iuch wdI go alon& wrt in eduatll1! farmt:non the: unpbCIIkJn of pests on OW' fumcnaod the need 10 control it.· he Aid.
... as corps member wins state award, chieftaincy title in Oyo From Yernl Bamldele. Ibadan A mcmbcrorthe NatIOnal Youth Scrvice Corps In Oro Stale, Miu E1ir.a~th Odunayo Am05u, wa, the cynOlure of all eyes In Jbadan yt'Sterday althe passingout c~remony orsaoiled for the Batch C cOrpl membas. u she bagged the NYSC stale lward II wu gathered Chal out of the J,S60 cor-ps. MISS Amosu,
a natlft of lworo, I»ciagry, dislinJUlihcd hendf aman! her peen throu!h her commumty dcvdopmcnl aCllVltk$, particular.,. he, dforlti lowards improving Ihe lives of widows Ind ~her less privileged people in Ihe tiOCN'ly. The stale coordmalor of NYsc. Pastor Alao Olanlpckun. said Min Amosu «rher rccel\-ed the Indiuonalutle of the Atunlwc oflscymland_