23 international
lB DAllYTRUsr Frkiay. October 19. 2012
S/Sudan expects first oil exports in 90 days after restart DaJ Pw-okum. which is run by ChinftC' .tal~ fmru Sloop«.
O\ina National PctroIaam Corp and MaIa)"la's Prtronas., said wi month It u.pecu an Initial output of 180,000 bpd Wlthm thCtt months. Dar, forn~rly known u Ptt.rodM, tuM oil bIoclu 1 and 7 ID Upper Nile ,flaIr which UKd to pump bnwt'Cn 230,000 bpd and 250,000 bpd unlil the shutdown. Ju 'IRa firm also opt'r.!cs an aport pipe-Une through Sudan
A woriter.t the power pill n! of lin oil p rocessi ng facility.t iIIn oIlneld In Unity SUite
South Sudan CIp'CU Its oil a:pons lot;OOJe back to the rnWtd in thrcoe montlu after the government ordered oil companies to rcs~ production yate:nby, its oil minister Jw Aid.. last month, it reached II dn.I
with Sudan to raulTIC' uporu: northern ptpdina
forthwith 10 r«ommen« and fe-establish the production
aftn- shutting down its output of 350,000 burds a cUy in January in a row over (ttl!.
of crude oU and all petroleum opmtLlons within the producinS bktdu 1.2,...3.7 and 5&,- Stephen Dhieu Dau tcMd fq'Orters.
-rhc fordgn oil companies _ are hereby ordered and irulructed
Pricing increases cocoa smuggling in Ghana A yawninS PIP between Ivory Coast and its neighbour Gh1na 'J cocoa pnce could toe( the tcme !'or record volumes of amuggllng. which distorta producUon cUb and bIetds
vitaJ revenue (rom the workfl top vowtt last week Ghan.. the second brpt producer behind Ivory Coast. Jd its cocoa price at around 25 percent or 180 CFA higher than the Ivory Coast price of ns CPA. GhanaS fmana: minister acknowkdgcd that 1M price difference _Iikdy to lad to smuaJins. • topic ~t both ~Ls had previowly been reluctant to bro.ch In
pubtl<. Well Africa accounts for nearly thrttquarten of world coco;, output. With the main pn::a now td, a swtained rally in ~ firtwa prica . which ~
bomirls near a thrft-month kJw • woWd abo boost Oows ofbeans into other countria beyond Ghana, Indudin& Tozo, Ubcria and
" " " l<on<. '"This Jar. J think almost aD C(lC(lt, r;rown in eastern IYory Cout will go to GJwu, b«aux of the coslJU transpocting it to Jvorian purts: said PbilW Ab.a middlcmm (pbteur)wbo buyI coco;, from farm tu f.ann. bMtd around 8 Ian inside Ivufy Couts bonier to Ghana. -11'1 fPUlI to be difflcuJt for us to ddMr cocoa 10 Abidjan and Ghana buytts are alrady bepmms to come here: The 2OIVI3 October-September cocoa seuon mMb the introduction of l-r Couts 6ud farmtt price. which ends rIIOft !.han a decade of IibttalbatJon of the K'Ctof. auncd at increwng incoma for f.umc:n: and mcour-agma reinvcstmmt in the COUIltf)"J aFins pIantaUons. (Reuten)
1M bilWSt fomgn operator.
The two aport PIpelines through Sudan ~ filled with ~lcr 10 avoid 8cllmS and sorne fJelds in wnlem Unity stale ~U' cbmaged dUrinB Wttb or fighting in Apn) ~n the riYalJ,. A proceMing plant few the Unity fidds localN. on me Sudan side of the disputed border abo got hit Lasl month, an offICial said South Sudan will only pump oil 1.1 about 70 pcncnt or ils (ormer c:apadty as il would tHe up 10 m months (or oil 10 flow into the pipdinc (rom Upper Nile rule and nine to J 2 monlhs In the ptpelinr (rom Unity nale. (Rntm)
Lonmin miners strike again in South Africa Gold Fadds said tnOIII minc:n returned to work at its strike-
hi! Sooth African operations )~y but. nrw walkout at Lonmin', MariItmor. pbtInwn mine cbmpcncd hopes of an end to the wvnt WJour unrest Ana: apartheid.
Moft ltwl 80.000 minc:n bavcdownedloOlllina:August In often violent Jtrika that are hitting growth and inYator
con6dencc- in AfricU big:;st
"""""'Y"'" ....... _ about PrakIent J-;ob
"""""" _.""""""'..-""" In a surprue JnOYe, ".000 worken at I..onnunS Maribna mine sb)'ftI away from worton
where oa:upy;ng the pit b- nnrIy two poOa ...... " .uWng """'" ....... but ""'" ....."."...
once apin at • plant
"""""spoItawornan ""''''''''''''-
Lonmin Sue Vq Aid. 1br wmpany bter ..ad if: bdiew.d the worbn wen!' protatins apinst the anal 01 ~ rnmen .. part of a ~
"'" """"'" """ ......... Pdn
production at ill 0!JliNn rrune had been h.iI: after " fifth oJ
workers wa1l on strikL Focba and Manhattan Coal do reported disruptions at two oJ its mines.
Gold Fdds. the worid"J fourth ........ bullion pnxIu<a. said aIloithe 9.oooworkenat its work after bdnA gnnecd JMY Beatrb: mine and 80 pcromt ol ~oIuplo22~ the I<UOO ib KDC West Ihafu;
Onty a month ago lhr: Miriana strlkcn returned to ~alb-weekstrike.
Kumba Iron <m Is apedl'd to raume: opentionI at its gW1l SiIbm mine aotWI after dtannts - . , strikers who bad been
haddoc:hd in,~mcJIt of the 11.000 wiJdc::at KIX:: West Itrilt.cs bad Medcd an ult.imatwn to tum up 0.- lila theACk...(Reulen)
Congo's Gecamines to complete partnership aUditby year-end Gec:amines. the st.le-owned DemocratiC Republic of ConBu mmm! company baltling to raise cuh and re.tore Its ItalW ... a major produ<er. will complete a r~iewoflts joint ventures by yea r end. itt chid necullve told reporten. The review, part of iI flve · ynr reslructurins .t Gec:anuncs, has falKd fea ... arnons some invnton that the company could be leuinS iud! on " collulon tourle WIth partners such II FrttpOft McMoiWI and Glencore-owned Ka(anga Minin," Many invators are sllII rattled by an overhauJ of contnru in ConBO In 2008 through 2010. which ended with one mine.r leaVIng tbe country and, In other instances, increaKd ,lateownership or additional payments. Gttamines, at its peak the backbone of the copperfuelled Conso «onomy, has dismi..sKd concern' over the latesl 'C"ntw and Chid F..J:KUtive Ahmed Ka1ej Nkand Aid on Thursday the aim wu to -improve- aiatinS V!:ntufeS, partkuJarly for mlnn alnady producing -It il.boutcheckinglhere b • malch becWft'n in~lmcnl spend and infrulructurt', thai marUUns is oonS done .ccordins to norms. that minln, opcnttons cost what they abouJd. and.tO furlh; he told reporters in London. He Did the prosr-unme had MgUD last month and shouJd produce rlDdings by the end of the year Gecamlnc:s, anted by authorit...1.an leader Mobutu Sue SUoafter independence in 1960. ad up a siring of partnerships with mlninl! com.,-nles In the 1990s. when it h.d limited access to outside capital Nkand said Gecamines aimed to Improve the performance of ventura alrt'ady producinS, while those near production or In devdoplTlC'nt were beinl! preued on when they would start up (Reuters)