construct 144 toilets in Sokoto primary schools TI-Il:. Unllcd 51alei Ag~ncy for lnteroiil,onal Dcvclopmem (USA 11) In coll.ibonllon wllh
a Kano ~ farmers group. Women FnmC'u Adnoccmenl Network. (WOEo\N) have cooslruc tcd about 144 tOilets and 48 borcllCNcs III primary schools
1m so
acf0S.5 SokolO Slille.
Tuesday, M arch 10. 20 12
Police arraigns three fake corps members in Bau hi 111 E Baudu Scilole PoIke Coounand h.u arF,lJgnai three Wtc manben of the NJollonal Youlh Service Corps (N\!£) m court. 1"MPoiKe P'Ubhc RdotltOru OffICft. A~jll-w' Motwnmed Auyo In iI statement yestenb.y gid., "1')( Ihree
men. Abdulrasllted Abdulkadir, lbuwo Kaucm and bnu.'da Ahyu ",'enllO the NYSC camp lfl WillLo. and prtsmlcd themsd~ as orps members. Be5Olidpohcedd«tlVcs ~lIlIg on IIIforll\;&IIOII swooped on IhclnoanJ illTCSled lhem, illld thai willie sem::htng lhem, an NYSC.. cap, &Xumenls briicved 10 be
for-gcd. NYSC \Uuform \W:R foonJ Of!
them lie added I~I one blue
V~ksw;agen veh~, iI
Llptop. cam
era, memory card and a cud reade, we~ recovered from Ihe suspals In ilI1OIher~'dopment , l hc pol ~e spokesmiln SilK! lhey arrQled t\>oll armed susptcu for a1kgcdJy rob bmgone~1 Amlnu ofproperty
WOfIh N4' 8. ()() 1'~ I) \C, s.al the suspecu. Musalbrahu ll ra.hlfand.Abub.hr AbdU1labl WI rc rOllnd 10 be in pos 5CSSlon of , I I txL. berry plM)f)C thill WilS alll'£ldJ, c..lI«tcd from tI~ vtCtlmootht Jor) oftherobbery llc gKf they 'VI lx- L~rgcd 10 coun
The F..lI«ullvc Dlu'cloe of WOFAN. Ilail. Salam;alu Ga~. who spoke during the hando\'cr n( the (~hltcS In More, KWilrc Local Ciovcrnmttlt Arta ofSokoto Stale, Rid II \'C local govunmcnl arcas bcndilled from the 61'SI pha~ of the proJecl HaJla Sal.amatu Rid the gesture Will almtd allmpnw109 accc» 10 SiII(C dnnklng w;alt'f
and personal hygiene
Commissioner expresses concerns over state of infrastructure From KehiMf ,worm. AbtokutJ OGUN ScalC' CommbslOOcr b
lamey AfT,ur$, MUyl\n Dlad.po h.u cxrrcucd cooct'rns over t1~ state of tnfru:tructurc In schools a..:ro~ the Slate. Tbr ~ommlS SlOI1cr, who WitS on prOj«I 01001 lonng t'X~ICIW: of PfOjKI1 eluccutro byt~ 20 IonI gow:mment arnsof thle stat~, s;ud U~ df()(u made by tilt couna! carcl;U.n ~ommltlca 10 rdu!blhlill~ schools indialts thai the ~Sl admmistratlon dkl lillk Of nothmg 10 provide a conduove aunosphtt~ fOr lcanllllg. Ob(lipo whik bndlng news men allmctoAfon Loa.I Gov~rn · mC:1II Ar~a of lilt llat~J;l.Inentcd thai 10 SOfTtC arus, puptls were 51 III be:mg l;tUghllllSide huts.
'Peace, necessary tool for education'
Minister: Why govt stopped fertilizer procurement From S.shlrv Abdullilhl, Port HilI(OUR
TIl E MUU5ler of A~flcuhure and Rural Devdopmml. Ix Akmwunml Adesina haos gld thai he IS happy wllhe Fcdenl Govern· ment is 00 longer procuring and distributing ffftiliufS 10 famle:1S In the counlry al a subsrdlZed rale. saylllg the 'yttem was not in lhe besl inlerest ofthecounuy 11lc minwu. who spoke durInga louroflCrtl.h.U!" pbnl 011 the Not(K"C Industrtill Complex Onfit',
IltvelS ~ilte, described the former $)'-,Iem ascornl l)l and IlltlTklenl, sa)'!ng fill"l1\CfS CUI acass feruhztt through pnVille ilrrangement. ·As mlnlsle r 01 agncuhure, I am very proud or Ihe decision 10 take governmelll <MJI of the procurem('nt and dlsmbution offer1ihlCf. We bo..-lieve that the pnVilte s«lor would betler man · ilge the process of gelting ferli· Ib.er and the OIhe. inputs to the slIlilllholJer filrmers, who lIIake up a gml populilhon'ofthe farm · mg community 11\ Igtt\;&, Usu-
ally. the fl"l1ulzer thai are bought and distributed by govemm(,lIt 111 a sub idiud rate devdop ~nds and 1~5, They JUst ~lk. ilway (rmll the farmers and go InIO the (·....1115 of the rich ilnd thC' filmous. So. auubskly u going up poverty Isalso on the increa~ in our ru~l areas. 111i1t S)'iltrn of govC'rnm~nl IS very corrupt and very Inem clen t ~ he Silld, TII(' (i(:ner,&I Chief E.sec li 11\'e Officer o( NOiore, OnaJile OlrtMoko, who bt·icfcd the" minIS· teroll Notore'scurrenl prOJt:a In
!inC'wlth II} LOInl11ltmt'lIl lohelp
109 NIgtna ..nJ the Afncall con Iment~.:o
ne ..c:lf·reli;J,nl in food
pmdOOI' Kl .md «OIIOmK wca.lt h,
SIIld the ,-0 lI.,..ny \>o·ill Ill' 1'C'lI>C production to about 2: III Ilion Illelric lOllS. lie furtht'r :o ,j the mimSIc:r th;lt Notore hOi ",lllevro o:.&mqJlate capaclly rc enl ll in raching tl)( hlghcsil v' .lln"':ordlllga d~ p~OIh .cI •..)(I uf 1.489 MT of Urea lro n '''''liar) 1012 .uxl994 MT of 10101 111 February >OIL
From MusWiI AbubiIbf. 1krin
n IE unmcdlill~ p;ast dwmun of the Acildcmic ScoaffUnioo of Un iVttSIIie:s. (ASUU) Umver$IIY of Ilonn chiIpt~r, Dr:. Sa'ad Omot)'il SolIys ptaU is necessuy for the growth and <kvdopmml of cdu· calJOn, and rdualrorW lmlilutlOOS. 0m0IyiI S1al!.'d this whik addressing nt'wsmm during Ihr unkln's congrrss wIleR • new a:«. utlft led by Or, \v..hab F~ of lhe lkparuumt of Juruprudence andlntttnaliollal Law, ~dedcd. In his ac«ptan« sp«'Ch. the new dwrn~ Or. r~ UWlke:d ~ ASUU congreu for lhe confrdma I't'pOSC'd in hun and other membt:r of hIS cxecu~ He noted thai his administr.atkln would do its bc:sl 10 promote the mtcrQl of lhc union.
Zamfara launches special irrigation program from lawiln DanJumii Adamu. GUSilU Till:. Zamfara Siale gov ernment hilS launched a special schemC' 10 boosl dry scilson farming in the Slate. Under the new proglllm, tagged bm (ara Special Irrig,uion Program for 2012 dry SCilM)n filrming. 1,000 dry scuon farmers wul be given assorted sculs, ferlilizer, I«dlings and water pumps, in addielon 10 1,000 1UbC' wells. Flaggmg off the pro
gram al Yankul.O villilge In TAfe Local Govern ment Area of the stale, Govttoor Abdulazlz Yiln Abubakar said Ihe pro· gramme was designed 10 Iilrgel peasant filrmlllg commullltits 10 Ihe stale, WlU, a vkw 10 nuking dry scason filnning nol only more rew ....ding. btll a rr!i able mcansoflivdihood. The governor noted thilt the Slale is blCSSC'd wlIh abundant agncul tural pOIenllals. which \I properly hilrnessed, WIll address probLems of pov
eny. overdepc.ndence on gowrnmml and crave for whlte-colbr JObs. lie added thai iI lotal 15(l tube wens as well as 250 wash borts will be conslructed on 1,000 hectilfCS of filrmland across Ihe 14 local gov. ernment areas o( lhe litate. and thai eilch h ('Clare Will be provided wllh one lube wdl ilnd olher fum Inpuls ill tht cost o( NJI6,01S, He further said Ihat a hectare with wash bore ilnd othtr inpulS Will cost N212. 289.
Lawmaker offers free medical care to Kaduna re~ide nts From ChriItiiIAa T,AI.\bi, bduniI REPRESENTA11VE I.Isnu.nShd u B~( CI'C. Kaduna) al tI)( wc:ekcnJ offered free mcili. 011 cart' 10 UIC kss pnVlIq;cd ill Kadunil Scalc.. 11Ic frcc medical trc:atn1C1Il (1)1« p::a.:ut the l5iI Zakari MemorUl I Iosptlal in Kadllflil ",", Irth Local ~I ArQ ofthc Slatc.. TIley Wfft tr~t ed f.... v.tn0u5 arJmenlJ. Dally Trust gathtted thai drug)a. KI tyt glasses WUC' also givcu to the: bcnefldaricL 1'1C" cdicaJ team wu led by another b.wmilktr, Reprt:scn~liw}o6tph Ilarolla Kigbu. Shebu Bilw..1lo1dourCOl'll'ip >nderll lhat the~ure ~ auncd at grVlng back to lhe II ~y, cspcaaJty dlC*less r.:t:"llcged who pul dlar trust '" 111m by voting Ii::w 111m. We knowthal manyof our health fi!dlihts lUedol.."TI and rven whcr"C'theyarefunctiooaJ a Ilrgr numberofourpeo" pleannolaffor.lthc«>".~hc~I_ _ _ _ __