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Wednesday, March 21. 2012



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Quick Read 5 sites selected for rice project in KYiara 201 2 TI ME -~ISINf

AVEJl"'01Cd lilts h;a~ hem sdectcd bche Kw.cfl nu rro,cct. roIlowingthtcomplct.onofd\es.oU. W;U~ltstSal d lopog~ . cal studies condu;;-ttd by vmoa..r Comonlwn T c loemons, acoonimgloa phased implrmmzOllKXl prognmm, rdtastd by the Kwana SWc gtI\'munmt In Ibm. mdudt .~ '"Po P-'&'Igi. lafl<lgi. &ala and Slwl'. v.1sobr, a Spantsh cornl~Y 5tgnf'd a N70 t;~I .. III flU JOUII WIlIUrt ~llh the Kwoara State p'a'JU'ntllt in .IMM LlI, y The S!;l(t men! funhn SI~ lh;M: dte nee JIfU'Kl would l:c , .duqcd on 20,000 hectarc:solland, addlllg thallhcSpanlSh iii mm wouIJ cultivate 5.(XX) htctues oflan..t to tach knlKln tally 0\"« a pmod 0('- y""1hr govcrrunml added Ihalllk- ~lfI[ L , lory ~h)(h woukI alsoSft'VC as ~ and iliscributlOO IcCJIIlr.. IS to btSliedin SNrt. AccommglOlhcagrmnml, Villsol It lla p«tttJ to Invat N?O billion In lhc Ilf"01I!CI c:JYeI'a pentod ,,f(oor)\'llf'S wh~thtSl~~lSlonaUa~JO, lKX.lIICCI.utS

ofland. 1'he Spamsh company WID abo hold 70 po r ttflt coqUI'Y in thCCOJIlf»J1Ywhdt the mnauullgJO pno.m , "J1 ~ hdJ by the SI:IIC SO"munmt.

NasaraYia AG seek =======================j police's cooperation FROM left; Admg Ch ••fReprMentatives Japan Internotlanal Cooperlltlon A.gen'v (JIeAL Yoshlro M,uudl, former Min Iter of Women AHlin. HIIO S.nl .nd Specl.' Advller to the Prelldent on SOC I_I Development, Mn S.r.h P.ne.l •• llng in AbuJ. plt.rda)'

Police summon dethroned monarchs in Ondo IWO monan.hs, who w~r~ 5itCked by ch~ Court of Appeal In Akut~, Ondo Sll.t~. last week, wcr~ on Monday mVlt~ by the$tat~'s poliC~ command. Sources told Daily Trust

thai the dcchroned ehl~(s wt:r~ summoned (ollowinga ~IIIIOO by!h~ IRjlof Akur~. Qila Ad~blyl Ades· ida. allqmg Ihacchry .... ~rc SliIl p;irading ch~m~lvcs as monarch, dCipll~ ch~ court', rulmg. The ~mb.mlcd mon -

archs., ObI. Olu OJo and Kayodc rnu~tuyi. rqx>rl ed1y arm'ed at lhe Cnlllinal Investiga tIOn Dc.,.rtm~nt (CJI» around LOOpm. The CoUI! of A~ in Alture last Wffk. 5itCkcd the: duo. and ordaed thcm to slop parading them -

ulvcsuObilS unlil furtht:r notiCe:.

It wa~ Vother.:d that afi~r the welt. 000 Adeslda \o\70h! a letter sus~nding them as .. h~fs. But. th~

deposat monard!); hllVe smc~ saKi !hilt they will ap~1.1 the '\ldgm~nt

Lagos opposes post-dated fees in private schools hom fttni Ak/noLI. ~s TIlE I..ilgos Scal~ gov~rn ­ m~nl ha5 uprtsSW dupkasure onr the dcmand of lrd lerm school fc-es from par~nl5 of ISSl and SSSl sludent5 by pnvat~ school Operalors when Ihe

schoob ar~ sllll m the SKand lerm Th~ SlateO, CommlssioMr f~ Educauon. Mrs Olaymn O ladun,o),e. who spoke on Monday. Silld il wu undhical fM Ih~ schools 10 coll«1 ltd term school feawhllc IMKbooi calendar dulll in 2nd IUm.

!-laying Ihc propfl~t Ors of iOme schools for sendIng IIudcnl.s who hadn't paid Ih~ lrd term fees home, .she urged Ih~m 10 find other mearu of ratS109 funds. The commLs. sloner Slr~ thai gov~rn ­ m~nl would not hesitate 10

sanclion any Khool found wanllng. She iamcllltd Ihal

whllc Ih~ Slal~ governm~nt u creallnga v.abl~ business

Go\'C'fnmml to inVQlip~ coofc:rcnce• .said I~ gllntht: commmis roW by the men Mre on rrprual mi.sTIl E Oaruuan AssociatJOn KadunaSfaleCommlSSioncr .sK)fl, adding 1li4ltbc al!"aclt~ N"!FrU (CAN) in lhe 19 of Police. t\1ohanuned J. crs were r~lativu 0( victinu ofWApril2011 pOOdccNorthern Jla(a, including the Abubabr on Iht killingL DadyTnut galhued thaI lion crlsIso FCT, hascalkdon tt~FukraI Ihcquest.ioq that COmeli GoYmlmau. lnspccIIKGcn- last Wttk Thuf"kby. IC:Ifm cnI ofPohaand IN National gunmen raided some South- 10 mind d why they would Assembly lolnlervene in W em Kaduna villagesal niJt,hI , arty OUI a reprisal auaclt on atuck on vtllago m Oaikun lulling 10 pcnon.s. If'Iduding Innocent people and peasLocal Govnnmml Am of a pastM Villages altacittd ant D.rtnc:r'S living In 11 0ft( Kaduna Sfatc Last Thursday, include. Kufara, Dayi and own villages; Will lhere any in which 10 peopk 'Ioofftl' Na)'lda-Takkwachil all in cruu during t})C pusIdenk.illcd and Ih'cothcrs injured. Oaikun Local Go\'CmmeOl tial dcctions ID Chakun and In those vitla£ft? Did The Public ~ations Area. OffKtr of Nocthml CAN. And W SI:lIe$ Pobcc t})C Itdlns diKuss Wllh lhe Mr Sunday Olbe. in a Iitate- CommiSSIOn~r. Moham- CP beforc carrying OUI tI~ mtnt. iI~ It be Fedtr.l!l· ·me.J ~ Aboli.tkar: ' n' 1l('Ws1 all-.id. 2nd lftl~did. ""lui

Justa.. ~t'r t.1ohammcd AbduIWu. )tiI~rdlyJUUght theCOOIlCnhono(tht5tl1l6~~"OO1ma.nd 1lk' AnorneyGm enl. who rcmvt'd tht new Comml:WOllO'


e In the- $I"I.IC, Mr, ~II ~ lughhghled nnous.1f"· '" ",IteR themlOlSlr'y UiaptctlJlgC~1OO IfI thcdisd" II °of lis-dulles. &msat'r Abdu!btu ~cd bncfinp &om ~ pohc~on aseshandltd bylhenunlstry,;mdsoughl kYa b. wn~ the IWOOll.blbh.mmlS, where rq;ubrcliscUWo IrLOO commoo inlmstscan htlYd. I ~aho~lhtpobc !L..".lUlh a.IN. olnc~ 10 the nllmstry. lbt new poli..e boss \'0 IS .cwmp;lIl1m by variooi heads of pobcr wut5 m the 5la1L

Fadama III disburses N286m in Zamfa ra OVrR N286mUlJnn h;u dIstnOOltd to bcne6.. Ql 'H 1)(Iht Fad ama III ptOJ«t u\ .lamfanISfiil~,lhe North, «,c lIN~­ dinalM of the prof«\. Alhaji Anunu M.a....&. ha. d. M.I.I"aia .Aid Iht bmdicw1a of the- N2B6nuIIon wen' dJ .nm fronl 686 ~ UserGmups.aoss lJ~ stak. iKkIll18IIJ1t Ihtyarr mar.k

off.umen and smalIlGIkcnl~ 11t.said lhc gtsIurc wai aUlled al mcou.l~ng pcopIt to b«omesdf rdwu. Whikappe:ahngIOlhclxntf~IOUII ' lizt lJ)C funds b the rurP'* lOr wild! Ihrv" 'ere gn'al, thr coordlO3lor ,;ud there wall be OOlblilllt OlOfUto v gMid wpem

~nvitonm~nl for propri~10rs. many ofth~m arc ROt

sion toCIISURUw Iht fWldsarrnol channcIk-d InloQlI)CfUSC$.


1 - - - - - - - - -- - - - -. - - -- -

regularulng Ihelr school.s SlaiUs.

Izala calls for payers over insecurity

Chikun killings: CAN seeks FG intervention ftom 0IristYN l AWIbi. ~

Tl I E~St..t~Allomcy~and C( 'n , , t~for

role did he pI;ly as commissioner of polICe 10 a\'crt lhe 1uI1tngs. r'Ol' him 10 become a spokesman of this ungodly. ba~ric. satanic evil killen sMw.s that he Itnows mort lhan M has Aid, and il is $0 unfonunatc that afit'r 51 ycan of our c:xislence as a country. we an wU Ihlnhng in a barban... way. tht: CAN PROSilid II~ thcr~lOrec:aUed on t})C Inspector Gmc:rW of PoIic~ to in ... cstlgal~ lhe maltt'r, and 10 ask the commissiontt 0( police 10 say Wha l he know.s aboul thcal1'4

from UoIQn 0Mt;Im.I.f4vnu, IitISMI TIlE Jama°atul lzalalul Bid'lo wa°iq;una.tul sunra hascaDcd on Muslims In th~ counlry 10 be ,,~fut m pr.} m 10 bong an md 10 t})C .su:uriry chalk:ngcs in the North AddrCSSlng a news confcrcncc ~ Ih~ [roup~ nmonaJ preaching session III the Zamfan Sfal~ C<:.f'Iw, Gusolll. !hc chainna.n.Shcikh AbduIWlI Bala!.au andcha mun.CounaJ oflJll.mas, Shrikh MuhammaJ $ani Yaha)'llir gu-. stresstd the Ilft'd fO£ Muslims 10 seek Goos bgl\'mc5i 1.1 d intervenuon_ Shctkh Jmglf urged the- Fedcn.I Govcrnmmt to pnMdc .dequat~ and sophistICated wtapoN and gotdbfl. to Ihe: naJoU sccurityagrncicsand to also ~ thctr wdfuc 50 that they an tackic the Insccunly SltlWXlfL He u~ communilJa 10 form l1CifP.b.ourhood wottch groups 10 morutor and n-pon actMlJC:SofUlRllnalS 10 authon tlcSbprompe actKln. On hispart.Shctkh ~b Uubmmtcd over the povtrty nl~ in I I~ North, and uq;td goycffun~nt 10 dosomcthingahoot d.1-I~aIsororn~ltll' FMetalGov· enunent on its phn 10 bnng the AIma,in IffooOll under ISarI I Pr' saymg the p\lIky'WaJ. ,,'t!kOlllCd dr tf 'P'nnn

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