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21 news

w«tnesday, November 21, 2012


UNIDO calls for paradigm shift in manufacturing sector By Sunday Williams 1bt United Nations Industnal I>rvdopmmt Organizauon (UNIOO) tw Uld Nigma have • pan(bgm stuft to soM the problemofindustriallzauonas wdI as b«ome ant: of tht 20 largest t'COnomy by 2020. 'The Country 0irect0l" 01 UNlDO in Nigeria Dr Patrick KonniIwa said tlus yesterday in Abu.,a at thc commemon.lKlfl of

20 J2 Africa industnalizauOn day. -v..'c b.a~ proposed eight key potnts th~ Nigaia mUSl adoPts if it ...~ts to ~ ~ ofthc 20 largest economy bythcyar 2020as wdI mttgraU' into itsda-elopmmt of todilf'S Ahic:an 1ndusb::ialiu.tion

progBOlffit to ach~ thc aun

<by.""' .....

He ~ that one of the proposals is the I'IMi to devdop and implcnent • Imlg term industrialiuuon pQn. with

measurable W'gCt. i~ of the change of numster and go=un<nt>. '1ndustrializauon is not Iiktbuymg groundnUl and selling 1110 get Il'IOI1q' tomorroW. No. Its huge invatments, inYcston put billions of rWra into industries or buying cqwpments or technokIgy and It will tab- thtm SOffit time s;ry four, fM Of" six)'taJS to brnk even.. So an)' policy that docs not support 00g term lrM5lment is golng to


MmlSttt of stale for T~ and Investment. Dr Samuel Ortom gJdthcIlW1istryhadcom.menced the tmpkmcntatJOn of tradt f.u:ilitation programmes and

polkic:s 10 truW'C ac::cckntcd industrWJuuon and enhance IRe fTKI'I"mlnlt of goods WIthin th<"",""",,He saXI: "Nigem wgmtly needs toavnromethcchallmgesoftrade:. nwnJyth< Ott """"""'" of""""

and KrViccs 10 ~ aa:dcn1ed industr'iali:wion and facilitate growth v.;thin the region. To tins md. "''f: ~ alreadycomrnmcat KYrf1II trade faci1in1ion irutwMS.. My .Ministry is at an ..dl"anCCd Aage. worlting v.'Ilh NEXlM bank. on tJy proposed sea link roaster ferry services along the West Afnan coast to m:iuu the same ,ICIWney to less than one wed;.. In addition, we &fT focusing on

f"""""",,, onfomW Indo ...... th< """"'" In .. JOint message' to commemonte the da}, the Urutftl ~ UnlltdNalionsF..conomic

ComnussIons for Africa and UNIDO s;l.Icfmart), economic and pollllw chalkngc:s still hamper Afric::is compdllIvmc:5s, adding

tlw snuI.I and lXlIa1ed r:'COnOIl;lX'S cannot effioently uckle the


Fadamalll disburses N13m to fa rmers in Jigawa

1M Faduna III Progranunt on Tucsd.iay dl5burwd }.; 13..!3


council, Institute of Chattered Accountant of Nigeria. opening ceremony of ill 4 day Intensive Workshop on the International Public Sector Accounting Standards [lPSAS1 in Lagos yesterday


Etisalat, Lottery commission petition 'Appointment of Stanbic IBTC as FGN broker to deepen bond market' NCC over ban on promos

mUhon 10 180 fanner:wodatiom mJ~v..... llte Slale nthma Coordmal«. Aiha,I Auv.-;Uu Shdlu, s;r,.id .. t tht fb.g off of the cLsburscmcm tJw 13 nee and oil milling madllnes ~ also prtn'ldcd 10 1M bcnefitinggmups. He s;ud 180 Fadama User Groups (FUGs) sdectt'd froot tht 27 partiopaungkKal ~t arns benefited from the' gesture. "A totalofl80FUGsIl"Cr:J~a grant ofN 13.23 nullion from the Fad..ma m prognmmc. "11\15 IS part of conunuous dlsburscment 10 commuml1es 10 fmana acquisition of pnxIUClI~ assets. input suprort and procurnnent of smaIl scaItmfrutructuu,- Sbehu Aid. ~ coordinator added thai l00v.~erpumps, lOO~vm..27

n« and peppc millmg machmes 8y Zakariyya Adaramola & Nahimah Ajikanle Nurudeen, with agency report

""""'..........Th<y""'' ' ' ' ' ' ""'' '"' ' ' ' ' ' "wh.,-,.,.....,,,,,, prcticm." ~

EliSal",1 Nigma sud II ought to M exempted from the blankt-t 1Y0 00 promos and lottenes run

by lelecom opcntors b«:ause its nmoork ~s 110 capaclt}' problem or network congestions. ~ b-ans.dud ~cLthe ~'v.t.ostarmtlus)'estenb)'in Lagos_ the bunch ci the ~ newW'lff pbn.punteda rosy~

SpaIdng on the ~ Mn.. Da...id-Botv.mtcatedthea.npanyS

prntKm.bJtwein Ettsabt h'igl:riadid

still do nat E\'iUlSdauned.



1br EnsaIaI bo!5 .met thai the netWOrk wiJI anmue to dialogue WIth NCClOmomi('udecision on the ban.as II. ccncems B:Js;Ua. "\'IIe ~ ~ to thr NO: about the ban on punos. beaiu:sIt we i:d ~. th:II It is wtWr b Etis;r,Ja to be Induded In thai ban"' &.'iUlS~

IIppounrnmt d Semble IBTC Slockbrokm. II sublidJarycLSbnbic IBTC Holdings PIc asstockbroker to

krf;-Imn~ to"fxilitaung

the~~tciN~ v.iD trwlSbte miD ~ retail 1I'l'YCStOrS' parudpanon in both the



"""'r m """'"' .,..., """'" and the fimnciaI 5enn5 industr)' in "\'k .......,. "'" """ ...,....,



as wdI. as two grain threshers were also distributed 10 communilles under Fadama II pro}«1 Shehu said iht' m"chmes ~r(' pro\"idtd to Fadama II pUllclpumg commumhes under liS Production and Value Addillon support progl'DTlmt'

this ~ know that pnnwy "'" """""'" nwt.<u of r:L FedenJ GcMmmmt hoods and it is a gJaI. nsponsibilit}. and ~ art u1umatdy hdp 10 dcqJm Nigena'i cmmunrd 10 UlO'elSlllg the pool of '""""" by ~ "" ..... Que{~~ciSWDc srgme:tW. and also to msunng that the lBTC HcWl:inp. Mn. Sola Dawt-

He' urged tht' ~nditing commumues 10 ('n5Urt' tfft'dlv~ utilisation of the fund and equipment lowMd enhancing agncuhunl aCII\'lty and Improve Ihelr soclo-economic wdlbring. In a remark. Ibrahim Muha.mmad, one of the


the gesture. adding thal the programme had mCOORgled


"""""'" ...-."""'"

"""-' oChiscompal1)'sMWOrkrobusmea. Aho,' the Dlm:kr GcneraI cL BorN. sud a rm;or- stq> tov.'aJds 10 undmtand the workings d the "And the lQIOO we dad. nat ~ the National. lLm:ry ~ attauung this goal. is 10 specdiaIly nwkm," $be sud b added that the the probII:m 15 dUll WI! dad. nat r&r CornJnmon (NIK). Mr. Peter ~I Ktn"lllCS will be gwded """'" th< """"" ...,.........., ~«pmmos whx:h ~ c:iImd Igho has sud ilia the COI1U1lIS5IOf\ 15 ci the rrtail stgJTlCJt. part ci v.ilich by gpod """""" ~ b)·theopmaca..lhg:Ml1££Mt:PneS currently mcding ",1lh the NiF'i'" ""'""" """"'""" i=<d tr mall)' rtUIlWs on net: whlch }'W Conunmiahons Cnrnrnassial ~~~to~tba Ml5. o.n.id-Bcma s;ud the ntW ~ 10 usc till rNdnighI cL that my. (NO:) IJIIIII:r n:a:nl ban 00 promo by the inYesling p.bIic is v.-dI inbmtd app<:artmmI is a Ic:5WIEnf. 10 the It was a m:¥ b disaster and the' tekcam ope;1IOrS in N'.,na by the ..... th< """"'" of th< ""'" _IBTC...... ~ .. th< _ sbouId "'"' known from NCC. 'o-anousnmbt segrneu.








agriculwraJ mtttprising skills. (NAN)

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