Friday, October 21, 20 11
Business "
ADB disburses N24m for community projects in Bauchi THEAfrkan D-:l'tiopment Bank(AmB) hu disbu~ N14 mUli'Jn (or some runl community projects In Bauchi State IIl1dcr its Com nl unity llase Agrie ul tu~
and Rural Devc'lop-
mcnl Proj«t (CB ARDP). nll~ N;o.tional Desk a rnetr of the project, Dr ~Iuhammcd
Arabi. made
0'' '
this knmvn Thul'1iday in Bl'.uchi. whU,.launching
project enti tled, - lncOIll!: Alle\.ialioll P1ackagc': Arabi c:J:pn:$scd th e
GCllcrallo n/Po~rty
hope that the projects, indudlng capacity build· ing. improvement of crop production and community devciop nlcnl, would cuntribute to (()()d ~u rity and enha nce peoplcs' 2-C(:C5S 10 rural infrastruc-
He said that lilt: bank had trained mort than 1.700 persons ill various institutions within and oulside the country. He said that those mined were drawn (rom the participatin g commu niUes, local governmelilS an d the Ministry (or Local Govcrnme llt. Arabi (urtht'r revealed that the project h ad co n-
t3Cted scit'ntists (rom the Interllationa l lnsti tuk of Tropical Agriculture {lITAl,lbadan, He said th at they would bring thriT al'f'r1 ise to bnr o n the need to increase the yield of staple CTOpS and boost (ood productio n ill the state. Earlier. the Programme Manager of 8auchl Slate Agrtcul-
AlhaJI Illiyasu GitaI, $.'1ld th e o rganisation disbursed m31erials worth N9. 2 mil · lion to women al1d youths ill tile state belwecn 2006 Ind 2010. The materials hI" said were ~ nimallract ion packag~, .lma-II ruminants upgrading and kr.rO£ene driven incubators. among
othen. He said that N)6 m illion had bci:n uprnded on !ITA ou t- re.ach programmts In fishl"ries and agro.(orestry developmt;nl In 20 11. He funhu said t hat a NU 2 millio n con t rac t had bl"en awarded for the co nstru ction of )o Loreho lr:s and maintenance of 12 rural acc~s road s. (NAN)
NEXIM partners US EXIM bank to boost agriculture
Confab to identify agric, export opportunities in Benue
THE Nigett:tll ExPOI't · Import Bank (NEXIM) 53)'$ il is partne r lng with the Unltr.d Sll~les EXlM bwk to btJOst tile de\-elop men t of agriculture In the country. Mr Robens Orl'a, NEX· IM'.l Managlnr: D irector, said lilt! in an in terview with tht' News Agen cy of Nigeria (NAN) at the end of a clos-td·dollr m ee ti ng wit h the EX IM delegation y~tcnla}' h Abu'a. Orya said th3t lht; I ,w1rich COI11-
Fmm Chfis Apbi, lIgOi
inlmcdlalely. menced would a plore other sec· to rs o f the eco nomy to en hance the developmenl of lhl" cou nt ry. He said; "The officials from US EXJM Lank have seen that Nigeria has a lot of potentla.b: they ha ve dODe a couple o f thillgs with .lo me Afrian co un has I ~s
can work with tht; relevant .ltakeholders. especially thl" NEXIM bank and · h ow we can conunen ce a relationship and rapid ly deepen that relationship. "Wt; have been d ucuss· Ing with specifi c rf'fl!:rence to some 5f!(lors. l11e onl! that con c~ms NEXIM Is that of Agricu lture and then the C lean Develop· ment Mech anism project (COM),Acco rd ing to him, ot her area o rinlerest to the US EXIM bank Is
ge neratio n. He said that the meetIng wl lh the US Ul'ort bank officials cen tred o n specific proj ects to en able it achieved the needed ImpaCL · What we have dOlle is, we said, why don't we rocus on th e oncs in IIgriculture because th ey don't w. nt to go Inlo a green field project now. -They want to finance a p roJ«t thaI is al read y on ground so th ai lh~ effecl will be felt immed iately."
FOLLOWI NG th e dwln ' dlin g fortuncs of ag ri c ulture in Bt;nur: Siale, Com munity FOOlprints, • non -profit organisation is orga ni zin g an ag rl cul turr: co nference that will ulweil the agric pell"nlials of Benue Slate to local.nd Inlernalionallll\'estors. The Project coo rdina· tor, M r. SOli Gyoh said in statemenl that the "co nfert'nce Is prima ril y aimed atslimulatlng pub.
SCHOOL OF 8!!~AND~~ll\.lSTUDIES ......,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....""".,.. .. o;wt!'iJ~%!--'''''''J '''''' L'I!t+. - t4- OtitlilA. 26f l "'. ~ \+OO"R I --
l 'be: M,,",1~"" DI of .\bdu G~u PolytKhnit, rillat;, M;,fal1l plillllll to t:\tnJIC me rollowing m'i«t UndCT}1 ar :m ll TETF OOT·SPECIAl INTERV ENTION, 1. Pmcu\1'1l1C1lt or 200 TO)'OIa Ili.xc Bu5\."lI cmnplct<: wi lli security itt ~tlilation, COOIIJrehCIl!i'.e insllrnoc<: and VAT. ETF Pllljl'CI Nft. Pnl)'ffolftta M~raBISPITETFfIIl{I l Int=le,J ttlll1f3.nk$.-.: t'~tc-d 10 suhmit the rollowiog: I. Evitlmrt or ReVSlrtJlion wilh COTpI.'f3tc 1\ n:,irsCommis.." on leAC )
lic aw~reneu and enga gt;· ment with th e 0I'I, orlu · nilie~, prog ramm l"5 as wr:1I as policies toward s e nhan Ci ng the ro le o f Agri cultuTt; u a stable income secto r in Benur: Siall"." The progralllme sch edu led for October )1, at t he Uni vusity of Agri · c ulture Makurdi, Senue Stat e Is laggr:d - Idc n · ti(ying Capacitil"s and O pportunilies for addt;d value a nd income based Agro sector In 8 I"nu t'~.
~-' ' "'I~
201'120 '1 ~AE. AbMiSS I ON SC ~lEN I NG INto gASIC ~~OGRAMME IIJMB)
Tht; School of Basic and Remedial Studies, Altmadu Bello Untversily, Funtuil wishes In Invite c:andidate~
Ulat Imve app(ed for 8dmis...o:ion Into 201112012 ar:ademIt session lor Ba!ric PnJgramrne (W,'B) aod Remedia, P'rogramme b II mMdalofy Pte-MTlissiro Sawning Elefd5e~8SIoIIow1:
ii. Copic:solT·t'CClC3l':trt«Cmifinl1e ror th e 1:151 thl<.'e),can( 200!!1009 ~nd2010J I.
ni. Evide!lCCo\ VATRl"li~trll ion .
iv. Company pufile, which should indlJ!le CVs or ke), personnel with e\-idrrre tlr Iedtnic11 3.ndMI,,~g :rialrnpability.
Y. Evkknceof similar proj«t~e~eculcd in the put. including It'ltl'T ofAlI1mI.Agrt'CnlCntJond
CertirtC3fCf orComllklion.
YI.. Eridmce 111 p:!}"JIlCII1of Non It'rl!ncInbk P~u:ll ilieillion rmdr!- ree ofN-W. 000.00 in Dank
'Iii. Evi dt"nCto l rqistl'lttion ..'ith n"I ional PcnsionCommission,and past n:fJtill~lICtS.
Tender Do<l.l"Irnts (8Q) h obtalnlblt rrom works Ind Mn'ktS Drpn n mclll 00 prt!rnll!tlon II I dllplfatle repl",!)f fH'dplnf pnymrnl. IQlm!SIN ccmrMlies applying ror the pra,uali(inlioa should nole that:ii, They shouhl submittwo IJIPlieo\iOl\.\ for both p11:.(jualifiCifion lind Icndtut Ihe-same lime, M~n~@~1
me,,'" 1M righl lo n:j!X1 :my or all prt.qu;tHfic:ttionlbids
!Ubminion l by I eomp:!ny. c.
Friday, 28" and SaMday, 'Z'f~, 2011: Slilles: ItalSina, Kwara. tliger, Gom!:e, Plateau, Benu9, K~bi, ~o1c, z.nIiq.
b. The PolYle 'hnic
. Monday. 2"- and Tuesday, 25"' Ot::Iob!I, 2tI11: S I"~s: Kadtn1. Bomo. Taraba, Jigawa, FCt Wednesday, 26~ and Thtnday, 2P' ~ber, 2011: Siales: KogI, Kano, llaS5afllWa. Bam, AdlImaWll,
M;ID:I£emt'I'It will IIOl Cllltt inlo comspondent:e wilh ilny rompony on why the
corT1p11ny 'flo' IS d~I\I i liedunl~I)IISJICCial ~ , d. This :1I1\'I..'I1;tcmenl ror prrqunUfic:t tion Jhould ncitlM.'f be \.'QnS1JUc:d IS II rontmilmml on rhe
p;u t of the Management nor shall il emilie rortrp:ll1iatsuppliers 10 mHe any d.irm: 1Yhllroe·.. n :mtVorri Iny refunds. SUO;\IISSION Of" rR E-QUI\ 1.1 FICI\TIO~ UUCU MEI"t"TS Tile J!It'.qualjfi,:ntion documents be II:lled in QJl tnH!lope and mnrlct'll for CA:lmple " Pn'1":l l iIi~l llIn fCtr nmslmrlfon,"1!JId mll';t tic rt;Iumro IIOI lofCf than 1\\"0 vo'tclc$ (rom fnc .tale Ilr Ihisad1'CJtlo: Thf n ttrSll"l'r" \btln GIt!lIl. PolJledlnlc Tnll ' l l' br~I'II, hlm r:tn g,te
n m1t: 9:00a.m. VltIlue: School ofBi!Sic and Remedial SWe" Funto.Jll,
5"" 2.
Frlday,2If'andSaltJ"ttay.29- O!:ilb&r,201 I
CaOOlda~seekingadmisW'tforlhttilll'Jve~HU&l: l Come Along wi!h pml!d c:cpy of 0niM Regisntlon form OB Smrtttl
I. Coma phy*eIIy alcngwith b¥o(Z) retl'lnl ~ phoIcgraph II. COOI8wilhHBPedendCZutator. Iv. PaylM sumof UtOOO.OOasPre-M:niuiooScm!nilgFe!. Ycueanalsoy!sltourweMIt.formonlnfonnatJon: www.abrsabu.oru
Note; rllt!f"Hted candldates for admlssIon Into eiiher oIlhe ~ I'ItIo could not ~ the IO'3kh I3d urhr can do so on Ill! day 01 the PTe·IIdnjs~1on