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Friday. Octobe r 21 . 2011


. 9

CPC petition: Tribunal adjourns judgment indefinitely °rfltibnalal

THE Presh.lentJai Elecllon Petllion Trib,mal yesterday Idjou rn~ iodennllcly judgmcl1t ill ' he petition med by the CORgms for Progrcs!i~ Change (epe) seeking to upturn PresIdent Gondluc~ ,onathan; victoq' :lllhe/. prU 16e!e1;lion. n1C~

The court adjourned a fter hAring argumen ts rorand against th e petilion. Ad op ting their final

add resses. CoullSei to the prcsident, Wole Olanlpckun (SAN). Afiegboytga Awomolo (SAN). for the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEO and Am aKh I Nwaiwu (SAN)

CPC Presidential

for the Peoples Democratic

candidate Gfn Muh ammadu Bllhu1, his running

Party (PDP) all ask~ the court I~ dismlu-thc ~Ii­ tio n for Jack o f m e rit an d substance.. Olanipekun (SAN) speciOcally $aid a ruling

rnlte Pa~lor l hndr Dakare and former Fer Minister Nasir d -Ruf'ai altentro the Irlbu nal's sittir,s.

ddh-ered by the court Jul y 14 which ni d it could not order fo r fresh ciC'Ctions to be co nduct ed between P DP and CPe. originall y term inated the pe tition. PD P COUIISel, NW3iwu (SA N), al so argu~ th at e pe had mainly raised Issues o( c riminal allegations which are no t within tilt' Jurlsdlction o( th e coun, and wi tho ut wh k h th e ~itionan notbe ,tu­ tain~.

He s.,id c pe (ailed to prove I caseo( non co mpli ance w ith the Elcelom Act o n the balance o f e\-;dence..

Urgin g the court 10 d iscouoteoancc suhm l5slons of a U rcl po nd e nls and nIJUify the elections. evc cou nsel, Oladil'o Opescyl (SAN) !laid the July 14 rulIng stutai ned the petition, so any othe r submission by the respo nd ents which say it 15 Incompe te nt has no hao;is. H e said CPC had carefull y SCl'en"d crimi nal allegations (rom dvil allegationsand with thecredihle evidence led o n dvil allegation, the petilion wascom pelenL T he party in its rwal

I ddress averred that !hhe votes (or the 2 1 unchal lenged states are aggre· ga ted, th e re.Jlults would show that c pe won the electio n with 9,6 11,215 as opposed POPS 8 ,047,188_ They also averred that th e electio n was no t conducted In co mplia nce with the Electo ral Act particu la rly as it was malT'Cd b)non -acacd itatlo n o ( vot ers. e ntry of wrong figures In Fonns ECBA ECBB & ECSG. arbitraril y alloca tio n of sco res In (avor o( Preside nt Jonathan, non su pply/cxcess supply o f

eleetom material, Ind usc o( (ake ballol papers printed by a company owned by a stalwart o( the PDP which was u~ed to co ndu ct eln:tlon in the North· West, North· Central , So uth-Eul, South -South a nd South· West paris o( the Count ry as well IS th e Federal Capital Territory. More so, they argued that the president, his vice an d h is r.arty ha\·e (ailed 10 Cll tab lis I by credible evl· dence that the election was co nducted in accordance ,";thlaw.

IPP: House moves to stop FG from $l.5bn loan BJ TUBNA.II<H!-In THE tlou $C uf Represenla- tives ),e.!terda·, moved to sto p the Federal Govern m en t fro m a(c~lnga $ 1.5 bJ11ion r.1CUily'o enable the -Ind ependent Power Producers ( IPPsl purchase eqUipm e nt a.nd servi ces

(rom the United States o r America. Comi ng under matters of national impo rtance, th e IawmakeB said collceling the $ 1.5 billion conce.s.tlonuy loan by Nigeria from the US wi ll take the cou ntry bolCk to the dark daYI u(huge debt burden.

But Speaker Aminu Wuirl Tambuwal directed the H ouse Committee o n Power to m ake som e preUminary Investigations and guide the House before debating the m ailer on Tuesday next week.. llle Fe:Jeral Gove rnm e nt on Wednesday

entered mt o an a~ menl with th e America government w hich will allow Nigeria's Independent Power Pla n ts (IPPs) aCCCS5 10 about S 1.5 billion conte.s.tlonary loan fo r the acquis ition o( equipmenl and services (rom the US. A M emorandum o (

Undeulanding (MoU) fo r th e S 1.5 billion long-te nn lingle digit Interest r.ue loan was Sign ed bc:twccn tIle Minister o ( Power, Prof. Barl Nnajl, on bc:ha[( o hlle Fedcral Government and Presiden t orus EJ:port Impon Bank(EJ:-1sn Bank), Mr. Fred Hochberg, (o r the

US govcrnmcnt in AbuJa. The facilit), is managed by the US EJ:.-lm Bank. I go\-e rnment agen cy th at proVides export.credi t insumnce and financing, amo ng other services, 10 help ro rc-iIt" burers pu rchase US goods and services.

FG proposes punishment on cybersquatting C)'be~rity.

THE Nation II Securilr Athiser Andre v A1al.i saki a bill ~dng p'Ul iw,e l11easures o n cybcroimes ineludi/l~ sys tem intHference nnd cybersqtrlttWg »;11 be scnt 10 the Niltional Assembly fur apt)fO\"lIl.

Crbo:rsquattng is tIle reg· istering, traffidd'lg in,or using ~ domain namc· viIlIOOd-(:lith intt'nl tOI' rofit (1 0 m thegood"ill 0( a lradem:lrk belonging 10 SOtneo-Jne ~ Auzl nl2"Jc the remarks during 01 stakcll',l\ders ,,'OrksllOp 011 draft ' :ybersecurit}" legislatlnl1 orgallzcd by the Commitlee 011 (:ybcrsccuriry LegIslatio n in Ahuja. He.said slakeholders Wil l evaluate the draft will. a \-KW to fomlul3ting more toI,-rable bill on

iSag;Urt$I aiticaI infrastructure He said lherewas no time o r (0£ tIle purpose o( Icrrorframe (or the bill bul il will be Ism, the punisluncnt shall be imprisonment (or a lenn not up to ~tandard According to Ihe draft Ie!:s th21l 7 years or ~ fine of not made by Ille Committet', any less than NIO miUlonorboth . perSOIl who is found guilty of TIle draft by ~lI! CommItkc c),be rsquauing shall be liable propO!lO 2 )'eaI$ impriscJnon conlictm 10 the fineofnot mOlt or a rU\eorN I million or lcss th:U1 N I ntIDion or impris- both for system Inlto"l"nmce.. on nlC'llt (ora \f:nn of not less AccordiJlg to the dralt. dll! tilaJI one}-r:tr or both. productlon, d~rlbui.ion and Dala interkrencc whkh posscs:sion of'mild pomogra. im'oh-es dam3ging. deletion, phyattract IOt05)'Clr.! impriSaller.Jlion and suppression onment and bet,.-ml NUJand of data within computer sys- N20 m ilUon. r-ailure of servkc 10115 u r networks, including providers to perfonn certain data transfer fmm a computer functions attracts tIll! frne of syslem by any other person N10millioll. with out authOrity Is punish Cli:lim.an of'llle Corruuit· Wle with imprisonmCJ1t of tct: Air Con ullodore Victor 1m11 0( noIlcss dl3ll S )~ Udoh saki ~WC' stull l\~e or line.' 0( not less N5 million. (rank contribution that win IfdJe offC'llCt: Is commillcd by enrich the proposn.! legislainfringingS«urily lnea.ruresor tion.

FG ha nds offfertilizer importation l11e r-cderal Go-ternment .\ill no longed,," Inl1li\oeJ in the importati'ln and dlslIlbution olfirtili~ In the country. Alullsterof Agriculture Dr. I\k.inwuml Ayo Adcsina h a~ salc.l. Adeo;ll1a mace this known )'C'SterdllY at (,e National A.~Tl1b1rcomp'aatamm­

ing »itIl Senato"3 saving on

Mno Olp ' ''''0,.. 'fit" ... holding IotImIron al BriU.hClo....til!n ~.lIonal Educallon 18CIEI:

offices v,:ould be: cn:ated in mch oflhe geopolitical zones each headed by a Oircdor to

btrr said th~ would DO longer be (ertilizer contnc· lorn because the systrnl where tIle g<n-emmel1t Imports and distribute fertiltzo- was Ind"frctM,lodlkicntandcomrpt asontyabout t I pernnlofthe

"'tint wl1.h the: states on com-

f.umers enjoy the subsidy.

Tet:08- ll54OO:!94. ~ OB-tJ0143252, EmaI. ~ ea.uIr.

the new IIT:lIIgt:ffiClIt, .fcrtj . liur impaners would hal"!! to


the Agriculture Comnliltee. H e said the Min.istry o( Agriculture would now be

deccntrnliscd as six regional

plimentary milliner to ensure th at the ,-al ue ch:tnge wu inlplemcnte:d Under the \"a!ue change ror tr.uuronnation,the Min·

·nlC' minister sa.lc.l wKlcr

build !.heir own markd. and 5d1 direct}y to the (;umers.

ZSCktobf.r,lo.m-4p;n-BCIEVktvN t.!md,~;

146 tl1~AblJaMmvSln:tJl v.etor!f,

IsIi!II'CI fVlMIIIt, ~ TrJ.:Ol..1fa:z_OU, MdI:06-0621515l5, EmaI: ~ .I2l_uIr.

26Octobtr, 10.111·

.1l!11- !tlE ~., l.tIl"S; \I*Y ~P1!\l.D 99.C!pMII RoodI_1..3gDL

TIIl Ot.a9llEl5O!J.l.lDtlc0B-a23J19290. Emei: ~bae.co.lIk


v~, , - s,me.

2i:~t, IhrlI -2prn -lIClE.lWla: 2ndFklor..ChQ{ 'E' ~GtMlP_ _ IMne41..aMdo Ro;J.J, O!r~ N_ _ G.R.A, Ke10


vJt: _


.bclc.c:o.ul • fntlmalional@utpmlr1O!t.lc..\lk

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