Tuesday. May 22. 2012
Ac1tivists rise against genetically mCl)d ified foods By nu tt.mn f. AbcItrhmiu
ENVIRONMENTAL activists uncer !he aus-plces the I:.nvironmental Righl£ I.e ion IFrknw ohM: Earth r /igrna(ERA/ foE). ha~ condanned IIttempts by I lullmatiooal agricullUJal ct mfWlies that produa Gcol'lkaUy Mod!ned Organi .ms (GMO) foods (0 com inee Nigeria to buy Inl0 t w .,roducts. ~& thty .re not good
food 5leCUritJ pmbl~ but lhe n-vme: Is the reality.He said -.be continua] fallureofGM Crops l5evident in the BT collon in Mahmtlnl F\;Lt&, South Africa and But\ina Faso. Potatoes (Kenya) and Cassava eNigeria) among oth-
M convemd in lu biofud plmtation, only 20 prn:enl of the workfsmngynceds would be melHaide S~t of Ihe South MJic:a.-based Africa Center lOr Bio5Ifety said
openly io South Africa. there has not been independent ~ to dttttmine its safety. She added thaI claims thai the gencticalIy modi-
These examples show thai pnUlus aplLaI is being wuled on es:perimentltiOlU whereas loch funds couJd ha~ been apmdcd devdop runJlnfrastruclurco, mWng cndit .cuss!hie to f:urnen and gmcnlly pronlOCc Ic:st.cd local crops
forlht«OS}'l cln. Speaklng't II wurbhop tIggtd l\uiJ Uug strong biosaJety systenU; Euculive Oim:tor If the group. Nnnimo Sa.: sey. saki • the quest of I hc-o;c biotech
and nl!dainabk agrkultunl practices.'" Ilr noted thai sc\'cr...I crops weft' being ma:JUd
industries IS 1( fDfU policy makers lo thin It 1hal genetically modified Clops are the crops cl the fi. lure and that they hold sol Jt on to our
for genetic mutilation as potential raw material for bJofud and pointed out that -t'VCn if aU the agricultun1 lands m lhc world werr 10
African leaders, Obama discuss food security Sh'VERAL African heads of stateand United Slalaof AmerIcan president. Ilarrw:k Obama al the wedcend in Washington Iauoched a new initiati~ thai aims 10 assisl Africa reduce poverty and stimulate economic: grow1"The launch of TIle New A]Ji;ance fOl" Food Security and Nutrition was abo witnessed by African Jkvdopmenl Bank Prmdenl Donald KabcruIca.. 1be oew allianct aims 10 ItJmgthen food IC'CUJity and nutrition by bolstering agricultunaJ inve:slrnenl, spurring inoontion and rmgaging more partnm from the private KClor. G8 memoo nations will suppon lhestdToru and ensurr acmunlability. AI the launch event, Kaberulca spoke about the steps that must be taken to improve food 5«Urily and stimulate «0nomlcgmwlh. Kaberub said Ihal improving Africa'slnfmtructure, trampor--
""""",,I, "",,"-
fted food. was being so&d
fied incrc:a.sc yfddI or income for the fiumen in South Africa ~ basdcss as independent inquiries have shown. Also speaking. Ricarda Stenbreachtt of Econexus cited several exprriment$ in which the GMO have had negative dT«t and concluded that nobody can say with certainty that the GMO is safe.
tation, accc:ss to water and mde would dnve «onomk: growth In the same way that !that in countries like Ind~ He added that it woukI DOl only btke: money. bul imagination a5wdL Pmkknl Barw:k Obanu. ~ the Imponancc offood and nutriOon KCUrity not only for devdoping nations, but also fOr the good ofthc g}obaI «011-
He told the audience that
irnpn:wemenl.5 in
ana are
"Not only a monl Impcnlive. bul an economic imperative
Pmklrml Obasm and PnsIdent Kaberuka will be together again on Salunby. Theyll gather with G8 kadm. ~ African heads of stale and a tdect group of cucullves from the private sector for an Intimate session at Camp David. Again. the topic will be food and nutrition security and lIS Infl~e on Africa's tconOmk pmspKts.
NigeriOl Fadama programme gets international recognition l,rNA.. tLuQII
NIGERlA'S rlfon to ensure rood tumdenq tbrougj \ the World Banksponscrcd National Fadr rna Programme has bcm acclaimed as tone of the IDOfl successrut agrk commwlity twed demand driven
devdoprnelll Erogramma. Dh:t.-G oera! r:LLheGambia Afpq lOr Manaaeme.1t of PubIk \\Urks (GAMWORKS). Ebtirna Owns. said NlgerIaS &dtma JHllBl1Immf! has tJe.en IlItcd one of the: mo5l Alcm ,ful by the Warid Bank. Spcabng w tile on • familWization tour to N'1£I!ria to .tlwy the mndd of the programmclOU 10 rrplica1e jtill his homecoun-
try. OJams Aid both Gambia and Nigeria have similar agric chalknges such :as the importatlon rice among otfK!B. -From our lour.)'OUQn see the $l.I5tainabiJitlofthe project cspcciallyamongwomen who m: ImpRMng tbe value dain of their produce espedaIly in some of the north ern states where _ saw animal husbandry. It clearly show5 that the prt;ect bas been ~peopa,tsuch 1ISwumm,)ouths, and the phy5icaUy challenged: he Aid National Programme Coontin.lor 0( the
Fadama, Tzyo Adewumi. saki N"tguu wouJd cootinue to work to impto\le areas of chaIk-ngc:s in running the prograntmc to bnprtMe the living; standard ofNigeriaM.
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UNDP report lists causes of Africa's food insecurity THE Unittd i'btbns Dtvd~ opmmI PrograClnle (UNDP) saki in its aI Iai Africa HUJTh1n Oeo;ekJi ~I...nl Report thai. while tlrou¥ 1 and crop f'aIlure oficrl triw-r rood crises in AIde•. tIM- actual auKS
or fOod iMtl..-urI,_y guc'S mudt
~ U~ 'Bmq satd in 1\.5 2012 rq art rmtllled. Towards • r xJ SeI:ure Futun'. la",;,chxl ~terda\' in Ab\lill.lt- It Ii.cl _nsllCh~ Iow~1I ual pmdocti\1l}·.
which "'UJUils the availability of .uod. leading to trade imbaIa.nccs and it on imports and humanitarian aid and persIslt!flt. wide:51'read, Ind erueme po·;erty which makes ~Ung enough food unalTordable and marktu inaccessible for poor
The report IIso .sakJ
almost halfthe popuIittion in sub-Saharan Afnca continues to Uve on under USS 1.25 per mY;lnd Iinkpobcy focus on lhe imporlalla of nutritkln. which mabIcs o¥ide-sp!tId al.J ciuunk Olillnulrttion to
""""Tht Global launch of the
H.dquneJ1., AIIoojo M....I<p "'_ [ ......1, FCT. AIIu4a M-s ..... State Mlnis1fyof [ ... ito.....,ftl. uRl,MalaDw_ §lUR fcdtlrat MlI'IIst" 01 f""'''''''''tnl .lafi.. M... ~_ ~DI' hdtr.1 Mlrln"offnw"nmt'nI, jGf1!e>1 Buill,""
f, ~' rallotlonltt.., Dtf ..." ...... tM. • . - " ..... dltC, AifpoftlloM. AII\ItII JR<it-1101 """,-" of(""'''''''''I!nII. G.- ... VlI.~ u p §lall
'kIt_. .,
RqKlI1 took place: on May 15th, in Nairobi, Kmya by
Praidmt Mwai Kaba1d. Speaking al lbe Abup
launch ofthe~ yesterday the UN Resident Coordilla· torfUNDP RQident Rqnsmtalive, Mr. Daoucb Toure. Aid the IntpJd 00 food sys" tems of erratic wealM p;d ItmS. environmental degra. cbtion, food price V'ObtUity, and conflict further aggntVlues these contribiJlng melors 10 food irutrurily in the continenl
palpn pl p'"".' OOle : lJ " M.,.,lRIl-I II"I ... ~.lOU
nrn .... _DOIm- .oo....o..y 4U. COt,U."OITS IIlCBY(O StOUlD IE fOlIW.-.IltOlD lO '!lit 'UUMNfNl SlC.l£TElIY. nOtllt4l "",,,,,"1If Of
:HVIIIO"MEHTCM OIIl(fO. 2'" 1_. lOU )I6N(0
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