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DAILY T RUST Tuesday. May 22.2012

)ay workers ram allowance, Kano Assembly tells govt I

ffom Na ifi IR.nId Khilid,kilno

THE Kano Stat1! House or Assembly)'t$miay urged the Kano State govern 1W!rtt1trJ1l11.11the·oiifitiiulingalkwa~~ddvil.servanl.!i In the Stale. tnduding that for ram. and lea ~ pu-

Thr resolution followed the

::t\1'n of the recommendations t yt~ HOU5t' Committtc on

Public $ervitt. which Is chaired by Garba ra'u Gwarmal, nopresenting Tsanyawa/Kunti COlllitituenq_ _ -Addressing"tieWsmen on the commilteis report after the sitting. Gwarmai said. "The: decision to compel the government to pay the aIlowanca Is coruislenl .....ith a law that was made by the .Assembly In 2005. The law made It mandatory for the p . emmenllo provide each

or it.!; wmkm with ;t ram and Ramada" aDowance:every)!!/' in onkr to keep themrnOtMlter.

It would bt recalled that the

gtlVemmenl of Engr-. ~biu Musa Kwankwuo had early last )'W" SU$pended the payment o( ram bonus locfvtlservanu.,sa)'ingghost work· en; have bloated the stalecivU servI~

The I.uue gmeratcd ,.;) much conlTO\~ betl.'tm the Prop!iJ

Democratic Party (PDP) of Gov· emoe Kwmb'llSO and the All

"The officr ofLhe Head ofServ· icc offict did not Indicate: to our

Nigeria People's Party (ANPP),thal the Kwankwuo gavnnmenl SCI

commitlre thal any ghost

up a committee 10 vmfy the actual number of genuine workers on the government's payroll maintained that almost I )~r afkr. thert hu bem no indication thai ghost WQrUn wm! discamM in lhestate civil J<'fVicc. Gwannai


wasfound. Thisiswhywrwant the government to implmlC:lll the laW,

""""'1M rqlOrt also advised lhestale JI~enl to digitalize the record

kftpingsystem or the civil serna in order to mlua paperwork in the


Ekiti PDP appoints shadow cabinet n -JE State Working Colnmittecofthe Peoples OemOCTatic Pm}' (PDP) In Ekitl State yesto-day inaugurated a seven-member shadow cabinet to keep the Df-. Kayode Fayt'mi-Icd cabinet on il:i toes. A statement by the media aide 10 the chairman of the party in the slate. Me. Fernl Omolusi. quoted the chairman of the p;nty. Mr. Makanjuola Ogundipc as saying thai the .shadow cabinet would be in marge of seven critia.! ministries which indude themmistnes of Works. finance.. educa· lion, &tr.llegy and information, heallh. agriatltUR' and pmi= According to a statemm\, chairman of the POP urged the memben of the cabinel to balance their inrormation and msur-e tha.! the Fa~mi administration is made 10 account ror every aclion laken in the COIJ.l'K of

Bauchi govt shuts down po ly am idst protest the

offIcials. SIudmu Ih< poIy«dUoc ~ their displeasure ~ the devdopment while the Joint Action

Abubilw- Tatari All PoIytec:hnicindcf-


Frum Alrned MoNmnI!d,. 8uhI BAUCHI State has ilIIJKlI.1OCed ~



all three campuses



Tht- govmunenU d«isIon was


to Gov::rnoc-Isa Yuguda at the end f:L the IT1e'!ling rL!he ~ing Council



demic staff ofIIIl tertiary institutions in Bauchi Statl!gavea 21 <by ultimatum to thestategovemment to rescind itsdcd· sian or risk strike. In I communiqu~ signed by the chairmllR of the commilke, Comrade

l.Imwl Mohammed and secmary, Comrade Abdullahi Yalwa, the union called on G4Mmor lsa Yuguda to sack the ConuttWioner for- F.ducation, AIhaji Mohammed Aminu b- misrqJresenting earlier agreemenl3 with p -

,""".n!. They are also calling on the state ~11on:sdndftspianlOdIt'the

School oflawof the A. 0 Rufai Colkge ofLtgal and IsIamk Srudiesal the main

campus. $lying it should be cited at the Hammayocampus of the institution. Socio«OllOll1kactivities in the ~ 'IIn'e also parn1yud for $OITle hours as srudmt5 of the polytrdmic staged a protesI to register their dispk:asure over the dosu.re. 1he students SCI up bonfires in fronlofthe5Chool along the busy Bauchi. - )05 road, and it took the intervmtkln of the poIia: 10 bring the


Mr. Ogundipe:. who refused to mention the names of the appointees. said he would not rdeue thdr names rorsecurity rea·

sons.. In anothe.r development. the pany has decried the Slale or the mads withIn Ado-Ekltl meuopol~ ~y' ing they ha~ become death


QUId! Read

'2Q million nomads th \eatened by crises'

Corp member builds toilets for community market

fflIm OWtiana T.A1abl. Llduna

From Sunday lsuwa, Iduna

Kebbi farmers to get 14,000 metric tonnes of fertilizer ham Umar JiIriu~ Bi~


r 20

mUlion nomads In the country are being

~~ned by£reque:nl attlooO'Va" gnn:ingland. the Pas-

toral Jtesolve (pA.RE) bas said ~eocutive Director orPARE, Mallam Vmar Hassan, said !mmad5 IlR under constanl attacks from various communilies in theIr scaICh for gree.ner paslurn which ~ Aid make nomads wander around the counLTywith their IveslocL --1 hey have DO ptnnanent homes. theyarr farever on the mo\'e rrom one place to the other," he said.

A member ofthr National Youth Smrice Corps (NYSC) serving with the. ECWA Health Technology Kagoro, .Kaura Local Governmenl Area ofKaduna State, ldowu Sunday Abiodun has constructed a modern public toilet al the Kagom maBel. Accordingto Abiodun. the gesture Is aimed al fighting common di5eases In the area. "When I arrived in this community last year December.1 visited the market to purchase certain Items and I discovered that the market requires toilets to curb water. air and (ood bomediseues," he said.

THE Kebbi State goyernmenL yaterday said that it y,VJld supply 14,000 metric tonna of fertilizer 10 farmers in the state to boost food productIon.Speaking to DrtilyTnut. the stale'sClm· mhsioner rOl" Agriculture. Sani Kanya sa.id ammganents ilIe on 10 ensure tlw the produa is brought inlo the 5lale within the next three weeks. Kanya saki the ftderaI aod stale governmenl ha~ jointly agreed to OlTeriiSO percent subsidyoD each bagto be purchased by the farmer. According to the. commis:sioneT. only gmuine farmers will benefu from the gestW'e. He urged £armm who have not rt:glStemJ 10 ensure that they do to.

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