DAlIXTRUST Thursday, tlov('m!J<>r n,1012
Nigerian content attracts $500m investments in 30 months -Alison-Madueke By Hamfsu Muhammad
l lu.' minister was sr"~aking at the o~nmg ceremony of the
Nigerian content implementation has attracted foreign direct investment.s
Practical Nigerian Content in
worth ove r $SOO million in the
manufacturing of equipment components for the oil and gas industry, M inis ter of Petroleum Rnources Mrs. Dinan! Alison Madueke has said.
Yenag(J;l, BayeiA Siale. She said the equipment componcn Ls manufacturing initiath-cofthe board inn df«tive
way to drive industrialization of the Nigerian economy and is aJreadycrt:allng~r
jobs in the country.
Permanent Scocretary in the Ministry Power. Ambassador Abdulkadir ~'1u.u, represented
the minister. The minister cltpresscd confidence that the ini ti ath'e will ensure that about 30 original eqUipment manufacturers will have set up fully in Nigeria within the nut five ynn. A1ison· Maduekt described
the Nigerian Content Act u the l1Iost illll)(lrtal1l Je\'(~loplllent in the Nigerian oil anJ gas industry in the past few decades. noting that the impact oflhe act was llcing fd t in 5e'\'tral sectonoflhe «onomy. 11le ~nt also marktd Ihe signing of memorandum of understanding between the Nigerian Content Dcvdopment and Monitoring Board and
Petroleum Teclmulogy of Ni);rtla I'll a l'ul'ilage/ inlcrnsh il' 1'1 ogramml'. "Nigel [illiS nllw OWl! laml. s ..... amp. ja<.k up rig~ and some I'rol>Ortion of detl' offshore rig~ . Mort' Nige r ians are acquiring Anchor Il andling Tug~. DYllamic POSitioning Plalform Ve~scl~. Line Handling Tugs and oliler larg('r ve$$els otherwise ad led Ca tegory 2 \'esseb," thc minister said. 'I he minisler directed Ihe board 10 lead the industry to estabhsh vesse l and rig maintenan ce facUitiuso th at the Nigerian «onomy will realir.e maximum economic IKnefiu from Ihe uset ow nership. Ihc
A~"l .... iallun
C/River help expand free trade zone From Eyo Charles Governml'nt or Cru~~ Riwr Stale' will hell' iUlile expan<ioll and all raction "I j,u~ine~~~ inlo Ihe Calabar Free Trade' Zonc. General t. lanager of th e C.11~b~r Frt't' TraJe lolle. Alh~Ii S,l(li'l Kas~i m.
From right: Minis ter of State for Federal Capital Territory, Oloye OlaJumoke AkinJide, and the Chief Representative of Japanese International Cooperation Agency, Mr. Sekl Tets uo, du ring a vlslt by the Japanese representati ve to the minister In Abuja, yesterday.
Women farmers to cultivate 3,000 hectares - AFAN Female farmers in Kano Stale plan 10 cultivate 3,000 irrigable hectares during this ycar's dry season fa rming. Ilajiya Fa tima
Kiru. the woman leaJcro(Ihe AJI Fanners Association of Nigeria (A I:AN), ha\said.
Kim disclosed tllL~ in an intervjew tile News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kana. )'t'SIcnby. "\Ve have about 3,OOJ regislerro womm fanneD under AFAN IUllI c:KIl wVlIlan will be alIocalcU one l!Ktare 10 wlllVllle 11li.~ )1:3f. nut W1t11
ifther arc intcrcsled in cu IU\7ttlug more. they can make their uwn penonal aml.ll£f:n~nl; Sle sa;. l She said lhe as"odation 1m already sdo..,at sb. irrigaliotl siles in
Gann 8abb;,.llatlcja lama'Mc, Kura, Ud>tji. llakin DaIl1 in Ilag ....'3i I..ocal <.:io\~nuncnt anti LamOOr i' in
\Y.tra .....a I..oca.IGo\.'CO\O'Ieni Ami. Kiru said the fannns w~rc expected tocultivale rice. tornaloes and maize. adding that tile association had since contacted the statc Agricultural anJ Rural ~l(nCnl Age-ncy (KNARDA) lOr tllIC sur,"y of ilnpmyed set"I.b arod leruliur. S1)Cdisdosed that tI )C~tion planned 10 train its lllemlJers 011 modcrn f.mniug techniques and called on tllC stale ~mncnt 10 sul'l'Olt iL "We h3ll tlte plan tu lrain Ollr
mcmbel"5 before 0fM .... bUI II e coul<! not Jo it Jue 10 L1Ck of fllnd~ alkl SUI'lIOl1..M Site calJcd on tlte stale gQ\'ttTlment logh't' women f"ruler.> spcdaIconcession in tllCllislribulJon offer\iliT.ft':lIxi olher inl'Ul~ SI03.'itoencou~tl~l(NAN'
FG says committed to upgrading Maritime Academy The
ycstcrday reilerated its delermination to upgrade the Marilime Academ y of Nigeria. Orono Akwa lbom, to add ress manpo\ler needs in theemergillg
marilime sector. Mr Abiodun Oladunjoye. AssistaJ It Dh«tor, Press. Ministry orTransporl, made this known 10 IheNe ....'SAgencyofNigcria(NAN) at a IllC'l:ting of Ihe National CoullCil 011 Tr.Ulspolt in Makunli. "'Ilte go'o'ttnlllent is nOi UJl311'a(C of tile shortage of ~fart'r5 in the maritime jndu..'~II'Y- 'Illal is \lhy tile' (;O'o~ll11nl'nt is making ]"aIlS 10 ~I,c.<..~ Ihe i ,~ue. ~ It is u)'mg 10 1'l'KfaJc lite ui ll y gu'o'Ctlllllefl\ maritimc academy, which is u:!.sed in Olon. Akwa Ibom. ~ II ha., set up a cOfluuillt't' IOCOITle up with idea.\ 10 tran~(onu tlte acm.lelllV to a dC£rt'C awarJilllt
"'111e COOlllllllec is expected to turn in [tllrecommendationssoon." Oladunjop: sakl lie' said that 10 coml"ementlhe academy al Oron, go'-1:rnml'llt woulll eslablish nk)lC o( :;u~h academies in titecoulliry. lie recalIcd thaI timiug Ihr la.o;{ presidential rcl,eal.'!! 1he "MJu<try, oneuC tite IssucsJookC\lal was hmv IU gcn{"f;llly hnpflwe ti l<: malilime SC\.tll('. I Ie SliJ Ihat Ihe iuumll\TS pUI rOrlVll,J il)' the HllIlliliU. t"" w" l.Iki.ldlnilcl)· 0.""'1:" li~'i!i~ III Il,e u" iUII! ,: A, WI! ['n:~ Iv 1111 ".lllie \lliI ullilll"ltlr 1T· ,,,il ~· 11 ",1 111"1' l'CI!ltJlmcillrt' I!«'.IrJ.
"'I1I~1 i~ wll)' till' t.lll1i'll), 11311<1,,>lt is trying I.. n"'""lil"!e tlte Nigt'lia I""I ~ Au,i,olil), (I ~ I'A) 'Ii-aming Schwl Ihal Ins t.ccn
aoonJoncd:l.,-qi<.l (NAN}
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l ie ~aid there i~ nn\l \... Il('r undelst,lnding helw("('n the 7.ont' an,lllie ~Iale gUH:llHnl'nl cunJI'~IC\1 hI tile (l\~e bell'fe. ~]'ea]"'ill!!. 1\, ,ourn Jl i ~l ~ in Cal.,haT. AlI,ali Ka~~im s,tiJ (;o\ernor Li}'d Imo]..:e promised to gil'(' more ]and~ III the 70lle 10 ellahle il expan.] further as mOl e illternalilJnal inl'e~INS 81e coming into Ihe ~Iale lu IIn'c51in Ille 1O"e and olil('( palls of the slate. MThis pronllse has excileJ mallY iulernalional inveslors Ihat have been di sc ussing with us hut land scel1leJ 10 1)();5C if !'mbleul:' he said. lie saiJ Ih~t an AmeriOUl cleclridty glanl. Geller..! Eledric. has alreaJy wnLfudeJ arrangcments wilh the lOne all,1 the sl:!.tc £olelllmclIl 10 inaugurale ils pu\\'cr ],lUj ...,,1 e,lll ), nexl year. Kassim niJ Gelwldl t1edl ;'; 11m come willi IIi GI II)' ~lilkJ alill weU - ~erse,1 ('),1>.I1!i;,I($ III ki(k Slart the 1'001'(r 1':1';C.t hI Ihe ~Ia\{' ami 1\lIul,1 fUlj·j,,! ~l I,.act JoO Nif,':'liaus III Ill: /11'1 ill ~ tan(e .
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