Monday, October 22.2012
Quick Read
Gov Aliyu to critics: You can't intimidate me From AIIyu M ~am. Minna
Hi8ft' Stale CicwttDor &.bangidl Aliyu)w: aid thai no amount of intimidation &om the oppoIition will diJtnd hiI govanmmt on what he deIaibed u its wdl concdwd popular policies. The pvanor made the statement at the weekend wtillc respondins
to questioru during" town hall mcctinA which was attended by the Good Go¥ttnance Tour Team iDMlnna. "Nobody can fripncn us bKauIc the ma;ortty U'C b.ppy with wbaI: 1ft U'C dolnt.- be aiel 00 the dday on the commcncanml of the ~ star hotd proj«t whkh h<"....durtns hit lint LmIolR. ~
Aliyu said his
~t is
ItilI determined to deliver on Its promlKo and that bdocc the ~ 01 his tenure in 2015, the project would Mft bcca compIctcd. He abo dimUacd tbc apecuIaioD that the nR land """"'" "'" _ of KYa.J structureI In the state apttal lOr tht construction of Min.., OtT CAnter, hat hem
ISIftD to the two fonner mihtary' head 01' ltate in the ..ate. He maintained that the aHqation is not rounded. tlddina !.hat tht land would be UJCd to.- the: ~ it -
meant for. Inhismnarb.the:ladcrclthe:
Ieam, the Minister oflnfonrmion.
Mr. l.abmm Ma.ku. commmdcd
the JOY'"fOOC' for malnlainin«
Ex-minister of education dies at 82 Fom.n' ministn' ur educ.adon dunng the Second RepubIx. AlhaJI Bmyuninu UlmaR, dkd at the Wftkcod at tht J.". of 82_ He dxd fOUowmg" protnKlcd at the AmiQU T~ HOlpiCIl. AlhaJI ~~""Inu. who JCrwd u • UDder Praidmt Shmu is ~ by one wife and 14 children and many TMbmft
minbttt has SUla b«n buntd III IICIt'Ofdaou ...-.t.b lIIamk nlft at bh home town 01 Hadt;I... JlpWi SlaI£.
Jigawa head of service turbaned Wamban Dutse The ligaWJ. Stm Head of"Srmu, AlhlJi Mustapha Amlnu. al the W'td.cnd wu turbaned at thc: new WlJ'DbaJ DulX br tht' Emir of OuuroAbji Nuhu MulwnmaduSaouQ.ltbc~ru
• Gcw. 'fheodoreo0fjl of AbU! Shl. (~) adtnowtedgl:og grMlings hom sotM o\.tU Indigenes In Ghana whoome to reci:l'l'l him on his wrtv...t Akwa'" inti. airpcwt. Accn recentty.
North govs to insurgents:
Embrace peace From Allyu M, HarMgam. Minna
11w NOt"them Go'fa'nOf1 Forum (NGF) bas calkd OD terrorilt 8fOUpt: in the counlrJ' 10 pw peace • chuK:e. Aymg Ittacb and Olher iICII pC viokn« will not advana: the courtt: of peace.
Chalrman oJ the forum and Gowrnor of Nila State. Dr Mu'u u Babanpla Allyu. Aid the tcnJdas ldlIins 0( Innocmt dtlu:n.I: ill tbt put two Wftb in nriow parts of the country. neptts aD efforts to restort peace: to the country In I stalcment Ilan~ by GoYnno.. A1Iyu'. Chief Preu Secretary. Oanladi
....y<t>o. "" IOnun """"""
concerns over the murder of l4 ptt"IOtlJ ill Potl.lkwn, Yobe Stale.. The forum IIkIlt wu puticulufy aIonn<d by "" "-'"I 0( '4 penonJ In Pbttau SUl.t penultimate wn-k u well .. the kilhna of studmUi II the FedttaJ PotyteduUc. Mubi. AdamaW1l StIlle culler in the month. '"Wc ue worried that tbc IC'CWlty currently confrontinl the iUltion b capabk 0( Karina off InftSton from Nl..,u. and pullin, the country on the tnvd ~Ibtofmany counlries around the world, thlll dimminl thecountry's~ pn»p«ts.~ the stltement Aid.
33,777 farmers get fertiliser in Cross River Mrs Ada Edu. the Itllt coordinltor of the Ft<iem Gow:mmmt Growth Enhancement Support Schemt. has Akt that ll,T17 't'SiJtt'~ fanTl61 in Crou Rivn Statt ru.'I'e collected their Inputs. Edu., who ditdoRd this to fIotWStnm in said 67SS4 '-81 of ftrtiJiKf WUt coU«kd It the 37 redemption centra In tM II local government IIItu of the Itlte. She aid lb.t II,OOC>tta of malu and IO,~ of rice K'CdlinJi were recdved durin! the Ont phaK of the prosmnme. She said 1M c-waIkt and YOUC.her Kheme WffC designed In line with lhe Fcden.I Govnnmenl's agrkultunJ l...ruformlt1on agenda for the distribuLion of
paba The: J-bd 01 Smoke. who was fonnerly the Dan lyan Dutw, wu denim to pmlOOn or W~nlbai DulK due to 1M vacancy created by the of lht furmtt \\'ambaI Oul.loe. AIhaiJ Ahmad TIjpni. who <bod IWo months ago. 'I'M Emu ofDuue dtKriMd the new Wambal u I dhUngubbed ton of Dullt: cmiralt who has pru'ftn hlmKlf both in the dvil service and communttr developmt:nt. He advt~ lhe MW WambU 10 I « hI' dnahon .. ;a call to serre M peop&e: and pray to God 10 usbt him in dIoIdwJt of hIS dulJa. In a dw with Journallsu aRtr the certmon,.. the new Wamb.i Ibnked Iht tmlr Ind mnnbtn of'his council lOr cvmldenng tum lit (or the
teedlinp and fcrtiliJe. darmty to
fumen. She .id 1M fednaJ and stale gowmmmu subAdised each ~ of fertiliser by 50 per cent. adding thai ,. the tt:edJ" maize and rice ~re distributed
Edu U:id the cha&np: raced by the: PfOITIl1\mt was dday ill
mpuu ddiftfJ by IUppUen and poor- network services ld tome
-= , , Somt
Wmt'f1 deleted their rnc:uagcs and others lost their phones lhertby rnUin& It cWJkuh 10 meh thtm,- she said. She corn.rne:nded Go. Uyd lmoh for hb support to the prosramme, IMlnl lb.ltM IlIte wuamonlthe nnl 141ft N~ia 10 Mgan the ache~ (NAN)
ABIA seeks UN's support on flood
From Ogbonna. The: Am. Sule FYttnmtnt yestttlby .~~ to the lJ nlled Nabont Population Fund (UNFPA) to lUll" dlt' 'talt govurunefll UI the control of 000<1 tJv,1 hal r ... vaged Aba. the commacW hub of the 1t&Ie. ~nor Theodore Orjl made 1M apptaI whik fKCj'ftD! the Country Rcpmenl;aUft: of UNFPA. MI ViC.lOria ~Io who was In Ibt' Itlle 10 aa::e:sa tbt' r100d "tUition.