12 DAllYTRUsr
9 news
Monday, October 22,2012
FG to disburse N450bn loans to farmers, says Maku The Federal Govunm~nl bas set asidr N4SO billion to be given as loanll to farmf'OI in the' 36 states of the federation. Infonnation Minister Labaran MiIku has Wlid. Mdtu made the an noullcement on Sunday at a town ball m«ting at the Idrb Kulig! Intunatlonal Conference Centre in Mi nna while .palting on the·Good Governance TOur.-
He said that the loan was part of measures put in place by the Federal Government to boost food production, noting that Nl.S miUion jobs would ~ crntC'd in th e agricu hu re
KetOI before 20lS while 30,000 P"Jpie in Niger would benefit from the schnnC'. The mi nister also caIl«l for peaceful coexistence among the populace. '" tell you if thcrc ls no peace. forget about de~lopmcnt. I urge you Northerners to I~ one anotber. intC'l'Rlle for peace that is the way forward La a belter future.; he Hid. He lIf8ed politicians to shun imp;/!· lienee when they lose elections but to see poUl.ics as II catalyst for devdopmenlo
The minister urged Governor S .. bangida Aliyu to Intensify efforts
in the de\-dopmmt of the statc.. Ihe Feckn.1 Ministry of information's Performance MonJtoring Scheme partners with Slate Governments to give the citi zen a say u democracy .. about human devdopment that promotes the welfare: or the peoplc.,~ he said. Aliyu thanked the minister for initiating the "Good Ciovnnancc Tour." He said lhat the stlilte had 33,000 work force and thai the monthly aIloaUon went into payment of sal· ary while the little rmtalning was DOt enough for any meaningful dcvdopment.tHAN)
Wada tasks Igala people on development By Ojoma AkOf Governor Idris Wada of KOZi SllIIte hu called on 19a1a sons and daugbten to ;oin hands in addrUling the devdopmc.ntal challenges conrronting the ethnic group. He made the caIJ Saturday In AbuJa at a seminllll'on 19a1a un ity and development organized by the 19a1a Youth Organiution for Social lind Economic Oevdopment (IYOSED) in Ahuja. Represented by the Chief of Staff, Mr Joseph Daniel, Wada said, -We have to ~ the waUup call for aU of U$ to M and fight the hold
Mark tasks Benue electorate on tolerance Senate p resident David Mark hu advised the government and people or Bc:nue to rem.ain peaceful during and alier the forthcoming local government election in the stlilte. Mark., who was represented by his wife, Helen, gave the advice at the burial of the late PDP Women Lndcr, Mn Victoria AbedliI., on Saturday at Tsa.r-Mbaduku In Vandrikya Local Government Are.L He advised the electorate to continue to show tolerance In their political activities, a statement made lIvailable to the News Agency of Nigeru (NAN) on Sunlhy stated The Senate president, who noted that oll ly political stlilbility could guarantee Infrastructure development in the state, described the late Abeda n. humble, hardworking. God-fearing woman and a respectful politician. (NAN)
of cfuease, povuty, insecurity and the Oem ofBusiMU Adminisu-ation, Wldudevdopment faclll! w..Nasanwa State Univutlty, KdB. While u.tollin! the virtues of the Pro£. Ibrahim Oma1e lamented the 19a1a Empire from prehistonc times gradual death of the 19a1a language and landmark achievements of IplOil and some vocabulary particularly 10m and daughlers both at home and amongst yuutbs and children.. abfOllld, the governor said though his He called on government to adminisu-a tion is young, it is focused provide basic amen ities like roads, on ensuring that issues affecting the health care for the people. Earlier. National President of the people are addresxd. He promiSftl to study and association. Conlrade Mwa Otigba Implement whaleV'Cf workable said the ffift'ting was convened to solutiotu were pu t forward from the secure the commitment of 19a1a frontiers or gata.c-cpers at a111nd5 delibnatioll. Chalr-m.an of the n-ent, Former ' towards the unity of the people and Minister of Hca.lth , Chief Gabrjd development effons in 19a1a land and Adukwu who wu represented by Kogi state in general
13 not 34 killed in Potiskum, JTF says
'Air Force better under democratic rule' By Ronald Mutu m
military regimes.
The irnmedJale pall Chief o f Air SllIIO'. Air ManhaU M.D Umll( (Rid), ha~ Aid llie Alr Force receIVed beller fWlding during the recellt demottatk govanments more thiUI under h.Uilary ruk. UIIUlI', made thl.s known ~llhe wcckmd, in a vale~ctory speeclt during the py-over pantde. o rganized by the Air Force in commemoration ofbis retireent as Chlerof Air Stal{ He sajd after Ihe 1.980s. "Sadly. the fortune IIf the ilerviee took. tlO$edivc as it 5eVerdy ullderfunded curiousJ.r by SUCCC55JOn of
last decadt ho~. successions of democratic governmm l have.d«mcd it fit to 1101 only resuscilate the ten'ic.e arid itl tiling platforms but abo to acquire n~ oncL" 1bc outgoingChiefsald. "Th~ Impol'tA1lce of a fo rmidable flying force su"h as the Nigerian Air force in the face of o ur current security chaIlengel cannot be 0VeI" emplwlz.ed. Air power as a vusalile and multifaceted irutrument an be wed in defence against .ggn:s.slon. promoting security and s upportingpcople."
~r theCOUTSeof tbf'
SON to start products registration -MD The Slandards Organisation ofNigcria (SON) has Wd that il willsoon start registntioDofpl'Oducts tochcck influx of substandard goods into the country. Dr. Joseph Odumodu, the SON dmctor-getIC'nU, told N~ AgencyofNigeri.a (NAN) in an interView on Sunday in Abujlll that the lCJistralioD isaimcd at combating imporIaLion of 8ubstandard producl5. Wearcstartinga robust product rcgi5lnlJon regime any moment from now and it l.s to c.nsurc that ~ry product you pick up anywhere in Nigeria is tr.lceable to I soun::e. -You must be able 10 teU its characteristics such as the fflaku and importer.· The SON hem; stres;s.ed that every unponed product mU51 ha~ a code to ensure Ihat it could be tr.roced III the event of any prob&cm. According to him, the rcgistrntion will also heJp to Kleen both imported and localIy- manufKnuN producu- (NAN)
From Hamis u Kabir Matazu, Damaluru The loint TiUk Force (JTF) in Yobe Itale has denied report t ha t 34 people were killed Saturday night In potiskum uying a tolal l J people we re th e actual casualty figure.
• It.Gen. Azubulke IheJlrika, Chief of Army Staff
In a statemenl ydterday .y JTF spokes:mUl. U~utenOlint Eli Laurus said ~During the attacks, a tolal of I J people were killed. The breakdown is 31!1 follows; two (2) fervlng policemen, one (I) retired policeman and his th ree (3) ch ild ren. four (4) civilians and one (I) suspected terrorist Also, Included in the figure are the retired senior Customs officer and his son that were killed.'" The statement said the newspaper report on thecuualty figure was ·untrue and capable of causing unn«HSary pamc amongst the resldenu ofPotiskum town_" JTF also said "After the atlac.ks. bodies of the victims were evacuated and deposited In the mortuary. However, d uring the attacks. five (5) suspccted terro riSIS were killed but their bodies were ta.ken away by their members immediately and several others escaped with vaTious gunshot wounds. Some of lhe~ f'sc:apea; were suspecled to have died later. Our men are still searching (or possible discovcry of their bodies... ~Rcsiden15 arc hereby assured thai TfF Is in full control of the situation as it has since senl additional personnel to bC"Cf up 5ecurlty ilt the commerdal town of Poliskum. The Task Force is appca.ling to law abiding people to report anybody seen with bullet wounds to security agents.~
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