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Frlday, June 24, 2011
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Business/ Agric . 'FADAMA would increaseGDp, food security' By nna A. Homan TA5Klhm LeKltT(TfL) orthe FADAMA JU project. t.,'lr. Abimbola Adubi said the ongoing FADAMA III project would incm.st Nir:ria's Gross Domestic Product (GOP) and mm !.he countr}'s food 5eCUrM ifi! contInues to get attention and
participation of young proplt' and dc\-1!topmmt partners. Speaking iU the: fourth gmernl wnlp-up meeting of the 5U~ion mission of the World &nk and Federal Gm"m1men! lnspedion lew acrms participating stales holding in Abuja. Adubi said untmplayment hall been reduced through the prognunme. Htsaid man)' people now find it con\"eTlicnt 10 use imprm-ni t«hnology in farming and also takt: ad\'aJl tage of the links to mMkm l\'aUabk in the progralTU1lC. "Our FADMlA vtna~ have been a SUCCc:5S ~use lhty also mcoumgc the use of "'3510 as inputs (Of other groups of the project. llirough FADAMA,ourfannenare able to cui down post
han'e5t loses through various mrthods of p;ackaging and presthe progrvnme.- he said. He said the World bank and other de\'dopmenl partnen
~"ation thq were introdOCC'd to in
ha\'erontinucdto showintermandsupportforth~prognmmc because ofits success across the slates.
National Programme CoordinatorofFA DAMA, Dr. Hukar Tijanl said thm: has ~n a hu~ brukthrough in Nigeria as a result ofLhe: sucussofFAOAMA 111.
G20 agreeson farm deal, soft on regulation G20 farm minislmagrmi on lTlG5ures on Thunday to tackle: high food prices in a dc:allhat stc:c:rc:d dear of divuivc: details. II also pa\"ed the: way to gmlle:r inte:rnational coopc:nLion on sensith'e: agricultural iuuc:s. TIle: action pl31l to boost agricultural output. food mar· Ittt transpare:ncy and polk)' coordination rdlc:ctc:d many of France's ambitious proposals for its G20 presidency this rear. HowC\~, it fe:D short ofcal1s by Paris for alough Crackdo\\ll on speculators. The: II1 t'mbers of the group thaI produces 85 per ctTlI ohhe: worlds agricultural output praised France: for putting the: Issue: o(food security and price: 'IOlaliIity in lhe: l imdi~L The:" said more: lalks ....~re: now nc:cdc:d to flesh oul G20
pohck-s. (NAN)
Gomberice millers hail govt over land provi~ion RICE MilIe:n in Gombc: have lauded Gov. Ibrahim Dankwambo for providing them \\;!h enough land to carry out thdrbusinc:ss. Malam Umaru Na·habu. the: Chairman, Gomhc: State: Rkc t-lilm Association, told the: Ne:ws AgencyofNigc:ria (NAN) in Gombe on Thursday that the: gesture: would boost Ihe:ir business. lie: said before: the: land \\lI$ provtded, some: me:mbers of the association were: pa)ing ilS much as N 180,000 per annum each as rent 00 Ihe: land they had leasal for Ihar business. -Apart from the high cost of rent, Ihere: was alWol)'S' 20 ~ cent incrc:3SC an nuall y and Ihis did not aid the: expansion of our business bc:a.use: we nc:ce 10 sa\~ money 10 Increase: our capital base. Yin spite: of Ihis chaUe:ngc:, our association struggled to c:nsu~ the: expansion of the: Ir.!de: by increasing our milling machines from SlX some: )'nf'S hack to 70 now. "With go\-emment assislance, I erms.ge furthf'T expansion and imprQ\"ed qualil)'ofSC'J'\i« to rice: (armersand sdlen who patronise: us; he: said. TIle: chairman s.,id that their activities had helped redu~ Ihe: r.l leof une:mplo)'rnc:nt in Ihe stale. According to him, no fewer than 10 pusoru oper.Ile each millingmadline:while: IOOwommarc: iO'lOh-ed in mc:nialjobs dai1)~
Na·habu appealtd 10 Ihe: gOl'emme:nt 10 prQ\ide: them with transfo rmer at the: millillg ce:ntre: 10 impro\"t power supply. He: al'lOsolicited for soft loan to member's oflhc:associ:ItJon to boost the:ir apilal basc:. (NAN).
GOVE RNO R Petet Obi (tight), tect'.v.hg a j:llattUI! frHtH the Pte~itlelitf thaltmal1l:if CoUhdl, Chattered II1,htute d lialik~t1,
Mf, 'laoye J.liyedlaj t:clii !lett), ~hHttly aftet klsllilJestitUte ils ail hblh:lt:ltY fellow 01 the IhUltutti 311h _. _____ . _ __________ _ _ _ __
Fedet.1l~alatel-fotella I:I'S.!ltlkl!Week~r1d.
Prices of tomatoes, pepper rise by over 100% ....
By OIayeml R. lbrahlm & Usman
PRJCESoftCllTlatoesand pepper lID-erisc:n byOl't:r I00 pe-. Cetll in Abuja. Therisc:inpriceaaording to sdIm who spoke to Dail)' Trust in some: markets ac:ross the: city ....'25 due: to the: rainy smson which they s:tid often lead to the scarcityof' perish· able products. Atthe:UIakoMarbt.some ofthetr.ldc:ts whosdl perish. able:pmductss:rid il isoot their faull for selling al c:xorbita/ll prices but il was due: to how they purdmc: from dc:alc:n at Dc:i-[)d tomato market.
A small basket. of toma· toes which was initian)' sold for N700 is now sold for betwft!n NI ,700 and NI.800 dc:pmding on the size: while: swtet pc:ppc:r whkh WlIS in itialtrsokl for NSOO nowgo for N I,(XXl for a small baskd. A small baskd of hot pepper ill now N 1.000 instead ofN500 Malam Mwt'lphaAdulra· haman one or the sc:Ilf'T said, there is no profit this period because: they bu)' at expn1Si\'\" rale: from Dei·DeI Market and before transporting it here it cost a lot. -it is too apc:nsh~ from [)d·Dd Market.. We: don' makee:l1ough gain when these: ite:ms arc: looapc:nsil-e
because: the: cwIomcrs will be: complaining." he: said Anothn- 5dlc:r, t- 1u/llUtlmadu Sanni whosdl tonutocs at Dut5e Market!iaid, ~ No-.... a big basket oflomalOCS thaI we usetobulat the:rale:ofN6,OOO is now N 12.500. The: prices of tomato and pc:pper normally go up during the: rainy season because: farme:rs complain of low han.1'Sl during this 5(3.. son; he: said He said he has been selling lomatoes and pc:rpc:r fur 0I'l."I' 10)'N1"5 and !lut the: probIc:m 0( incrc:asc: in W pritt 0( the: producl~ is seasonal. Ihc: pried \Ii ll soon ~ down, it usually goes up during the:
rainy season h=luse tomato and pepper don'l rome out wdl wllike: in the: dry Ka!OIl1bc: farmers that bring Ihem 10 Ihe rIlarkrt an: \'Cf)' few and the)' h3\~ incrc:a.scd their pried. 8utitwillsool1bc:OI'rt~
,,,,,Idol <>neofthe: buym. t-Iadam TIlCrc:sa who spokt 10 Dnily Tnl.Sf lamented the: increase in price while: adding Ih,'llio makc:a small potofste:wnow she must bur NI , 200 I\'Orth of tomato and pc:ppc:r. ~nc:forc: 11011', NSOO worth 0( tom:Ito \1;11 be:c:nough forme 10 make a pot of ste:w but I noll' spend extra money bc:caust' of the: high price.- ~ said
Rice farmers commend mechanized rice threshers 81 OIa~fTli R. lbrahim
RJCE farmen across the: country ha\T commended the mc:chaniud rice: UlIdlCl' as a posith'\" dCl'dopmenl towards tlle growth of Ihe: country's rice
sector. TIred of the dnu:lger}'. time and cost ofthrc:shlngrice paddy manuall)', the: rice: farmc:rspokt: to PrOpComofthc:irdesirc: 10 imprOl~paddy procc:ssing.having disCOI't"rc:d that most rice: farmers in Nigeria practice:: manual th rc::shing whtdl results in dirt and stone: being s.....ept up with the grain when II is bad. The thrrshcrwhich \\'Udcsigncd and
manufactured by II Nigeria agricullural liml, Nova Tedmologics is to reduce the: labour costsand toil associated with rice processing. The new threshing machine was showcased to farmen III I I de:monslnl· tloos in Adamllll'll, Benue:, Ekili, Kana, Nasarnwll. and Ogun slates. 'rhe manu· f3Cturing company used the: evenu to sc:nsitise rice: ramlCfS on lhe bc:ndiu of using Ihe new thrc:shf'T and demon· strated haw il Om Improl't the: quality of thei r locaUl' produced rice The managing director of NO\'lI Te:dlOoiogics. Engineer Bankolc O)'\"n~i said that the demonstrations is aimed In
show stakrholders ill [he: ria: sector 'he: bcocfits ohhe: new machine:. Y\Ve need 10 chan~ rice: processing me:thod from manual 10 mechanized threshing. ir we a~. o incrusc: the:currc:nl rice capacity_ rWnl('TS need '0 IIdopt tJy new mode:l UlITsher. II is not only timc:-sa\ing ilnd cheap. bul also lncrnsc:s lheqwUI)'ofthe gr.tins,~ hesaid. 'rhe naoonal vice: chairman of Ult Rice Fannm Association of Nigeria (RlFAN) SOUU1·west Nigeria, Pastor Bode: Adcoekan alsoc:xprc::s.sc:d his suI" port while S3)ing Ih3t the: th~her W3 5 designed ....ith Nigeria's ~r.c agriculturalmvironmcnt in mind