~ DAIIYTRUsr Wednesday.Oct~
23 news report
24, 2012
Your guld. to su".ssful farmln
'How I cross breed rams'
By Shehu Abubaor
highly mUftI in Nlgnian
Shchu Mora ls a Combe broJCd hn:stoc:k farrtKr who JJ!«lali~
in rmducinglnd uadmgonhigh brffd rams. lie saKi M has bttn producing them thmtlf.h local Croll breeding of the Ioc:aI sr«k called '811,011' and I special breed he impor1ed (rom Sudan 10 produce what was rqankd at the r«mtly concluded National Apicu1tun.l show as the best bnocd of rim,. Man told thit r("POrter thlt with jus!: I wo ,pedal bfftds of rams (rom Sudan or any other rJacr of your choke .nd about five or more 8al1ml shcqJ kepi at I plKC (Of" about I ynr or so.
the sh«p wiU dclivrr I miItu~ of Balaml and 1M Sudan or othtt high brftd whkh. he said, From Abdutwaskl Hassan and Amlnat IS4Ih
Though the )'1m ~ and tndcn: in ljakoro viBap: in Tafa
cal the normal grus.
dusa (husk).oo groundnuu waste whkh ~ UW: in fccdina our local """'- But b.aux .. "" """s< . . _ . """ """ a>nobnC
mcWaI dwcb by Vet docton. 'IOu ~ to krq> than In I dtan place: lxause JUU noc $UppOKd to bathe ilion mort: than on« In Ihrff months. 8cawe of the natura! rood they CIIl.lhdr mnI is hiJhly palatable and oilr," he saki. Shdlu Man who saki he
ltartcd cross bfftding the Salami sp«:ic with the spKial Sudan breed about thrft ynrs ago. abo Aid he has since ,ucacdcd In
COflYfilmg aU his livestock Inlo .spedal br«d as lhry fetch him men money than the local ona he was Irldins OIl.
Ijakoro, where FCT dwellers·goforyams
""" """""'" Ududins lad< "" 01 fundy pnMoIon .. adtquale
.... Iad< ..plOd n>O<H uxI stalls, about 6JXIO ruben of yam Inboushton matbtcby, ",-hkh comes up &fin evuy foUf diII)'IJust few kIIomdm --r from the Abup "",,"," "" ~ S<hooI. • ridt to and rmm the.ru. is not only bumpy. bur acary as only motorcycla weft J«n ptytng the road ~ (JUr rqo1m lisl&cd the aJft. The....t is lin«! on both sides with ram &nns _
WIth rnouncb uI YWious sitts, • Icstimony 10 the hard wort. J'UI In 10 the rarminB proass by the kK:aI community. ·Aft« ckarl"B the f.um. "'-c UJe chemial for w«dmg" said Jbnhim Dada. • yam f.armer while cxpbini"8 the procell of yam fumjns In the vtUag.e. ·We use the local hoe 10 maU mounds in whk:h Wt' would puc the yam cuttlngi- This illabour inttmiw: as thai b the ont)- WI'{ Wt' an ..... """,.,...,.k,
~. by """""".
the yam wnlngs In pbnted inIo the mounds. If God wills it that it rains, the rubm will 5W1 sprouting. When they sWt growing. we UJt chemicals libGrarnawn whkh we spr.iIy the rum. Aft« spnJinB. we apply
, -'~./ .L
_" "'. . .
Yam farmen dispay at IjaMoro
"" """"'-
fntilittr. But the proI*m now is that we ha\""C J"f"ObIan d FltulB enough fmililD" on time. -nle fmihun 11ft not brought III; thor right time.. If we are able: to IIJ'PY the fntilittr on lime, by the end ulJuIy it: will be hanoot time. Tht~CU11a5t &om tNt timt
make thldched houx: b the }'IIII rubm to prevmt them from bano .... by ........... Dauda ~bItan.. who is noIlUn ri . . .but bdirftd tiw: he hasspml: SO yan: in fartnirc. Ibe tuben 0U1 bt thtft b up 110. 'fN6 W1lh;u
The he.d uI the muh1. Buhar1
..Hown-cr, """""April.. the pcapko _m
local ttong£ fKiI.ttits b their yam In 0I50t of bumper harvot that b In acessofthedmund In
'Kebbi procures 12,000 hand pumps to boost irrigation fermingKanya Page 25
"""'...... "'....
Thlwn, .... """"" ""'""""""'r
r.nnm bong Y"" from
"""" """""'. . . . . . Ilk<
I~Bwan.1iko. s.bon ,,",\tw, Gwaipai atnOr"II othrn aRt!" ~ four
days. whik customers comr from "...."'" """"" Gorl<i, Duu<,. Gwapa. Kanmo. Juwa. Bwui. .......... buy Thkun akl thdr nwbu lad. sWk which would haft rnadr business easier lOr both buym and
He said • tuber d yam IOId lO!N I SO or N200 dtpmdll1l on size
Farmers want FG to ban import of frozen birds Pag.24
and itJ ~. while 100 tubm (J( yam, known as ~.. In thr
market ~so kw NI5JXXI1O NlO,(O)lIt tht IjI·Korn yam ma.rltrt. AcmnImg 10 Dada Mabnw.. who "'" """ """" SO rem. their ........ earningsbin ~ better thcIc d.ys tt.n bdott.
........ """..........""£anninB 11ft
beiJrc .00 now In thole dqs Wt' would farm. but we would not be able 10 JrII (JUr produc~ as ~do"""