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Flood: NEMA tasks S/South on climate change By~hdl!'kadir Blltshl Mallfltar

shop on climate cban~ in Asaba.

THE National Emergency Managemen t A~ncy (NEMA) has advised governors o f the SouthSouth states in Nigeria to take proactive measures against floods by initiating policy on climate changt. NEMA Director General, Muhamm3d Sanl-Sidi, who gave the advice at a regional work-

of flood$, ausions, sea-Ievd rise. and salt waler intrusions whJch contaminate fresh wa Itt among others. . A commUniqut! issued at the wd of the discussions identified the need 10 survey and m;!.p out flood prone a reas 50 as to reduce vulnerability an d the risk ofhazards In the coa!ital communities. It also urged the St3tes to set up special co,!"mitlees for dim3te

sible at n.1tional, siaies and rommunlty Ie-lids to adapt and proactive measures n~ed to ensure that individuals and communlUes are capable of dtalmg with the detrimental impacts of clim~tc changt." Hcaddtd thai cotlectivccfforts .....trc ntctsSary to either prevent disa.~ters or mitigate their effects.. He said attention must also be given to addressing the problems



should initiate policies that could help in redudng the impact of dimate change 10 3void tos.s orUves and property (rom possible floods In the ami. According to a statement signed bythcilgcncy'sspokes miln. Yusha'u Shuaibu, the NEMA DG was quoted as saying. MWe must do everything pas-

change and dlsast« rnk managementsallhe community levcls. The communique furthu advocated .synergy in developmental plans in the South-South region among the th r« lien of government Ihrough appropriate empowennent orthe people, and ensuring proper deriv;ltion formula, havin g ttalized the fragile mllure of lite region's ecosystem.

Health minister calls for. NDLEA discovers cocaine in (ans of milk diaspora help of medical lourism and the k1rcign achangc aporttd HEALTII Minister Prof OIristinn 0ruJ0..1I hasalled on N"l(,'CIiM health professionals to "'show m<n commitmolt and concern to the heahh ofihe nation." lbe mln~ made the p,,", In I mes&!gr targeted at hunclmls of tllOUSaflds of Nig'!fian.born health apt'I1S working abroad during tile preliminary I!\"ef\ts marking this ymrs Dw pora Day in Ahuja ;oJla\d of tile main celcbr.!tion tOOilY. OllOOVU told Nigerian medial workers IUitlent oulo;ide tI.e COUnlry to help Nigeria Mreduce the incidence ,


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10 other muntries" as wdl as

slop lnin drain. The ministrY's dirmor ~

for 5ptCial


~ lajekodunm~

who spoke on behalfoflhe minister.said the ministry needed to"urk dosdy with Nigerian heahh workers [n Diaspora to dI'ecti\'dy dlaJUld their talrnts and dforts ofheahh missions t('l much rK't'dtd amu.. · We want to sec what we can gj:l~ back~ said UK-based nurse Pl'11!T5 OrflOOl8bon. president ofDia<pora Nurses Mwcialion ofNigma. Pattic:ia Ukaigwc, who heads an alumni association

' _




lrader Nkpa ctti Pedro Collins, 41 . Aminal. 44. a divorcee with th ree chil dren , wu arresled during the outward K~ning or passengers on an Emirale flighl 10 India at the Lagos airport. 800 grams of powdery substances concealed in htr bilg were recovered thal leslai posili\-e to cocai ne and 5.5 kilograms proved positive for ephedrine. Adelabu claimed 10 ha\'e been involved in druglraffickingasa result offcustralion. Collins was nab~ on his way from Bra7.i1 aboard Qatar Airways fli ght. He tated positive fot drug ingestion and was placed under obse rw t ion whe re he tlIcreted 60 wraps of subs tan ces that proved to be cocai ne weighing 1. 185 kil ograms. Chairman and chief executh'c of the agency, Ahmadu Glade who co nfinned Ihe armts said Ihal the modeof concealment is a reflection o hhe desperation and sophistication of drug traffickJng syndicales.

offOrrlgn-based nurses from Untvmity ofN"1gCria TeachIng Hospital. said. "We got quality education while "'~

T H E National Drug L:l\v Enforcemenl Agency (NDLEA) has prevenled a suspected major drug trafficku from aUeg- . edlysmuuli ngoul of Nigeria 15 kilograms o f whitish- powdu Ihat tesled positive for cocaine in milk conlainen allhe Murtala 1'-fohammed inlemalionalairport (MMlA)

",~hefe. ~belmin itand \\~\Yant illocont.inue."

On avcrnge. 2.500 docloB" nunes and 800 pharmacists graduate lnto the health sector C\o'rl')' rear. noted a govnnmrnt publiation studying human I'e'IOUfCCS lOr HcaIt.h Strntegic


Lagos. The SUSpKl , George Mike Adelabu, 39, was apprehended during the outward clearance of passengers on an Emirate fli ght to India. The drug was factory packtd in liquid milk con tainers among other can rood products suggesti ve of a compleJ.: drug traffickJng network.. The anti- drug agellCY has launched intense investigation into the selture describing it as shocking. Also arrested Is a hair stylist, Aminat Samutl Abiodun wbo deals in jewdleries and a


But many leave for work

ab~ in sarcholbctlCfpay

and wurkingconditions. More Ulan 13,1XXI nurses soughl employment outside Nigeria btt...."Ct'n 2004 and 2006. __.




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