Friday. May 25. 2012
U n ited Bank for Africa
CBN approves N1 bn agri loan for Katsina farmers - Commissioner TIlE Katsina StaIr Govmlment said on W:!dllesday that thr Central Bank of Nigeria {CBN; bad appro~ NI billk n for farmrrs in the- st.a.k undrr its Agrkultuf1Il : redit Scheme (or the 2012 fflrming sason.
Tht 5tattComm~siOfier for rmana. Alhaji Lawai
Jan, announced this on Wedn~ay in Kalsina afta the Slatel Exa:utive Council m«ting.
Jari said that the government wouJd stand as guarantor to the Carmen; and thal lhc loan would be disbursed through a commcrclal bank to enhance agricultural activities in
the stale.
ling N854.5 million during
He advised f.umers to form cooperative groups
thr period. The commissioner said that the govarunent
loenablll!' them ~o enjoy the
(adlity.adding thai it would be repaid within nvC!' to
seven re.ars.
8,420 farmers beoeftt-
ted from II similar scheme in 20 11 with 7,933 bettenciarit5 rrpaying loans total-
e-Product News
POS ... the new El e ctronic bullion v an
would conti nuil!' to accord
agricultuff lOp priority for lM avcraIl sodo-camomic dcvdopment of thr stale •• because more than 90 per cent of our people' IUl' fatm~ eon,.'" (NAN)
ECOWN; spends Sl.3 m on displaced persons Br IIomokt w.AhmiIcI TIlE ECOWAS Con mISSion has prt'.K'fltm I,JZO torn. or grains valued at S1.3 millKJO to the Go~mmmt c( Cott' d'ivoirt' to alIeviatt the '>UlTmngs ol $OInt'
one minion peopk dbpl"JCl'd during the countrys pc»t-d«tort Icrisis ol201 0. The' 8851005 cf O! t' and 435 tons c( I1U1ZC Wt'ft'
plaCflfed "f the Pnsidcnt of
the ECOWASComm.ssion, AmbassaKadn~ Obirr d'lvoi~s MiniSIt'!
Chednlogo. to Cole of ;t2k for Employ · mm!, Soda! Affairs a'1d Solidmty, Mr. Kafan" Kone', durin ~ a ctrrmOny in AbidJan ~nlly. According to a 51; te'me'nt from Iht'
Ql: Seme Customs rakes in N2bn TIl Ii Nipn Custon IS Serv· Ia (NCS). ~nt' Co. flnland says it mUd in N I, 9<,4, 007, 79SinthefintquartC'f .f2012. Int'amount &II sbcl1 ,}j"the
N2.-4 billion the comm._l1d tar . .", ... "" p<rioU. Public RdotIM.'fl!i ·JtflCC'f roC the COfTII1lIIld. Mr. E TIC:5t Olotta. who disclosed tt 15 to our c~dent in a chaJ )'!:Sterday, expbin.>d I l3 the shortfall in the quartl (5 ~ mue was due to the IlDuary protest 0Yn fud pump ttl' J"I"OCt5t which an!1!d . k:U lOr
commission. Presldml Oufdraogosaid including usistance' 10 victims of tht Ihe'gesturt was the region'sconlribulion 2009 Oood in the country. In January 10 usist Inte:mally displact:d penons 2010, 1M Commbsion rdeastd 500,000 retumquidtlYlonormallifelnthespint dollars to the UN refu~ agency• of regional solidarity. (UNHCR). to assist somt ISO,OOO lvoHe affirmt:d iliat ECOWAS plact:d .. rian refugees from the crisis in Ubaia.~ a high pre'mium on the management of ht:said. conflicts and assisting Membtr States In his response, Kone colTU1'le'nded 10 address accompanying challenges.. ECOWAS fOf the donation, dt:scnoing adding that the contribution would also it as futtha apre:ssion ofthc .nxhment ConlnDute In pmc1y aIlevblion ofMcmbt:r Slates to the: pnnciples ofsol· the dispbad population and refugees idarilyenshrined in the instrumcnt5 of affected by the crisis. Iht' orpniuUon. He .Rid the ahis bad "In spile of iUi lean resources. the KU:ntuat~wcialvulocrabilityandpaid community has intt'rvened variously uibuklOMcmbtrStatcs,notonlylOrlM to provide succour to Victims of nalUra! gesture bul also for their contributions 10 disastm and rdate'd crisis In the region. the restoration of stability in the country.
Solid mi neral institute takes off in Nasa rawa State THE Fe'derill Government's qUe'S1 10 increase revt'nut' generation from non-oil sector got a boost Ye'Sterday when It sel up a Nllionalln5titule of Solid Minerals in Nasarawa Statt 10 proces.s and aporl the minerals in the slate'. Sptaking II the formal commencement of the irn;titute in Nasanlwa lown Ye'Sterday. Govt'rnor Umar Tanko AIMakunI or Nuarawa Slate said whe'n tht Institute Is fullyopuauonal , it would u.rn bUlions of dollars for tht country through upon of nume:rous solid mmenlls found In the stille.
87 Yunus Abdullwntd
mand. Th(' nat quartl r holds a lot 0( promi5e. he eontl ltled.
THE ~'lanaging Dir«tor of Infrastructure Bank PLC, lotr. Ade'kunlt'Oyinloyt-.has warned lhat buses acquired under the rederal government'l Public Mass Transit Fund (PMTF) scheme are to be ust'd strictly for mass transit purposes. Speaking at the' formal launch of ISO mass transit buses of the Trade Union Congre'55 (TUG) in l.agos.
He disclosed that I te sum
N36 million was realiud from Duly """ v.Iu< (DPYl dunng tht' penod under 0(
According to Governor AI-Maltura, who was reprCKnte'd by the stilt commissioner ror science and technology. Mr Samuel Me'Shi, the Institute would also provldt jobs ror the people: and belp SMEs In selling up mining relatt'd business. Earlier while handing over take off $Ite ror the' Solid Minerals Institute to National Agency for Sdence and Engin~ring InrnulruClure (NASENI). the federal government agency that would provide mlOing equipment and machines for the' institute'. the' govtrnor promised that the 51 ale would pay the instltutt slafTs' salaries for the' nat ont Ye'ar btfore tht burden ralls on the fede'fal gove'rnmenL
Transit Scheme: \rIfrastrueture Bank warns against misuse of buses
He also 50Iid the: f let that the lirst quartt'! WIl.~ fiIl.!d with anticipation u iwpcrtm madt them crrdse caJ lliIn in transacting busil'll.'SSt" llong the: bonItt and thus affuctcd lilemomuc rrwgmofll e'.:oOl-
Mr. Oyinloye said the N25 billion fund for tht: sche'mt' .....as revolving Was repayments from bcndioanes art ~- invC!ited to ensure that the fund Isself-regeneralivr without subventions from the federal government": The managing director emphasized that. as the fund managers. the' Infrastruc~ turt' Bank has the responsibility 10 on-lend the fund 10 eligible transportl.'n across the six geo-pohlica.l zones
of the country in a sustain able manner thai ",,;11 meet the deovdopme'nlal goals of the fedenll govc:rnmenl for the transportation St'Ctor. In addition. he said that the bank has a dUly to tnsure that applicants ror the scheme are' capable' of deploymg the' buses eITeeth"dy and efficiently to guarantee loan re-payme'nt as and when due while it alsoUlisting the'm in building managerial capacity.
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