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Friday, January 27. 2012

Kwa~a abolishes fees,

levies in secondary schools Muyideen Alcorode, in a statement abo ~ the reductlon GOVE~OR~wr~hArumd

ofi<..wa 11 SI:.te yesterday .pproved that aU fees and levies In S«Ofldary schools in the statt' slmuld be ablUshed. TIle Senior Sped.1 AsJ.stant to the Govcmor on Mt'Jia md Communications, Dr_

ofNSO.500 from the r~ pakI. by stu&nts oflhc Kwan. Stale University (KWASU), who an- indigenes ohhestate. Hesaid the gesture 11 one of tht' p;alliatiws designed 10 cushion the impact oftht' Increue In the pump

price: of petrolt'Ulll on the people of the stale. Akorodt' added thai hl-nceforth. senior secooda.ry school students in the Slate would be givecl 10 notebooks per 5e55Ion free COUftesy of the stale gtmnunenL -with this devdoprnent. primary and posl.prinwycduation

is now tift: in Kwan. State. AI the. tmiaryeducalion kYd. ~r AhmedapprovedaNso,SOOreduclOr indigrncsoftht'Slate. lion in wboa.ce studying al the Kwan. Stalt' University (KWASU) with dTecl &om next session. KWASU studentsan-also lobmdit from a n~ masstr.msit S)'Stem~ Maid.


H~ said additional measumi laCF populalion would be roUt'<! OUI once the modalities are conduded. 11It' gov~rnor mililted his detennlnatiOfl to consistt'ntly implerncnt proactive welfare pro-grams 10 Improve the wdI-bcing of the peoplc:ofKwara..

~ed at the

.. .5ignsMoU with Spain on ricE! cu Itivation, processing, KWAJ A


Governor yestttm.} .~:ned • Mcmor.ll1dum of Under ;tand(MoU) with Vasolar CoIl5O'1.ium of5pajnon rice cullivatio I and processing to boost agriCUlture In thetblle. Tbt project whkb b under the Puhlic Private Partnership (PPP) II up'·cted 10 gwp N10 billion. Our ccrrespondent gatht'red th.t 1M Kl'an1 State government Is donati"lg 20,000 hectares of land whDt' 'Iasolu Con.5OC1Jum I! 10 im'~ 1170miJlion inlothe project for. poTiod of lOur J"9I'1-Abdulauah


Ex-militants appeal to Senate President over

Delta to sanction teachers rejecting posting

am esty

TIlE Ddta State government

FTtnI u-_


THE l!J1: _ Ni~ Ddla militants, who blocked the Lokoja-Abuja in Dc-.:cn tberlast ycarhaveappaJed t05enl,tt' PTesldmt David Marltto pn.-vai1on tht' Niger Delta MinilIrfto hclude them in lheunnesty prognmme.. Th·' leader of the: mUitants grou~ Ramsey Umulwru, in a statmtmt blamed the manage-


1100 in the amnesty~. He said they deddt'd to appcalto the ~ prmdml and the National Anerably b«ause. they are the. ~laUve oflbt: people. "We are appealina to thr Senall' pr!5ideni -and the Natiooal Aumlbly because all elTortJ to get thr Niger Ddlll Mini5try for diaSogut with tU premed tiye. Wt' have written seven.! IdIt'n 10 them. all to no avail The boys under Ulan: threate.nin~ 10 go bac,klothcClftklil because. !.he')' tlunk we.: are decriving tbt'm", he


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It , -IOUld be recalled that In DccnHber lasl year. same exmilillltlts blocked the Muritala Muhammt'<! bridge in Lokoja, to protest whal they described as their non inclusion in the amnesty


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has warned that hc:ru:dorth, any t.eacht'f who rqccts posting 10 any part oftht' statt' williosc his! htt Job.. II said thai any Olleflnspcclor ofEducatJon or offtcial of the Ministry ofDask and Secondary Education found aiding rejection of posting Of re-posting o(teachen would also be sanctioned. The. Itatt"S CommiS5Wner for Basic and Secondary EducatJon.

Prof. Patrick Muobogh.~ gave the warning at a mmlng with State Universal 8a5k Education Board (SUBEB) oflkia.ls and Loal Education St'cma.rics in Asaba. on Tuesday. Muoboghare also gave tht' education 5CCfrtarics lwo weeks 10 furnish him wilh the number of classrooms in primary schools in their respective local government areas. He maintained thai the data

would hdp in dt'termlning the numba of teachers to be posted 10 primary schools. saying that tht' nt'W policy in the. slat~ indiates thai onlyont' tc:achtr" wowd be. depl~ in a class.. "'You must go back to your ItatiOns and enforce this policy," ht' told tbe s«rt'taries. directing thai excess teachen curTt'ntly In UINn schoob should be. posted 10 rural aulS thai are In need of teachers.

He warned tIat any primary .school teachtt who cannOlteach aU subjects In a dus would have

hll or her appointment rcviewm. -A teache.r should be able to t9Cb all subjects in a primary school cla.u 15 it was in the good old days." ht' said. The: commWloner blnted that the. mtf!lng of some 5e'COI1dary schools, which h.d just been concluded In the stalt'. would .Iso bc:ca.rrit'<! oul in primary schools.


ASUU BUK to sue-SSS over assault on lecturer f.-- Hishatn H.wb.lIM THEAcademicStaHUnionofUnlVttSities (ASUU) &yau l.Jnlvftvt.y Kaoo( BUK) has~ to ptmut' I..b.e CI5e cf ~ assault on !he zonal mordinat.or' of the wUon in the North-wm zone, Dr Abdw· lUll Baffa Bichi by mc:o bcUcved 10

~ from the State Security Scr-via (SSS) .... Fri<by. In • statement. chairman of the BUKc::bapttr"ofthe wtian, Dr Mahmud Lawan saki the alt.adt on Dr Biehl by xcurity openlMs would 1101 be ImIlrd with kkIs gkm:s. He Slid the ~ was UOIICCCplabIe, and IS law abiding dtizens, lhq

wuuJd fight the injustice using aU

KIno State PoIict' Public Re.latioos

means It Iheir disposal

0fBc:er. Mag;lji MUSIl Majia UXlfirmed that the police rec.eM!d

Dr Lawan said ASUU SUK. and the university management haYe raised a leam of lawyers to mou:neD(Z kgaI actioos on the matter.. Ht' abo called on the Rate ~,E.ngineoer Rabiu Kwankwaso to wade into the rmlk'r. 1be

mmplaints from the university wmmunilY, and that the commlssionc:rhudireckdlhat tbeyshoold lodge a mrnplainl with the nearest poIkedirisionsothat~

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Army denies killing MASSOB members in Onitsha THE Nigerian Anny flu denied killing members oftht' Movemenl ror the: Artu&Iisation of the Soverdgn State ofBiafnt (MASSOB) In Onitsha. AnambnlState. u.-Col Sagir Musa, the Assistant Director of Public RdalkUl5, 82 Division oflht' Nigerian Army. Fnugu.loJd newsmen in Aba, Abb+ Sate, on Tuesd.zy that there wu no

kJla. of truth In the daim. He said the aIkgatioo was the. orpusationl propapnda to bring !he army Into dJ.sno:pute. Mr Uchenna Madu. MAS-SOBs Dim::tor of Information. had alleged on Monday that soIdim ldIIed three. of its mrmbets in Oniuha mel uT'estrd -i6 others. MIlA said that when atten-


tion was dJ1Iwn 10 the report. the GenenJ OffiCC!r Commanding 82 Division. Enugu, Maj.-Gen. Sunday ldoko. made contacts with the Commander, 302 Artillery Regl rom!. Onitsba. who dcnit'<! the.

«pan. He said the GOC also contacted the. Commander of2 Brigade. Poc1 Harcourt. who also

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denied the rqxrt !he two comflWKkrs. indudIng W onto In charge of Onitsha, denit'<! the report of the: k.i.lling of MASSaB members in the com-

mercial dly~ he said Musa reusumJ tht' public that tht' armywould continueto ahlbit the highest levd of civility in dealIng with dvUiaru. (NAN)

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