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January 27. 2012


Stock market gains N64bn in two days TRADlNG activities on the Nigerian Stock EJ.change gained N64 billion within two cbys to close uptick yesterday at N6.S6 tnUlon while the l ey benchmark indices gamins P2.2S buis poinu or 0.84 pt'rce:lt todosut 20,797.81 . COIl5e't uently, thrft' out of the fM nod leeton! indices dO!Cd po5ili\e U ftock index which basically ne.sures the pcrfonn~ mcc ofbke chips rose by 0.84 per

cent IOclose al N9lO.96 pomts. The stock's Food & ~Bgcs index gained 0.36 per cent to dose at 1,681.62 points and the stock banking lndex abo gained 0.88 per cml 10 dose al 265.33 poin1l. Stock Insurance index went down by 0.60 per emt to dose at 123.60 point. while oil and gas doKd naL During the day, a rumo. \'er of 1% million shllJU worth N2.19 billion in 2,700 deals was recorded yesterday, in COfI!r.ut to

a total of 420 million.shues valued al N2.0S billion c:lchanged last Friday in 3,323 deals. The fmancial services lector accounted (or 178 million sham valued at NI.29 billion traded in 1.670 deals. The banking subsedor was the most ~ during the day measured by turnover volume with 158 million ,hares wurth N 1.28 billion w:ho!.nged by investors In 1,602 dem.. Volume In the banking subsector was largdy dnven byactiv-

ity in the shues of Zenith Bank Pic, First Bank Pic. and Fidelity Bank Pk.. The numoo of gaintts at the dose of trading session dosed at 24 as .galrut 17 recorded in the previOUJ session while decUnm alsodostdat II as 19ainst 24 losCTS recorded In !.he p,evaousU'ildingday.

Hown-cor, Newgold PIc led on lite gaine,'- table with a gnn of N7S.00 kobo to dose al N2,660. 00 kobo ptt share while O;utgole

Cemenl Pic foUowed with a gain ofN2.021tobo locloselt NI20.00 kobo per share .nd Unilcve:r Pic gained. Nl.48 kobo to dose It N31.08 kobo per share. On the other hand. Cadbury Nigeria Pkled on the losers! table and dropped NO.46 kobo toclose .t NIO.52 kobo per share whUe Presco Pic followed with a loss of NO.4liwbo to close at N8.24 kobo per share: and Stanbic IBTe Pic with N0..35 kobo 10 dose at N6.6SImbo per share.

NIGERIA ~ N89.76 billioo (5561 046 million) at an aUCUUll of gov. ernment bonds on Wednesday. !IS fin! debt IUittJOfl this ~ WIth )idds higher than Id its prmous auction. the Debt ~OfficcAid yesterday The debt dlkt said it auctioned N19.76 billion in the IO-year bonddue to mature in 2018 and N3S biIIiDD each in the bonds maturing in 20 19 and 2022


1IlSt.rummlS 00


~ re-openingsol"prcviouJissues, while

the one maturing in 2Ol2 is new. The paper matunng UI May 2018 was Wued II 16.98 pm:cnt, COOl(MI'C'd ....ilh the 15.93 perant masgIIIaJ rate at the prtYlOOS.uction in D:canbef, whlk thcbond matunng on October 2019wu sold at 16 pm:ent, higher than the 15



The m;ugInaIl'lItt ror thr: t'rcsh issue wassrtat 16.J9peram. Total subscription at \\'e<lrJ&b)'5 auctionstoodat NI09J5 btiliolL IlIe origlnaJ coupon rates of I 0.70 pcrcrntand 1.0 pcrccntb the ~ 20 18 and October 2019 respectively will be nwnWned, while the coupon Bit' lOr the Januarr2022 ilISd at 16.39 perttnl;the debt offa saxi in • SlaIement.

Rice, cassava project to begin in April- IFAD A pilot value chain programme on ria and caSsaVll in Nigerl. sponS(,red by the International FWld for AgricultWlli Devdop· mtot (IFAD) is to begin in April, the MJlllster of Foreign Afhirs, Alnbasador Gbe.nga Ashlru has

uld. A I'latement Issut'd by the Nigahn embassy in ltal,., said tlmt Ashiru announud this at tbr signing of. Host Country Ag~ment between Nigeria

and [fAD. It said the agreement would, The st.lemenl, made avail· among other things. provide able to News Agency ofNlgcri. .. the legal framework. for IFAD's In London, said thallhe project operations in Nigeria. including wouJdcover siutatl!::ll and would the establishment oflu Country commentt afler an approval by Office. IFAD uccutilT board. The statement wd that since tbe UN agency slAtted opera'"The focus 00 rice and cu· un. the two biggest naple foods tion in Nigeria in 1985, lFAD in Nigeria. would DO doubl has financed eight programmes change the economic fDrtuncs of and projectJ including thl'C'C the rural smaUholdcr fanners." cumotly running. with a tota1 it quoted the minister as saying. loan commitment of 157 miUlon

dollns. It also quoted IFAD Presi· dent Karlayo Nwanu as sar.ing that the agrument wou d enable tIx organisation to post lu professional staff 10 Nigeria for effective monitoring of its projectsWith the signing of the agreement. Nigeria has become the fourth country In West Africa to conclude IFAD's HCA..(NAN)

FG registers 1.8m farmers -Official THE. federal Government he regiltcred 18 million fumen acroas the country. an offldal of the Ministry of Agriculture and iural Development has wd. Me Dan.lel Daudu, the Director. Run] Devt-Iopment, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) 00 Wednesday in Ahuja that thc exercise targeu five mUlion farm* cn _r:rou the 36 slall!::ll and the Fct. Pesald thai more than "Ix miUion fonns had ~n distributed out of which O\Icr two mUllan fornu bad been received.

·We havc data documenur.tlon state by ItatC,loa.1 government by loa.1 govnnmcnt and ward by ward bc:c:aUJe __ arc working in collaboflltion with )NEC In that respecL "We Irc also coUaborning with tIx coopenti'l'e groups. All Fumers Auociation ofNlgcria, ADPs, 5talCSand local govc:rnments, loemure succa.sfullmplemeotaUon of the programme and elimi n.te double rcgistntion.Daudu said tbal the acn:ise had provided jobs for more than ..SO gradu.tes ban-

dling the data aptun process. Idding thal more hands would be ncedt'd lalCL He recalled that before the commencement of the uercise. the government had sensitised farmers in the remote lIeu to enable them to understand its imponance to the .grlcultunll development of the coon-

"Y. Daudu addt'd that Iggressive measures had been put In pl.ce lomcct the December deadline for the conclusion oftbe ucrcisc. (NAN)

FMBN realises N1.6bn as revenue in 2011 11 lE Federal Mong;Ige Bank. ofNtgeria (FMBN)~N l.6bi1bonm20t I,its ~ I>irmor, Mr- Gimba Kwno g\d on Wednesl:by In Abupa. l'br: 1IWlIgingdIrecttx; wbo5pOkl: at I press 1xXfing. ~ pur 0UUlIDd-


ingloans at N 16.4 billion.


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~~~mainIy~ maJts ofloans gMn to pJbIk and pri-


Kwno saki, , am pnIUd to Sly ~ ~ ~ gmenting. ~ may not be IS other insIituIioDs, butlll£ag we


%"''''''''''''''.... ,....,.."..0 Ihc N16.4 biIIlon owzaodingloans mIuctlon of wbai we met on grnund.ltwas more thm tNt wilen we is Just.


-nxy ~ rnoocy sh'm to CSUlc

de¥dopcrs. not that they arc outsUnding loam usuch. "When we came Q(I board, it was around N22 billion. wdI this is just a rcductkmof~mClon ground* Kwno said that the t.nlt was still a......Iting the rdeue of moo billion :.pprc:m:dbythe Federal G!Mnuncnt fix




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