Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Sugarcane as-a tool for development in Nigeria .,"""".......
Fisheries Society hold s confab on tilapia production From Moh~mmrd ShmnYI.llIgos
Council ofthr Fisheries Socl· rly of Nigtria (FISON) hu concluded plans 10 hold an
international workshop on tillllpi. production In Lagos and Abuja, April 16and 21. 2012. Thrworluhop, which is being orgilnixd in coU.bo,-.,tlon With Winrock Inlemallon.l. I U.s based non -profit orgamutlon rtgisler~ In Nivria, 1$ .lmrd.1 providing aquaculturt' C!XlerulOn office:n with the skills mtuirfd to Inllin inYUton in tilapla pmduction In the country. Speaking In Lagos. Dr Abba
Abdullah. the ~tionll Preslde:nl of FlSON. saki the deve:lopmmt ortUapil culture, which can bt: grown to blUCf sius Ind
commercial levd, an boost demand ror fish. He explained thllthe dcvd· opmeRI or til.pia can .lso dirKtly .ff«1 job crnlion, a.lJeviilte poverty .nd improw: expon earnings in Iin~ With the currt:nt rocus or the Jonathan Goodluclt's .quacuhure IrlM ronnation .~nda ror the coun-
try ""The t«hllOlosy to produce tilapi. to • Pu th.t can be keed . nd packaged ror upon Is lacking hence the nred for this interftntion. "Furthermore. bid man'Fmcnt prlCtlcrslUCh as the UK of mrdlClltion/antibiOlks IrulDg residua In *luacultUft producu an kad to Incrcurd trade prohibitJon/bms., rsprdalIy InlO thr EU and USA muU~ AbduDah
AId. According 10 him. FISON I t t I the workshop u part orlll mandatr 10 boost tilapia production and I1WU.gmlCIIl in thr country and 10 equip alC1Won oWIGen.. rac:vchrrs, IccturU1 and Invators with requisitr skills. AbduJlah said that thr lib.pUI worltabop wiU enhance thr tnchlnA and production of tibpia using the All Male trdtnoklgy to encourage global comprtitivmcu ofruh farmrrs In ordc:r 10 Im~ production. market Unka£a.. SlORge and commrrdalluUon.. Du ring tbr worbhop. Wtnrodt I n(ernatlonal will apccl.Uy ()f1 Aquacuhu re - nl.rU Production - thr All Malr
TKhnology Fisheries Sodrty of Nigeria (FISON) II Nlgerl.'s ape,; nongovernmental orAaniullon responsible for promoting and coordln.tlnA .ctivitiu In the nation's fishrriu sub-seclor