Tuesday, M.,ch 27, 2012
NUC starts accreditation of open varsity programmes On why it took this kmg for NOUN to have its programmes accm1i1td, Exeruliwo THE Niltional UniYCt'siUes CommiS5k>n (NUC) yesttrd.n commmccd ilccreditation of )2 progr.lfTtlTlU of the NilLK>mll Opm UniVUSlIY of Nigeria (NOUN) nurty rIght ynn after the l:niYa'Sity begun operation. during tht administration offonner presi.
dent OIusegun Obasanjo In 200·1. SofTK" of the progr.unmcs undergoing accreditation alt School of Sdena- BSc Nursing and M II1Ieffi2lks. BSc Computtt Sdcnu., School of Business and Human RcsouJt:c MlllUgcmenl+ BSc CooperatWc MllnalJl"menl. SSe HO{dand Uttcring Managmtmt. School of Eduation and School of Arts and ScxiIJ ~es.
Secretary ofNUC. Professor Julila Okoj~ said. -NOUN 15 one orthe 122 universities in thiscountry but we have not had tbe same result from thai setting as we had in other traditionallnstitulions. The former managemen t did not know thai NUC had this level of responsibility towards them. They wc~ getting dim:tivft from the pnsidcncy and as ('Huthq ~concttned h wasil parutillal unlil i ioid lhe:m \hq'~,tusllikeanyother university. BUI this has bt-en resolved." Profeuor Okojle said ttw! commlsslon I.s yel to dtddc on whether to embark on accredilatlOll fOf the School oClaw bccaUK of a dcdslon IUcn by the Council on ~
Educ:aUon IhaJ. Law shouki not be studied a5 a pan time prognmmc. Similarly, he said the commWioo would soon mandate candidates ,"Icraled in the Nigerian DcJellCC Academy to write thc Untm-d Terti:uy M2.triculalion Enminalion (lTrME) bdon-lhcy gained admission. "If you look at the law, il stales thqshould
Quick Read
Solar cells production soon in Nigeria -Minister TH E production of solar cdls will soon commena In Nigeria, Ihe Minister of Science and Technology, Prof. Ita Okon
Basser Ewa, has said. A slatement from the ministry yesterday said the minister di.sdo$cd Ihis when a delegation hom the Kaduna State Univusity vbilcd him in AbuJ;!.. A solar cell Is a solid state c.Iectrical
follow all Nue regulations. I am not saying
dlrcctJy Inlo electricity by photovohaic effect Assemblies of solar ceUs arc wed to makcsolar modules which arc used 10 caplUre energy from sunlight.
bul once they hal-c sckctcd you to go thCR you mU5ttaU JAMB.lfthcysayno I would
saywcdon't rct:ogniuthdr dcgrl'CS,"'Msaid. I-Ie said NUe docs not recogniu their postgraduate prugnmmcs and"you do not apect a purdy military $Ctting 10 be doing something likt: Banking &- F'mance."
that converts the encrgy of light
The statemem did not say exactly when the government willsl'art the production of the device:-
FG to
fa st-track power masterpl an By AbduHW,",," AbubMar PRESIDENT Goodlodt Jonathan said gov. ernment is f;ut .t.rackmg the power nusttt· plan. in order- to imJ'f'Oft PCJ"U ntpptyin the
"'''''''1'. Speaking to a deJegation of lhe Korean El«tridty Powc:r C.ompany. KEPCo. in Seoul, Monday, he sakI"wt' have noticed that things arc not movingas &sa as WI!: would IiU, 50 wt' aJ"C rut· tracking the proccss."
jonathan said changing rrom exdusive monopoly to a Uber.&llud power production and supply- wu not ~ "but the challcngcs W'CTe being .sorted out. a new tariff has; been ~
toencouragc ime5ton....
He IISSUn!d KEPCO that the necessary mechanism was already in place to enable them im"CSlin the Nigerian power KClOf. EarUcr-, KEPCD Chief bccutivc Of&cr. Mr. Ioong-Kyum 10m. said his company desired lo$lIttlgthen their inYCstmmt in the Nigerian power sector, adding that they had a robust putrlcOOlp with NlgeriaS Sahara Oil
'Good weather enhances agricultural production' W/Africa police World . """"""'chiefs meet over d &ct Ahuja. the transnati onal crimes on ninfaUand could mhanct mass spealdngal an ~I nwidng the
THE usc the Nigcrbn MmoroIogi. cal Agency (NlMET) lnfonnation on weather climate as wdI as advice: patlemS
IIgricuItur.al prnduction. the ~ has
8r Rornokf W. AhrnJd WEST Mrica r police chief!li have rl!'conlnlended a numbcrof polic~ operalions agamst Ir;msnational crimes. Induding ilI~1 circulation c.f small and IIghl wcap'\n!"., drug and human trafficking and vehicle theits In the region. The meeting which was the (irst or t .....o pre pantory meetings ahead of the WAPCCP (,~em Assembly In June 2012, urged national al tl.oritics ofH'ven countrll"'ll!lccted for thc antJ-crimc opera· tions to JUFport .h! cxudm and enstlTe I hdr sue· emful implclnc IItlon.
According 10 the schcduJe. Togo, Benin and Ghana police will be involved In the pilot operation agairut drug U'afficking. while Niger and Nigma will organize ;Inti-s mall arms and light weapons ope:r.ltion. with anti -vehicle theft eur· cise is progr.lmmed for CoIl!' d'lvoirc and human tr.lffick.lng exercise for Burkina Faso. The meeting abo urged ECOWAS member Slates to Intensify efforts to educate national stakeholders on law ('enforce, menl, based on INTER· POL tools and ECOWAS legal inSlrummts on
NTMET Dinaor
Anthony Anuforom. whosakllhls whik
information also reduces risk of drought and poor haM'SI:and washing I¥tTfdlium lands by flood. He urged 5tatcs and local gcM:I11ments to partncf" with the agency in kecpingfannm and others within their domains up-to-daleon wealhcrand dl·
~ is • wdl known thai weather Isaitiallo aviation sa.rcty. A$ thcdcsig. natcd weal.her scrvia: provider. NIMET
thad'ore is5uesweathcrinformation 00 • ~ basis loairlincopcn.tor5 in line with standard and tcCOI1UIlCf1dcd pnrc' Ie ofthc lntematJonal Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO): he sa.id.
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