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Thursday, October 27, 20 11

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COP 17: UN may forma~ize

green climate und Byiina A. Hallii.n THE African Climate PolkyCcmcr (ACPC) said there: arc: indications thai a Green Clima te: Fund may be set up al the: United Nations Climate Change Conference ofPartks (CO P 17) in Durban, South Afric:a. According to a publiC3tion of the ACpe, the fund was proposed in Co pen hage n , Denmark in 2009 by signaru-

ries to th e conventi on and is alllled at helping develo ping countries initiate:. policies and progra mmes th at would mitigate th e climate change:. and had also been discussed in Cancun, last year. It quoted the:. UN De:.vdopment Finance Director, Yanni ck Glemarc:.c saying that the establish men t o r tile fund sho uld be formalized in Durban. ~We are likdy to see:. progress made 0 11 climate-chan gt::

finance, th .. green d mla tt:: fund an,! technology transfer. M A numbf! of negotiating par ti!S Jre qu ite positive ell the progress Ihat will be made r<"gard ing the green dimate fund, and on tt::chno logy transfer'- he saiJ. The publicat ion also indicates dl al Glcmarec said the conference had decid ed Ihat $ 100 hillion should be raised to estublish and tackle climate challge imililctthrough the Gree:.n Climate rund.

Panasonic canvasses safer environment with eco friendly solutions By Halfolw Mulwur.ud \VORRlED ove r wasle of c:nUb'Y and its cn vironnu:nlil1 world Icadu in home appliances. Panasonic has begun a camp aign aimed at pro moting secure living c nvironmcnL llu:: co mpanyat thcjusi-wndlldc:d exhibition for Middl e East and Africa region at G ITEX, unveiled fo r the first time its Home Ene rgy Manageme m System (HEMS) that will provide total energy supply using solar powe red energy. Masa o Motoki, Director, Spkm Sales and Marlu:ting Group o fPanasonic Marketing Middle East said t~e cl) m ­ pany is demunslr.iting efficlent use o f energy by promoting widespread use of energy-saving devices and prop€)sing new solutions that integrate meas ures for energy creation, siorage and mana gement. Displaying some o f the products 10 journalists at their stand, Motoki said this new technology,complete with preinSlaUcd solar p€)wer gem:ratio n syslems and home-use stotlllge bauery systems, can be implemented across cities and towns, induding var ious facil ities and public zones. ~ Pa naso n ic is stro ngly comm illed to co nserving the environment; he said. As a globanead er in th e electroni cs Industry, it is ou r duty to ellsure a sUMainable future, and the home energy management sys tem will h elp us dramatically reduce the negative impac t we are having on our na tural world. With this new co nce pt, we u e looking to change the mindset of tile current generation to be more energy efficient and conscious of o ur natural world. \'Ve have to aCI now to give our planet a fighting chance for the future," added Motok.i_ This revolutionary, new concept will help hous eholds monitor and beller manage energy cons umptio n via an inhome display (I HD). Dem and res ponse wo uld be achi eved through Panasonic's Smart Energy Ga teway (SEG), whi ch conn ects the smart mete r and home appliances sudl as ai r co nditio ners. To gel the bigger picture, the HB IScan be co nnected to governm en t-owned smart meters and smart grid techn ology to e:.nhance Lhe effiCiency and resilience of thc powe r system. lie explai ned 1i\3 t I'anasonlc's hume energy managemen t sys tem co nnects ilppliances thm~gh a ga teway;md co nsumers can monitor e:.ne:.rgy con~ umpt ion in the hOllle and, if th ere are variablc rates for different times of!he day, schedule p€)wer-hungry jobs acco rdi ngly. con~q uc: nccs.


Bauchi invests N5bn on water supply Frm AhllH!d MGhammed, 8.udll

helps tn reduce incidfnce of d iurhoea by 42 pc:rcent, adding that 3.5 millIon children globally don't live tOke their fifth birthday because of diarrhoea and pneumoni a and advised pc:opleof th e Slate to imbibe the:. spirit of nand washin g. Durra said th e administration had taken a bold step in add ressing wate r supply problem s in more than 70 boarding and day seco ndary schools and all Ilealth cent res at the cost ofNLSbn. ·We:. are also wo rking tirelessly ( 0 address th e wale r supply problems being ex perienced in Baudli metrojl.o lis by providing catchment waler su r,ply al a cost of more Iha n 700mn; Ie said. General Manage r, Bauchi State Rural Wate:.r Suppl y and Sani tation Agency RUWASSA Engineer GJ rLa

Babal' i adviscJ people to ensure per· sona hygiene by wuh ing hands with soap always in ,o rdcr to prevell t the:. tra nsmission o~ bac teria viruses and pro tozoa th at cause diarrhoea, respi · rato ry infection s and eve n ski n and eye infection;, I-Ie said the celebration of global hand washin g focuse s o n child ren and sch ools .vith the aim of foste ring and supp uni ng 11 Global and local c ulture ofhaud \~a.hlng with soap or ash. He said hand wa~ hin g is consid ered mo re ei fe ctive th an any single vaccine si nce It can be ad np ted as a ~do il yourselr"vaccin : ~ iIlld inculcating th e hahi t Of hand washing wi th soap in, esp.:cialll' children which can sa ve mo re lives than any single vaccine or m .:di~al inlcrvention. R

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