beefis being sold in markeu by traders who bought them from unapproved slaughte.r h ou~ across the stalt. He said somc or lhe infested organs were discovered in the course of meal IJlspecuon In an .bauoir in Benin City. "Officials have uncovered a generalized cak ,,{tuberculosiS
TUBERCULOSIS infested h«f is in circulation m Edo Stale, officials of the Edo Stale Veterinary Servict's have said. Giving Ihe warning in Bl:nin a l Ihe weekend, the Director, Velerinary Servict"S, Dc. Charlts Aibaogun said Ihe infes-ted
'Nigeria will soon overcome security challenges' from Rakiya A.Muhammad.sototo
responslbililY and urged Nlgenans 10 be committed 10 ensuring a SotCUle enVlCOnmrnl. According 10 him, all Nigerians arc: equalstakeholde.fS III ensurmg suslamable peact", saucilY and ullIty. Wamaldto dtsCnbc-d the nf"W mmisler as a loyal and dedlcaled lechnocrat, addlllg, ~ hischojce by Ihe presldelll and subscqumt deannce by t~ Senate dOH nUl come to usasa sllrpriSt' in anywa(. AbdulkadiI. who was Ihr IInmc:diale past Comm lS$lonC'r lor Juslice III the Slale, promi.s<d 10 ~ a good ambassador of
NIGERJA, "'hich fough l a deadly 30--momh civil war and overcame il ""iII also overcome hrc presem s«ucil)' o,;ha lleng~, Sokoto Siale Governoc Aliyu Wamakko has §aid Spc-akmg al a dinner orgamsal by the Slale go\'emmenllll honouroflhe newly aPf'Olnled MlIllSlerof Ynutlb n"Ve!opmcllI, Alha" lnuw.l. Alxlulkadlr, thegovernur noted dlJt -dt'Sp'le Ihe mynad of challcn~C.lo. Nigena is now more Untled-
1l,e gllvernor drscnbc-d SKUrII)" .1".1. collective
Dr. Aibaogull, who advistd
revealed modular lesions (or mfested sites) which enveloped the sutfaer orlhe various organs urlhe slaughtered cow"; he said.
Edo people 10 purch~e their meat from government
lie said the nod ules are
From IbCJhlm MUSil Glgin)'u, Kana T HE Kano Stale go\unment hilS inaugurJ Ie-J a III man commillce on pnV3te schools 10 enhance and s lreamline thcoir o~ra l lOns. A ~t aUment by IheSecreta r y 10 Ihe Slate c,nvernmC'nI, Or. Rabi'u ';'ulaiman Bic h i, wh .... h was signed by hIS Chief Press "("ccelary. Kahiru T \bubakar n"ndago, salJ Ihe st ile has IIlv("sted so much III Ihe"duullon sector witt\.lh("
t, 1II1~. ~ PrW BilWlirtiatuNU_ CllllllNllaI CcrF.nry tortblV ,"", .. ~'III ~ p,bc 10 ... Ir MIl I i
Lb:ilDo~~ ~,...
~ -lII! ard . . . . . . . lJnjt«IJ(
approved abattOirs to ensure disease- free beef. said th~ rigorous Inspection of meat by his officials was based on a tiP off about luberculosis infested cows being slaughlered in Iht" state.
Kano inaugurates c'ttee on private schools
eliminate lila! kind of disel!sc.
on Fadama
mftsted ~r which on Inspection
easily destroyed by normal cooking process, adding Ihal il Is only meal inspccllon Ihal 0 111
Kogi ~.pends Nl0Cm
on "'-eat in circulation hom Vincrnt Egunyan~ , Benin
Mond -"I, May 28, 2012
eSlablishmenl O(IWO nel,' universities. re·11l1 roducllOI1 or comlllUntly ce·oriC'nlation cnmmillce-s, feNlIlg programme III all pClmarr schools III the state, provhion of school umform \- and other inlCrvenlion~ aimed at strengthening Ihe sec lor The SSG added Ihal wllh such huge Inveslme-nt\, II wu Imprrative foc the go\<ernmenl to appOint a task force to stream llnco the opel"lllOllS and act ivit ies of pnvale schools.
projects from lisman \. Bello
Ti-IE KOfi Stair gmernmenl contributed -1100 mUlion as i1.s Clamlerparl luntl.) for the speedy inlplemenl.lti .n ,1(Fadama II and Ill pro,ecu ir thUlale, Pennanent Secretary ill I ~ M mis-try of Agncu ltu ~ anJ Nalural Resources. Yusu( A. EVln IVoh said Evinavoh, who spou ..... hen
the zonal SUJlcrvWon mISsion VlSltc< Ilill said a total of 48 Fadean-a ~Cllnmuniht'S have ac.:b$Cd NPO,noo [rom Ihe gr,un for 11,," lm,llem<!nlallon of hl(O~ gr:v "lt~ 1& sub-proJ«1S by both the F .da,na CommunllY MsocQtion(F ..:A_~) and their con· SU!Unll Fad.tn "uo« gmups acl'OS5 Ih ·Slilh~. Ac(ordl \~ Ii) him. Ihe- goy. ernment IS n II c,nly hmdlng all externallv S.l[ polled agncuhural pmgr.ilmfTks n II,e stale, but also providing ~n ell.lbhng ('.lwjron m~1I1 (oc .Ig Icuhur.ill pm}t'Cb Earlier, tho. '011.1.1 CtoOruinahlc, '!LISa Oabng -,lid they ...-e're In Ihe .. IJte 10 msp.'( Fa,lama PfO,ttCb III th,' central ~I .110 ial dlSlrKt, Jnd ~n~"n' fuU I n ,ICf11Cnbllllll of Ihe pn'lt'CU.
QUARTERLY BUSINESS BREAKfAST MEETING The Institute of Directors (100) Ni geria, Abuja Ivill host its quarterly Business Breakfast Meeting as follows :
~-... c~oI"LDIttt11y~lO~n,*,"
GuestSpeakerlSpeclal Guest:
PRE·CONVOCATlON LECTURE TDpH: "fooIls.a..,.,.~rl"n!Kdta'IJI~ t.ecu.r Engr' u..- a.tIincMf, Ph.D DtettorGintnl """'OIbForT~ ~1IId Pror'r'.-. tt.OTAPj Tme
-.z'-.ruJ. COftf'ERMEHT OF HIGHERANO HONOURAR'I' DEGREES I-Itn:nfydtlflJ"\lllCd:lblCIOIIM8dIo"II.~~"I~Ior"_'.UI IDl"u!u!Mrand NlgINn 1l'\ii0'i: "b:aIwq. ~OI~~Obaur;D. GCRf tFomI8r""JdtIIt,.~RiputIk~NigMiJ
/'ts~""""'LMIao~ AIbijI ~ BItkiIIdoAliyu Mu5cUtf.. Pfl.D. CFR (na.PfelNrRufwol/lliatlIft.Mda.ab.~oIS-V
Han. U'1MrI a.ytto tblKl, CON
Mr.AndrewLloyd,CMG, MBE 8ntish HlQh CommtSSlClllef to N~13.
ThursdayMay31 ,2012 Yar'Adua Centre, One Memorial Drive, Cen ral Business District, Opposite Ahuja Sheraton Hotel & T( lw ers. a.30am prompt Mr. TunJiTolani, Abuja Branch
M . loD ,ChatrTllm,k:>DN~en3.
The Institute of Directors (100) is a prime leadership for Jm for public and private sector business leaders who represent tt emsetves In their Individual capacities . The 100 Nigeria is an affiila:e of 100 UK and seeks to influence sound and good Corporate <3cJvemance in Government and the Private Sector, The Institute promotes lifetime learning through proFessional development built on this :mnciple. _~2
(f(J'!T"et'.~SpukaI, fldlti1l lbMQ(~1
..... ...... ............,
Admission is srrictly by invitation,
• Di¥.'TOI'S.
- -',
"/~' , -
AdekunleAlonge, M, loD Public Relations OfftCec
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