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Friday, July 29. 20 II


500,000 farmers have insurance cover in Nigeria. CBN ONLY 500,000 farm~rs have insurance cover in Nige ria. Mr Paul E1uhaiwt. th e DirttlOr, Development Finance Department. CtnIraJ Sank of Nigeria (eRN). h;l$ said. Eluhaiw~ "lade th~ remarks yesterday in Abuja during aworkshop on~CIi-

mate Change Based Insuralice in Nigeria': Noting that the Nigeria Agricultural Insurance Corporation (NAte) is the sole p rovider. o f ab'Ticultu rJI insurance in Nigeria. tlle director called for the review of the act eslabIlshing the corporation , to allow the participation of privllte sector Insurance companies in agricultural insurance. "TIlis will improve efficiency and spur healthy competition in the S~lo r.~ Eluhaiwesaid. In his rema..xs, Mr Ewah Eleri, Executive Direc· lor, International Centre

for Energy. Environment & Devdopmenl (leEED). noted that less than olle ptr cenl ofNigeriom farmen had access to agricultural insuTance. Eled said that cUmale change presented ;m 'unprecedented' challenge in the growth a~ development of agriculture in

Nigeria. He- noted thai the dcslruClion of several farm lands by noods last~. resulted 10 food scatCiry with the rewitanl increase In Ihe COSI of agricullural produce. E1eri warned that the upccted flooding in the country th is year would

exacerbate the plight of farmers. adding thaI if the trend continued, the country's efforts \0 meet the MDGs might bejroparrlisal. HeOOfed that lhenations agricultural S«tor was \"UInerubl~todimatev.uiability


culture. He said that access to insurance would expand thtlcndingsector:md guard against incr~ing UOCettainlid; arising from cUmatc change According 10 him, discus.sioo isongoingatlhe UN



dependent on rain-fed agri-

Oimate Change talks witha


baud insurance mechanism to address the threat posed by dimate dlllIlgc: to agriculture and otho:!f sectors.. He expressed 5Upport for eRN's efforts 10 apand creait to th~ agricUltilrar sector, saying il uould hdp build farmeD' resilience against climatic disasters.



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Eurocomm securities returnsto NSE FllIm Kayode E1:undayo, lagos THE managemem ofEuro· comm Securities Li mned yestudll), announced Its rchlrn 10 active trading on Ihe floor or the Nigerian Stock Exchange following the restoration of ilS (fading license hy the manllgem~nt ot Ih~ Exchange. The company, together wil h 63 other stock broking tl rms were suspended early this yea r following th~h r.IUUfl:.' to meet new ca pital ba)~ requirement of N lbllllOn. Eu rocomm Securit ies is I'~ptlltd for offering securilies l!eJling Sc!rvices 10 IIbttlt,tional investori and high 1l~lworth clients_ '1'1': company is registued by th~ Securities & f:.xch::m ge Com lnlsslon 10 J eal on all floors of th e Nib'i!rian Stock cxch!lnge.. A statement by the managemen t of the company noted that Eurocomm Securities wou ld continue to maintain a strong posi. lion in an inc reaSingly compcull ve market ha\'ing built a £OUd reputation as a lughly profe:.sional brokerage services inSliuLtion. The company said its c)(perienct<1 stClCkumkers and lnvestmenl adVIsers, backed up by respected in· house research and back office processing staff \"ould continue to discharge their services according 10 stipulated regulations.

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