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Thursday, March 29. 2012


Insecurity: NASFAT women seek media collaboration

Farmers to receive N27bn

subsidy by phone o:nl of tilrmen U1 the rural areas

By Ab.URoItwNn b!wUr


THl.- ftderal Eucul u. Counal (FEe...") )l"Slttda)' 1111'" vrJ an mIr'(lflJI; wallc!: cont~mnt: 1';27 bilJKln to ~bk rur.al &nne!"; f·1 50 per em! subsidy on ~ I ~I fmthur rurrlwcd UiIf18 tnr,,1 ndllle ld <phone< BrM'fmg ~Ir Ho ~~ rqxwt m~t'rw~·IEI.' mtrtmg ~." V,,-e Pres.. Otl NamadJ Sambo. MUlister 01 ~ullurc.. Dr AIw,wu/lInl Adc'S&n.J. "lid ~ lIUlI.I tNt IS I»cbd by pm.7II!Igm-bticd romp.flles In rhtClJUl'l'!,} HI!' sald. -WI: (c)un( tha, 75 ptt

rhuncs and K) ¥>c an manns





tI'Io:' aJh:.;mnn It,.- W'etb and fffl.lliz

thq ",u go lO the.tgro deakr (lIherwi.'.t knoIo.'fI as !he input shop Ir. thtV 0\''11 lilbge and they ....ill send thaI mbmal.lnn 10 the agro d.:.kor; the agro dcakr, S«'ds and 1ieruIiur, suppUen an aho...., !M

n ...

d~llCpbtform. !he- farmt.r iii gtt~ I. subsKty

or 50 pm:m... He will M' the baIIntI!' of SO prrunt. tt.:n coUm the ~and fn11ll:t.m and rhc tnnsac +

uno ISromplct -d anJ fl(l mone)" tw


tsilnl .. tr:d 100 millJOrl mnbk phooe Irna addmg tNt iO. fill gm .

Akinwumr s;ud pnnmmt ~\ a1mllh-It'lrd the rroltCl U1 12

emmmi has ~t«l 35 milllOll f.umni In rural areas 00 K.i record

§UlCismng. "this IS r1IlC Ihtory. 1M iSwtw lJ..:tu.illvWl'lfbng. WrNI"t dmt it In !'Ib:s.tnIw;.SUlt. Zamr~ Kot9 and 1mba (82 ptrcmt) m the flt'St set, btt,...cen S-9th ofFcbruu)'



-A 'i«ond round of pilot test from 1· 10th .L Mann I'oOlS done In

Ogun. Ekih. ANmtn. F.booy\

Akw.r. lborn. ()dQ. Nigrr :md Ibuc:histalts"'lhan ...~5UCaS$ f1III:r of62 ~I ¥llthou1 publkrtyA1unwurt1l.Aid the count!")' has


\\iltn it has CDOhnlXd III

............... """ J-I~ s...td

gm"n1\mml Iw nJ5oet1

NlO btlilOO lOr agncultuu d~ mml tillS year through .. ~1C't' &ciltry that the ~ Muustry of FiN.fl«' has pul in pbc:r With b;mb in the rouncry, whtcb rMum


thenskofltndlngb)· the ~ ,"es\t'nby"s FEe was chaIrt'd by \ 'icr Preskimt NalNdi SambrJ in the: absC'llCrof~11 GoodIuck



THE N..srul Lahl II Falh Soc~ ofNISftU IN...SFAn huurgtd Iht n ..llOIls mr:d~ toputflC'f ....lth them and(llhtfWOOlrn~onho""'IO

curb 1M fI'lng \Oo";I\"e: 00 ,"!>('(unt~ In the count f)' Thr call was !lliIdt b)' Alh<tll Wukmot AI ..b!.. cNtrpmor1 ofw third btt'nnw ~horw "'WIltn (011' (~nct thmltd Ihr rok of womtn In pea« buddlflg.nd eonnkllOOluuon" commgup In AprIl In Abu"", ...lh;lj;1 WulmK>!. led .. dd tgiliion of the (ommlltC't' and other mrmbers or the socid)· 10 Mtd ... TfUS( lnnueds CorponIe OffICI! ynterdil)· In Abu,... bmcnttd t)ul dapItc the: nobk role won~ h..\"('


been assoc.b.ted WIth m nation butldmg worid .....Kk:. Iht med~ setmS to bcshpnga .... y from red: onmg with thc1f kkah.. "We h.td two J'f'C'V1OUS (on fercllCcs in llonn and lhildan. thllls the third confermcc ""'f' arc OI8"'nlsmg in Abu;' for ... pril S-8 at w Womm I>rvdopmcnt em Ire in ...bu,.. 10 pRMde rI .. tform Cor women IS mothns end WI~ with their rcspectl~ politkal professionals ..00 rdtgious uen.. to bn.instorm on the CUflml st.. te of v;oIena In !ht country and around !ht world to protTn solutions 10 the

challmp- 5hr JiIKi.

Court stays proceedings In suit seeking Wad a's removal


... N Abuj .. Fedt:naI I hgh Court )"C'$Cnd;J.y sta)'t'd procC't'(hogs In I consol khtcd suit conlestmg the rationale fOf swnnng in Captlllll Idm Wad;r, IS substml/~govnnor

ofl<og1 St..tt, Of hear Ihnrrhuhon along with the Substa.ntl~ SlUl

NHIS drugs 'generic' not 'substandard' ltJw"lfo&~OUfor


;1fld wouIJ F along way In rnduns

TIiE ~ Heal h lmuraru SchmlC' (NJ-IIS) hu SI'd tNt the drugsp;rvm tf.lltSmmI 'e. Mtgmmc Mld notsubsundardil· rf"fUI\~ br

"'"" ".".,..,.. ""'" hdl'"'l! ... wufltrl to rMUCC'roJl. SuI thC"pm~ the AllW f"'W1"'05't \\ith dIIr IWTltd


SounboSilklI1105t lIlSUmlCC'agmuC'sdlOO5Cgmcricdrugs-wlUchare ~llC"IIpn and come U1 tms u( SOD or

l11C' actq

IO«UI r.. •


I)r i\bduJratum..rl s.. nil(), $lid this "'ilm he' led ~ milNlfnnml suff cl tllIr agency 10 the' CIl!pll"ltt txad quMtC'rS Med... Trust, publtshm cI Trust fIC'\o\~ tGtt.. )estmb.~' in Ahu,.. "'Gmmc drugi '" ~ d1OI01


I.W) tlbIeu With IcK &nc). pacbg

Ing- thew aft" ",im NHIS U5a b ..0 ..+.0 mrol in the Jdlcmc. II"IIS b ","hilt pcorIt JI!I! all

""'" S"..,caJbng """"""'" """"tNt ... np6aincd. it an -ilttltudc-

Ilt'nIed 10 be chanped


lOr:lll..ltUJl: is that. most NIgc' nans tltlnk if .l drott u ruunltd and gJ\l:rI Ul an m"C'loJ'C', it is nrot Ihc Ql1JC' as the f.mctfulh ~1.uKl rTlOfC' ~'f'bralKlO\'f'fllJC'u... ntn l-k called b surt''''1 fruIn themnha t('I hdr umount "'''IJC'''' LIlli' chaDmgn tht sdlmllr IS (;KUl!~lohun."lht'l(hnl1C'



to tnStJlulc hnlth 1f1§UJ

prognunmcs for that nnploy

lie saki the iIt.."1lw gone through Ind.,",. dJC' Hou5c 01' Reprcsmtatr.'n MId that the;uncndmmt will p"'C' IIJC' NI lIS -lIIJ'P'OJ'fl"'lrlqr,;.l Ir.lmt\omlommc 'IOITltol'its pm~mcs In thccuunlr( SMllbo ~ public rm:cpOon of ~ond


to 5I.JCCttd. it \rOUIJ ncni \tgJ!Ibl ...., lMdang whcrnn its act Is moW:\\-N to


~cmrd nlll"'a.:,,'n'J to ~l'! Illtollll""'h

\\ tudllw btm dmunattd by work·

for LIltv' wlwkn bn."lIwc the bw nu.kr< d opllOlW for ml!"'"'

lmUtW .... r




~1fnd .JoptionclLlJC' khnnr, tnU1thtrrd!nl!l'f\~smcC"ltsoa In'~;uKl kwpm"al~orp1~

Senate arrests participant at hearing on number plate 1,IsI.hW.kill THE$tmUeComm'Ul!I!on Ft'd ~ral Ch.rac;ltr .nJ lolrr-Gol' trnmtntaJ ... rrl.In In\utlgating Iht ncw pricc rcgimt o( dril·('f's hct'net' and "ehidr number pl;1lt's yt'ltld..} "He-,Itd a partieipanl. Chris Ah.lronu, O'·tl ptfetlVtd del"Olltot y com mtntJ



NallonalAsumbiy. The chlirm .. n of tht com milll!l!. C;tniltor Daheru AWIlsu Kul .. (PDP, Nigtr Easl) ordtrtd offlcl..I'Io(lhtN.tion.I"'sctm blr Sergr.nls·.I-.rms 10 arrnl hlmfor-muinguneomplimen lu)' remarbaboul th~ N.. I!onal Aurmbly Blullng Ahanonu. who is


12 C~nllt

Ihe of ror aarity and Ch .. ngt. KIIII uld,"In rour plt$('nt.li(>Jl to Iht commitll!l!, rou said the Nallonal "''lScmbly, as pru Cnll)· (O l1stllutrd. i'l (ar (rom Iht pwple, Ind )·ou PH] the N ..llonal A<.scmb!y should Slop wing probee 10 pUJ$Ut rrr'lOI1.l1 inICle51$."

A mtmbe', oftht comm llll!l!. ~mllor K.blru Malllfa ("'NPp, 7.amf~ra Ctntral) JUI!&t'5 tcd Ihal

... hanonube'compdkdtouplaln to NIgtJl;u1'l whyht l'USt'd such un(omplimenllfrcommtntson thtN .. tion.I ....mmbl)' ... h .. nonu was. In the end. whlJktd aWlly by tht' SC'rgunts al ~,.n'l

O)'rixKIt MUlIldt: and I.brlll !s.h I:.chocho had r!ltd srparalt su/u ulung the court to In'nhda!t' Wildas s...."t'IJlng m IS goverOOI .nd to SC't ukk the DecembcT l, 2fl11 gQ\"mlOfShlp dectJon bullhe SUits "'.fl"C' ((I1l5Olidakd. JU~Kt Donalus Okorowo asked

pilrtlts in thesutllo (('(urn on Apnl 15 wIth (tedbWc on the "'ppnl Courl '5 declsioo..

Senate adopts retlremenl age of academics 8JkiaUWaldli



ytSIl!fday ..d<1JXC'd

two reports of the conr~tmCt com

mlltl!l! of both chambm of the N..tloml A$5cmbly on thr m.tre mrfll I~ 0( Uot\'f'nlty rro(c:s.'If>I'S as weU as staff of roI)1C'Chnics.nd

""'.... of"""'"_

lbr compulMll'}' f('(jring .ge lOr aademlc SQff m thr prof"c:s.50naladre is70~noo·acadcmK staff 6S ytm.. OainniUl oI'thc Sen at.eCoolmillt"ton EducatJOrl, Sma tor tkhc OnOOoolffiC'fIJC (pDP, ... b... NonhlWd The compulsory f('I]rttnnlt age ofm academJC mff o( polys end COEs Is 65 yean

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