Friday, September 2, 20t 1
Flooding: Ekweremadu harps on preservation of environment By flllilki A. Hlla»l!n DEPLfTY Xnale President Ike r:l."lVcrnnauu h as callt"d (or conented efforts by all $IakdloJders 10 II$(: If) the challcnges or preserving the: envi ronment 10 tackle flooding in the country. EkweJl'nlad u. who made the call In .. letter 10 Governor Ablola AJl mobi o[Oyo SllIle over the recent flood IIIlbadan linked the ~ilualio n 10 dim"tc dlange an d envi ronmenlaJ d(gradatlon. He also :i·j\'ocated strict adherence 10 lown planning r~ula. lio ns and efl\'ironmcnlal awarenos canl.,.,!gn 10 mitigate whit he called '"the: rising excesses of nature and t~lr imp:tcu': Ekwcremadu, who descril>W th e Ibadan flood as .. naUonal disaster. arpealal lO the F~ ern' Govc:nunc:nt, intc:rnallollal organ isaliofts. nongo,'c:nlnlclltai organ isations aud spirited Indi· vid uals tl) ! Upport the state goverrUllent in its efforts to restore nomlalcy ILl the affected areas.
Gen. Ihejirika begills five-day visit to UN N IGERIAN Olie( o( Army Staff, l.l. Gellcral Al.ubuikc Ihejirikn arrived New York Wed naday (or his n m worki.ng visit lo Ihe United Nation$ slncc h15 'PllolnlmcmlilSl)'filr. BrigadlcrGenenJ Garba Aud u. Nigerian Odence Ad,'lser, who oonnrmed lh ejirw's arrival on telephone Wednesday night, $il.ld he would, during the nve-day trip, mee t with Edmond to'lulet, acllng Heaj o( the UN Depart. menl of Peacckttplng Opcntions (DPKO)anoJ MaJorGenenl Abhijit Guhi!, UN Deputy Military Adviser. He wu s.jjeduled lu begin Ihe \'!sll o nThursday with • courlesy cill on Pmfcssar Joy Ogwu, Nigeria's er voy 10 th e UN before mccting wi'.h OPKO official,. The Am- yOtlefls expected 10 hold discussio ns on Contingency Owned Eq'.1ipmenl (COE) wl lh UN peacdt~ping officials Wi th 5,6J2 mllllar}' and police, Nlgerlll is ranked the (ounh 11lrJnot contributor to lhe UN pau· keeping opcr;itioM. There are currently 16 UN peace opcral1ons depl oyed on four continents of which Nigeria has troops, police and personnel deplored in KVtn of them, (NAN)
EFCC to organise seminar on terrorism, economic crimes By Ronald Mutum THE Ecollomic and FlnancW CommiMion EFCC will organise a thrcc~ay scmInu (or experts on terrorism and cconomlccrlnlnoln Abuja. The them e of tlle seminar, scheduled to hold (rom September 5 to 8, 20 II , Is MNational Developmcnt: The ChaUCflges of Global Economic Cr lme~ President Goodluck Jonathan • upccted to be .pecial guesl or honour, will hostexIJu ts ftom the United Kingd om, Unlled Sbtcsof
America, Indonesia, BoUWlU1a; while the keynote addrcu Is expected to be prtsenled by Ubertan President Mr5. Ellen lohn$On~Sirleaf_
The seminar. o rgantz.cd by the IiFCC in conjunction with other stakeho ldeR, will take place at IhrTraining and Re5Carch Instllute of the Commi.uion in Karu. AbuJa. A statement by lhe EFCC spokesman Femi Dabafemi nld, MThe Seminar Is to among others. ;assess the Impaci of corru ption, money laundering an d ter m rism,
o n national de\'clopment, lhe usc of mternational antl.corruptlon instnunents In addre.ulng bribcryand corruplion In the African business environment. lhe challenge of cybcr crimes as well as provide a plat(onn for pr;actltionen to nelwo rk and sh are expcriCflCC5 and best practices towards improved Inlernat ional cooperation In the tiJthtagainsl econo[nic and financial crimes. MOlhe r ex p«:ted guests includ e:: membe:rs o( t.he C?;ccutive, legislature and judiciary, Tq)TC'!lC'lItaUvno of lhe dlplom.lIic
community. ca ptll ns ufludustry, regional and muItUatc:r.l! Rnandal institutions, opinion leade.rs. the media and membe rs oflhe public. Among lhe lopics for dclibcralion at the t""C:nt include: thechallenges of global economic crim es to national dcvclopnlen t; money laundering and capital n ight: lhreal.ll to national development: securing the gateway 10 the global economy: cylru secur ity, mobile telepho ny and national develop· mr:nl; using flnallcllllntelilgCllce units 10 Slern corruptlon,lnsecuM rity and lerror .
Oil spill: Community decries inclusion in Ogoniland ByA~JJimoh
THE Bolo community In Ogul Bolo Local GoverlllllenL Area o r Rh'efS Slale has decri ed its Inclusion in Ogoniland. and demanded to be compenu tcd saying they ha"e bccn vi ndl(;Ited by lhr: TC'Celluy presented Uniled Nations Environment Prognmme (UNEP) report o n oil pollution In OgonU.nd.
11lis was cont'l.incd In I memorandum &Igncd by one or the community leaders, Meb. Orori bika ami aubmlttcd to the presidential review pand o( the Uoited NatiDI15 Enviro nment Programme (UNEP) report. Accord ing to the commllniquI!, it took the UNEP reporllo highlight the over Ii~'e dec. det of injusUcc visited o n lhe community as a resul t of not bchlg
r«ognlzcd 15 ,III 0 11 producing (:ommuility. MBodu West 1$ omciall y mapped as belonging to OguJ Bodo LGA, but since there Ire no loca15cttlemen ts. It hu been rega rded by both SPDC and the Ogon l people as part or Ogonib.nd oil racilitles. Bodo West was lherefo re included in the scope of UNEP's work.. The people or Bodo conlmullily therdorc
regud th is as Ihe greatcst sub venion ufthe Nigerian constitu tion by SPOC by the unilplel'lll attributio n orlerrlto ry wi th in a local govr:rn menl area ornclall ), rel:Ognir.ed under th e constitution of th e Fetl~ral Republi c or Nigeria 10 another loca]go\,ernment withou t Iny couri o rders. judgment or o fficia l boundary M adjustrnent , the commul11qut read in part.
Climate change: ECOWAS urges implementation of action plan <nm
ECOWAS Con mllssioll on Wednesday urged nw:mbes- states 10 Implcmc:nl Nationally Approprtlie Mltigalion Actions (NAMAs) apaI by dndopfng countries 10 ~u«the~impacl.lIorglol»l
dlmatc change.. ECOWAS CommissIoner for Agricultul1'. EnvtmnmcnL and Wales- Resoura:s Ou.ssdni Salifou, In hls address al the OIICnlng of a thrtt-<b.y WlJrkshop for OIpacity building or NAMAs by member states in Acaa, Ghana was quoted
as $3ying. Mil Is n«e$$lry for our region to avoid repeating tile negaIfY\." cxpcricnce or the <lean DcvdoptIlCIIl Mechanism (CDM) and 10 build apacitio mcmbtrstatcs to hatt positM:: lnnoenccDn the current mc:chanbm to ensure NAMAs impIan<nuUon' Sa1ifOu who was rqmscnlcd by !.he Dira:taI- r:L the EnvIrorunc:nt. Din:donte. Dt. JOhfUOll bmdl, m:aJIcd that NAMAs was a concqlI Introduczd after BaH Action ·PIan agft'd at the imcmatlonal mc:dIng in Malaysia which was pn:xntcd at sfobal climate change nlCCllnp In
(GcmJ.'U1Y), CopcnJ1lli1"
(Denmark) and Cananl (Menco). M Alt.hough the NAMMconc:cpt Is being dcvdopcd and lIS legal natwe Is yet to be dctcnllincd, IIls0bvi0us thiII. dcw:kJping counuics Nn-C~ untariJy IBm NAMAs measures in order ID rft!uc:z thdr (Grtenhou5e Gas) cmissioos in conformity with
CUI continent would host lhe 17th conrem1CC of the parties \0 lhe UN convention in DwNI1, Soutil Mrir:::;, this )-ear'sDcccmbcr. United Nations JkI,'cl0Plllcna fro.
Ghana Dr Ka.m1I Kamaluddccn said the 5CCOnd series of WUl'bhops on NAMAs was bdngsuppcrtcd by the
thcproo.isiooscltheUN con~on~
the Commimontr said. He apmscd lhe optlmlsm that. ongoingintcrmtiorAI cIlnuledungc ~15WOUJd bellnalizcd with aCJ;lfl5C'fl5U$that would benefit dc\-doptngrountrlc:s,addlng that theAfrl-
in the ECOWAS nf,ion 10 presm1
anddiscu.ssthcir . • actionpiaN and chart a aJml~:{ront towards rno:Ung the Cancun agrmtlMIS on the global din1i1le dWlge phcnom-