Monday, April 30,2012
WIBank commits S900m to agric . ...--.... - -sector _. -.--
tbat 1M various vaJUIt dwns ~ The "asri.CuJtUft tius·
-agencb is JOinI to turn the fortUilH of the country around ~ It is IIlrudy ylddma pcHltl't'C muJu and ,,"rima massln 'upport from stakdto&ckn In the SKtOf". -rbt: InnJ(onnltion azenda 1I focUKd on key upeets of the nJ~ elYin sIKh u the reduction of poll harYUt kMa. impnwiDI Unbga with induston W1tb raped to badwud inl~~ion .. well as accea to financW Kn'ica .nd muk.cu," fOl'l'Mlion
"' ......
Mcsina also diJdoRd thai
Nizena hu now been included as one 0( the bcncflli.ns mugtria In Pruidcnt ObanuI', J«d t!w MrtUft' lnitbliYuficr the US IIgnC busi.rMw forum wbm ,t was not iddudcd nrlitt. He Aid Nigeria D«ds 0Yt't 300,000 Irxton fOr m«hlmud Carotine With only .boot 20,000 cum'JltJ)' .n.ilabk,. ~ present day are
IlgClniand lilt onus iJ on us Mff in I~ mmqrry 10 mcouhF our tec'mlDB u.ncmrl~ youths 10 M Interested in ,sriculture. Bul the majOr problan IJ that none of them would want to (arm With cutlUl1lDd hoe, thai Is why _ <by ....i". ment radjty available for Iht'm to fum; be Akl. I-It' AMi 4Apicuhuruaounts (or about 44 pftUfll ofthecounUJ', Growth Domutk Product arrd rnpoasibk for Oftf 10 pucent. cmrJoymt'nt. The umc has COrM and I !mow It • now (Of nwr N'1Ffia.O to contn"bute: bh own quota In t'nsuring thai tIw
_ oct"". """"'"
""« ........ "'Nobody drinb oil. but we
all ealat one point Of tbe other. Wt' should Join hancb ill mlUr· that ~ tUR' InO"'I!S (rom pcuant (uming to mccbaniud one. The lble and locaI~ . meats Iboukl ensure that tMR' is abundance of incentiftS Cot- tM busiMu to thnve In their jun.diction:
Global econofilyrecovering -Report : hllfll . . . . . . . . ~.
A ~ "'""7 a>n<Iuao! by tho ~afOw1emfCa1lflfd Aa::oununts hal rrwa)ed thal boa! tUIOOPtY ~ lUIlJ;JlJabk
r«Ofe1out1ookm tMnr.~ 0(2012. Thr~~tilhe1Maacdl lion of the Global Econonuc Con
""""" Swwy. joontJy """"""" byAOCA and the lnstrtuuofMan ~ A«ountanlS (IMAJ. . . psu thIl tbr: gtobaI ~ abo ~ ~oflhcdynambrn It
had loll 0\"Cr tht lase )"tVThe IlIn'I!'J" finchnp. rqxamI ina the ~ of about l.1DO pobaionaI IIXOWllallU around ~ world. _ wdcomcd by the two
""""""" 10 tho fmdlnp. tho lhareofmpondmtsrtpOrtqmnfdmc:r: pinl in thrirown orpniII tions t.d nearly douI*d £rom 16 per cznI: Ia lilt 20 I I to 29 per omt. and wftiIe the ma;onty (54 pera.-)
............ tho sJaboI"""""", _ dekriontll1B or stapalUI& that ~ was down from 7J per cmt in the pR'ViouI: cpaartu. II ~ that aa::ounbnts in Mria are the mosI mnfdmt and oplmlillkofthe~ in the fint month of 2011. .Jthougb odwr regkIns around the worid haft
Procurement experts to assist FG fight corruption if... when blind audillnB pn--
lim" it
room for
mlR'nchcd conuption.
Spe..klns in , 51.nWar
I~ uaociRions viu prakian, Ka)'O'k TInubu. said • was the pressure:
mounted by procul'C1J\ml during tIw admln slBlionofOfuxgun Obu· 'niO Ual led 1.3 the CR'at1On
f tM Due Pnxe:u office 4Dd thtsut-qaml aa!1OO f(]PMSNbyan.ctofthe 'latlOJuJ A.tsnnt>t~". 1lnubu IIImmlt'li tlw- cztln~tMm of ~ ["}wo "lOCe$'I uffi.:t J;nd IU -d 'Of '':J rnl15bJnnnll "'act" GnIa"a.I Thon'r' m(l~whowu
dY ,aaJc<clc fl'!t._ '" l' uldu.:taJ and .hlO ?"!nItd 1M Clue( f>f (ll
1M)" ~fJ;t nrOCQSKI\, J4.h<"~Jr I tknnJ
11 •
.... I
... r:1.am
""u, m
pe IoOho
mnlmlltanl.. Slgerll rm,:c 5chdoJ of
Chevron profit rises 4% despite output decline
!ft;h;pnl_fO~ I I \ I aD Ib Iopma r'oam -'1'11. hera 1M r.ccJ .m',rlianlDpmtaIw Ite.~t1~ hes 'J(CIP\.{~ --"he mliiUry.s lm-oha!
"Jth'mlilUr~ ImlKdlh~
ttcpoc-.Ittt1r1ltofh:Ltd n r ~ to tafeguard
(Ita/ran ,uxh_t'l' cft"w prio.r. ... oete;y, bmcr die
kdiTw n
PC1ak lOtb B nul P for , aDd PJ '?to.
Sllara,{'-c I«Ond
I""'' ' .
~t'ncht or. ..~AId
I I'" I rnc~11 dC'C 1M lOr .... nnl EU(1I" \1 ..bil
Uj (()
ell«d 10 ~ N"~ ur fiK tht' money oon"
J,aV.bcIptod).m :II rate 'n prket md or. nl ,IIIU tn.t :tWW I II al
be- tnveJ...w .. P'~.amr.x lli tb.l-~
«. Ii: f
Cc>" ddb rred.. 4 ON ~1¥' ntol' In firJI -IJlI.fle: t'fod OIl Fn-
111151 US. ou ~ 'mpml'
nudJavl~JID~1i ,106.19. Tlul ltx-kni plCHl aphul
( :»rr
on Thunday aftn It I rodlKtd WNkerthan CXP«IN "minI' dl1~ to, <In p III 011 and IU It''''pul {.hn-rmll fim·quutt, pro[1I fOWmS6.o17bIUh>n
cw '~.r pe-r ..h.llt'. irom S6.JI billion. or HI'9 r~r ,hire" a "tal" tarlirr TDaz
W1~Jun&hnd of ~ht SJ1~
ana1ylu had
exptdN. aa;o,.jins it> dw ava". on Thomson Rna· len lI8fEfS. Rewnu,~ row rK"arly 1 percent 10 $60.7 billion..
Tbr earn,np lndudt'd puu"";>1K"t "mol about S200 mUliom, rcllecli"8 th~ sakofiufudnnd flllulwd lubncants huunt'AeS in "pain. BarcIa"" analysts noU'd the earninp would have fallm wn IIr"r« bhl'lU WIthout lhat sale. The rdlnlnl Jnd mar kt1ing d lYislOrl hal pulled OUI of rnorr than IWO doun counlrte5 in the pul (ew~, and i.s rn-t~wmR Of'l1ons rolf f.&rrt. Pablan and lIS Callt'J: R"rmlnl unIt
In Australia
F<>r thf' On! quarter, CheYtort hIgIlUlh'~ 1M February lit.,! (u ~n d«rw.ttr pfUJrc lOff tltsnl" whtch ultimately c:nuId pruduu trp 10 180,000 bal Tb ) t f d.; l' \bf-'d) of cruo:! L Abo off :S1~Ta. c:hf\ ron IUffef~ an accident at a wdl In Imwfl' whm a narur.al 11.' rxpIosion killed two conlracton VIi! Ilart~ a fin hal buren) (",-",-