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9 news

Tuesday. October 30, 2012

Quic Read

Jang appoints special assistant on Fulani matters From Onlmlsr KI,O, los To 5tIftlgthen inttf"-group rd;a. lions and COrLdJcIatr (Ill the peacr procas. the Plataru Stm gr:wc:mor.

Jonah Oavid J;mg. hils appnr.'«i (he apPoilltmmU of senior_.!;pe" cia! a.Wstants on Igbo. Hausa, Fulani, and Yorub:t. conunwlity

mations. A SllIlemcnl from o/f.Jao of the

the listed the folio",'$, Banister


appointees M Akaumus Anakwe. Smior Special A~t. Commwlity Rdations, IgOO. Mr./Wstin lyerr. Smior SptciaI AsEistatIt. SouthSouth, Il.lm.'>ttf lawai Ishaq. Senior Sped.,! A3imWtt. Iiau5a. Malam Salihu Mll$iI Umar,Senior-

Spn::iaI AssisnnL FuIan1. Mr. Tund< """"'" ~ Sp<doI A.Wsunt. Yaruba. The stanmrnl whicb was .signed by Goo.ftDOf fang's Dltmar of Press and PublIcity, /arJ'Ie$ Mannok. saki the appointment! arc to fi.lI1her broaden p.1rtiripBtionolaII Plateau peopk in the Fo'ft'llill'n of the


'2012 budget implementation level embarrassing' From IImhim Muwtiiglll)'U. K.ina

• Trekking to work as fuel scarcity affe<u transportation in Lagos yest~rday.


Suntai's plane crash: Affected farmers seek govt's assistance In..

as it erodes pubtk a.m6dence in

Mr Zira K~ md Madam Godip. tM two fanntt5 whose product: were aff«l.~ by Thursday's plane crash in\'OI·

the process of gG\"emance, Vkr Senate Committr-r on Water Rc.«JuTccs, Scnatur


TI~k:Ydofthe 2012 budget imp~tatlolllS~C:mberru.wng.


DmJadi Abdullahl Sanlmra bas Sl.IIi Speaking In Kano, he saKi, "With all5mSlt of responsibility. the Ie\'d or pem:nlage of the Implementation or the 2012 budgdis>myklw_ WcarulOwin the month of Octubu with only no., mootJu Id\ bdOrr the end of tht year. but the 2012 budget has notbcmlm~tL'duplo40per

cent by rrunlstries, departmenu. agmciesand p;uastit1ai1."

Imam tasks Muslims, Christians on unity From Johnktnnedy Uzoma, Owtnf

TheOdcfl.mamQ(Ogul:3rnosque In lroo Siale. Sheikh Abdulcuah (lummI! Emetumah. has advised Muslims and Ouistians 10 «'Ie thmurh"tS as QDC in the in~ ofthc country. Emetumah. who doubb as thto traditional ruIc!of Umuol'ot- kingdom in Oguta I..ocal GO'vmInlfml Amt of tht stal~,ln hisSalIah ~ge.sald fOr peace to rclgn in Ihc oalioo, thc~ rIlll.'i1 be justice Ht urgal kaders

in the counll)' 10 use the period. 10

rdkct on that lives and tnsur~ that tbry Ii\"e cxt:ntplary Ih'a

ving Qwemor Danbaba SlIntai of Taraba State. ha\-e requested ro.-

KWI'.Iji ~ Dauda loid 1lt'WSmm yeul'rd.y in KW31W1-Waya viI1ageofYola-SouthLocalGoYnnmmt Area I:A Adamawa Stalt thai they w'ere \'t'f'Y happy that the occupan~oftbeplaJxRlrvMdand

WlShed IhmI quick: recO\~. ~ tJw: probkm now is tlult

tht acdrknt K1iou5lyalfected our

crops. Weare jusllrying to get 0VI:f tJw: destruction caused by nood which kft us with UttJto whm Ihb orKotturrrd; KwujisakL KwojI said tJw: farmland bdonpto Alhali Banwtg;a Mur. the PDP national ~rman and thai thi! is 1M s«ond year !My Ire fanning there. "Last yrar, when I slarled, I got

30 bags of maiu:, 12 bags ofbcam and 10 mgs of guinea corn. but thb ynr. b«:ause of the Ilood and plane cn5h, things will be dimcult If govunmcnl docs not assist us. Apart from the destruction by the plane. the continuous trooping of people to the site to 5CC the wrccbge isanoc.Mr probkm atrcctingour producc." said Kwuji. On his pan, Dauda said just like lasl )nr,h~pl anted maiuand beans. but was not cxp«ting good

harvest this year b«ause of 1he flood and plane cr.tSh. According 10 him. last yt'ar he ha~ted 18 bags of mai7.c and three bags ofbcam.. "lam Mppyt.ht:outcomcofthe plane crash was good ~ 10 us bcotUK the occupanu orurvh'ftl. We w;iI continue to pr.ly lOr thell quick fI!COYl"I)' just as ~ hope thai ~mment IISsi5ts us in what C\"C1'" way to make ends meet this ~n :' [)auda said (NAN)

PHCN worker dies Monarch wants fixing electrical fault Imoke to sack aide From Adewale Glwa. Akure POWff Holding Company of Nigma (PHrn) in Ondo Stale ye$-lerday confirnled Ihe death of ils stafT(name withheld). The PHCN said th~ dKcucd died while trying to identify and rlll. elKlrification hullS. Publk: Rcbtioru Officer of PHCN. AkUTe Business office, Mr. Adcgokc Ademola. said the incident occurred on Saturday al the boundary between Osun and Dodo StalC$. "One of our staff died whil~ trying to KkntifyclKlrictl problems being apcricnced by pcopI~ of Akurc and ilS environs. For now,

we have decided not to menUon the- name of the: dec~ Our ofrols are really working round tnc dock 10 proffer solution 10 lhepowcroul:a~ We have traccd the faullS from Osogbo to Owena hcr-c in Ondo State: M said Heassurcd residenlSo( Akurc and affected areas thaI !.he commission would tato«: pown lIS soon as ils officials detect Ihe


""""""Meanwhile, our correspondent reports that the power outage in the slale which hIlS

been on for about one week has crippled .~ial and economic activities in the stale capltal.nd enviIOns.

From Eyo Charles, Calabar

Muri Munenc Effiong Mbukpa. the cmbattkd ~nt rulc:rof Calaoor-SouthLocaIGoVttnmcnl A~ of Cross River Slate and Indcrofthc Efill peoplc.hascalled on ~Uyd lmoke 10 SiId his Special AdvixTon OIkftaincy Affairs.lohn Eyikwajc. He anep that tM ami!Cf is fuelling aisis on 1M traditional 51001 oftbc Eful$. Speaking lojournaliru in Calabar, Mbukpa a1so alIcged thai EylkwaJc hu inlerest in the conllict. Th~ monarch J;aid 1M special adviser aJkgedly ignornl all court judgmcnuJ orders on tJwo,

traditional stool He!ammted that fi\'e months ago. his pilicc: was waled up on on:Icn "from abm-e': Reacting. SpcdaI Advisa" to the Governor on ChicfWncy Affai~ John Eyikwajc, said the allegation is 5plIrious Ind baseless. "lfjoumalisu are IlOI QtisrlCd thqt can proceed to tJwo, police JIllion f(R" more invcstigalkm': he


He' also advised that journalists should m«I his pmonal S«TCtlry for danf1C1ltion. Ilown'l:r, when journalists met Ihe 5C'Cmary, he said, '"I cannot answer such

qucstloru on his behalf. he alone cancbnfysuch matters'"

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