Janua'}')' . 2012
Far'mers harp on implementation of agric policy FARMERS in \ltcb" Edo State. haW' urged the fedc.oral Gomn mcnt to rcOoui.&e dToru lOWafd dcvdopina t~ I 8fkuhund teCtor. to boott the lWIon's tconomJ'. Altutji Abdd.•hl Mohmuncd, the Edo Harth t:oontin"lor ofthr All Fanners Awx:WionofNIJftia (MAN). madelhccaU [nan Inlet -rit'W with tlw N"" Agency of Nigeria.
Mohammed uptalncd that if p~n Iht dcsiml priority. the ICC' lor would tnplethc~1 of the nation's «:onom)' beautc: gfiu
muWpUer effect. According 10 him. thc .s«tor will not onIr create mi1lions of employment opportunities and boOst food production. it will abo boost upon. activities and (Ofdgn
achan. eaminp.
70 farmers' cooperatives apply for BOlloan ~ .~,~,."·~"",ollhe 200
Abia FADAMA groups get N400 million THE Abu FADAMA ornu has dbburscd ,bo ... 1 N400 million 10 IhC' 1,S40 FAD UtA llKrGrours in the ,tale, Mrs E:r.innc Olub, the State Pro tect Coordinator. h .....id. Olub. Mid this on Monda, In Umuahla durinB the dis burscrncat 0 additional Nl6 mJIIlon to FA-DAMA Commu nity ASSOCI.lbM (FeAs) drawn (rom the )1. 'ocal Bovcrnmcnl arCH ohhc st.Ue.
The Ntw, \Bcocy ofNlleril
(NAN) «PO'u that the ennt wu the (owth di.burumcnl
made to fUGs that had met the requuements for projects. Otuu o ld that the proJ«t had been a luccess In Abia, add ing that more than .3.400 ,outh. had been dir«tly empowered by II She Rid that such empow · erment had multiplier effects on more than 4000 people In the Itale that Mnefiued from aclivilies of Ihose that were empowered "Some of our strong points Included a!T0-forul r,. croppins. poultry. nshery and rural
ownlnfrastruclure. "We bave completed over 10 of such rural own Infrulructurell.nd the good new. is thai this be nefitl I.he generality of the pco ple within the Yicinil, where they are lituated; she said Otuh said that over 508 pouhries and fisherlu had bun ellablished aCTOSi the state by the FC As. noting that auels acquisItion by Ihe groups had b«:n tremendous. She saJd this IUCCCU 1I0ry would nol hIVe been poul-
ble without the commitment of the stale governor. who she said. took special interest in the project. "It would M recalled that the state misscd the FAOAMA II project. but our govunor, due 10 his desire to empower farm en, decided to uytbe lIate Into the FAOAMA III "He did nOt wllte time in paying the N 15 million preparalOry fundi that will key Abil into the proJKland lince then he has been prompl in paying our coun· terpart Cunds." Otuka "iei.
Institute to support Nigeria'scocoa transformation initiative
farm · e rl cooperative IOCleliu in Gombe State have applied to the eank of Indus t ry for losn 10 boost Igrieultural produc · tion this farming season, the Secretary. All Farmers Associ· I tion of Nigeria. Gombe State ehlpter has said Alha;1 Gambo SarkIn · Noma. Rid in an inlefYiew wilh the New. Agency of Nigeria that the societies applied for the loan through the assoclalion He said lhat the local gov · ernment and ward chairmen of the organlSltion had Men directed to guide the applicants on how 10 complete theirappl l calion form l. The sccre"1lry urged the applicanl.S to exercise patience u the stale go vernment was working towardJi ensuring Ih"t Ihey obtamed the loan
Yam sellers threaten to boycott Tafawa Balewa road YAM Sellers A$socl"tio n of Nigeria Bauehl State hu threatened 10 stop 5Clling p.ms In roads that link Tiliwa ealewa 10 other lIates in the north·Cc.nlm over anacks on their memMTS by miscreants. State Chairman of the association. Alhajl Shualbu Ibra him wd while briefmg newsmen In Bauchl yesterday. He Aid: "Security operalives used to stop us It the gate whenever we reach Talawl ealewaln the nightlround 12 midnight and miscreants in the town used 10 allack and kill our members Recently, they IItacked and set our trucks loaded wilh yams ablaze.He said his members hav~ resolved to boycott the road until when government guar · antees their securit \"',