Thursday, Mayl' , 2012
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Nigeria-US oil exports hit $34bn in 2011
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By Romokt W.AhmId
Ddta Region.
EXPORT of crude oil
BaD added thai the global economk meltdown lCCom panied by drop in oil
from Nigeria to lhe Unitffi
SllItes rose to $)4 billion In
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Thc:sc f"ures ~ presenled by the Ec0nomic Counsdlor or the US Embassy: Mr. Perry 1»11 al a media briefUlg hdd in Abuja yesterday al 1M Uniled Stales onbassy "'here he also dl5dosed thai the success of the amnl'Sly programme or lale Presl · dmt Umaru Yu:Adua WH respGlJ5ibk ror the rise after production droppnl dut' 11.1 1M rl.'Slfveness in the Niger
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Sun Motors re-introduces zero interest financing TIll!' compan)' recently re· launched its retail outle! in Lagos Iiale.. Tht' statement said ~in 2008. Sun Moton earned repulalion for exedlence. Increasing Nissan market share Ihrough ht'r sales ingenuity which earned her Incmll ... e. 'Zero mll'resl financing' and Ihe 'buy now. pay later' roll -ove r pnu ..am· palg.ns outstanding ::I".,rds.~ Shl' howt'Vft"addcd 1hal. qUlck.wllled marketing team has ~n saddled WIth the r~ponsibilil yor delivering on the comp.· n)·'. mid·lcrm goall..
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SUN Moton Ltd has re'inlroduced zero Inte rt'st sales incenliye for desiring aulomobile patroM seeking 10 own Nissan vehicles. A 51alemenl rrom th e compa ny's, mar· keting and communiOlilions manager, Mrs Olufunu Ayodell!' said zero Internl financing according allows desiring Nis$aIl patrons 11.1 fina nce Iheir purchases Ih ruugh banks or any other lending imti· lutlons wilhoul paying inlcresL
... _. . .t>e._ ,. . . . '_. . .. . . _.,..o.y .. _ Cotton: 900 farmers AIrvIIO".~._
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prices caused the oil export ligures 10 drop rrom IJ5bil· Uonin 2008 to$19bUllonin 2009. Speakingon!he brnl!'fiLs of the African Growth and Opportunily Act (AGOA) ror Nigerian businesses, Ball ad\-'OOlted liaison or Imall and medium busi· nos ownttS wilh big companies In Nigeria or in the US 10 participate in exports to thl' US npeclally for non uil exports.. Outlininglhe bcne[ltsor AGOA, he said Ihey ineludl' the provision or duty rree Lreatment ror lSOOrroducts in addiUon 10 the slandard " ,600 producls available to non AGOA countries. Uporu rrom ,ub Saha· ranAfricain2011 amounted
107,,1'" ~dn1lf " - - , , , . . eoor.por.,..... ~:n ....... _
_ _ ..Mod ... _~!n~ ............... oIN9l2 '79,"31
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2011 from $31 biUion and $19billion in2QIOand 2009 ~y. While the fig· ures for non oil exports rose from $101 million in 2009 uptoSIISmlllionand$ISO million In 2010 and 2011 respectively within the same
10 S74.lbillion, he DId. With Nigertllopping !Mllst "'1th Sll.7 billion mainl y rrom crude oil saIn and Chad al !he bottom of the lisl with U.lbUllon also from crude oil sales. It also providei an addi· ItOnai prefemlce in lhe form of dUly fredquota free access for apparel made from fabric originating any· where in the wond under I special ruJe for lesser devd· oped beneliciary countries with per capita. GNP of underSI,SOO. The official Innual AGOA Forum which would hold In Washington in June. 2012 would bring losether .seniof US adminlSlraOOn otrldals, African ~. mt'f1t ministers 15 wdlas US and African businesses and cMI society 5Iakcllok1m rrom AGOA eligible coun·
NINE hundred rarmers in ZamraraSlatt'hil\'eTC'Cei~
colton seeds ror onward rlill1ting in Ihis year's plant ing .sca5On through the Grm-'1h EnhancanentSu(,port (G£S) system rKt'ntly inlroduced by Ihe Fcdef1ll Gove mmt'1lI.
PanbjOla\Oiaofthe West Africa Colton. a subsidiMy ~ Tropial GeneralllMSlmml (TGl). said regisOt'!I!d cotton
&rmm in the stllt: Mve been g\'mI funn Input subsidized at 50 pcrccnl by the Federal Gov· emcmnl while the fmncn_ expectcdlo~ra)'ITlI:f1l
«till! remai.run@;50pt'I""CtDl fie said the 10lIl
suds COS! :ixJul N2l.IlOO aut ofwtUch the f.mnerlsap«ted to payaboul Nll.ooobt:onue thcpriteof thcCOllonseemhas abo hem mIua:d by WAOOT Ihrough .... _&.Jm. Hcapresscdconc:rmomthe payment of the baIarx:e by due to .some of the
who said they had no money but ~ to r-Y up tbl!' bal·
Mt'lDWhile. WAOOT ~ cnlt'!l!d into putncrshJp ",Ib the Mlllistryof AgricuI. turr: and Rural DeYeIopment to raise cotton production to «JO.OO) mmic tonneL