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DAILY TRUST Wedne5~.y, S. (E

Octobe, 5, 20 11



Business • iSS

Farmers to earn $450m through cassava transformation 8yrmA.H~WI

markcling tu ensure an riTedM: InarKrt chain. According to him; 0Y'el 12 million Jobs ....-uuld alsobeaeatcd batll on and off (arm. In additioo to an lncmIsc in productivity to tile: tunc of 12.5 tons per hectare wldrorthe\n.itiaih'e. ! He said tile '\ransfonnatJon agenda sedu: to create a new generation of cass;lVoI farTnCfS, orienled towards CDnUntfdal production and famllllg as a OOslocss and to link them up 10 rdlahk dc:rnand, eilher from processors or a guaranteed minimum price scheme' of the: govnnmenl CllS$a\'3.

TH E M'RI Q:'>'t'ITIm('flt )-esterday saiel N'tgnian fanum can earn up to $450 mi!lion (N67.500) wider theassava transformation agenda. currently bdng unda'taken through 'he Federal Mjnistry of Agriculture and Rural d~'CIopmenl Minlot(tf IIf .griculture, Dr. Aklnwunmi A.bina!aid th1sduring the kkkoff of (U;JVlII Ir?usformaUon ad10n plan in Abuja. He salel go'I'l'nunell. wi!! ptll.ln place ;!. Market and l'"ilde Dew:l -menl Corporation (MllJC) in tile-' j u~ chain of


Otairman of the: CauaVoi Tr2I1Sformatlon action tnm. Mr. Martin ~IC, said lhe tranSfot:JW.tJon is basicaDyabout creating markets for cassa\"a.. increasing producth~y, agriwltW'l' dtvdopnlOlt and bringing In tho!; pri\'ate scctorlo make cassaVoi and agriculture a lrosinCS5. "We cannot ha\'C our fanners going hungry while farmers In Nebraska ~ gt:ltingfalkr b«auseoflmponation. We "'lint to open the: markds for our farmers and need a lot of c:assava. !lour 10 feed the privatcscctoc We ha\'efarmm; thalannot sdl their cassava and v.'e must create the market forthem,- hesaicl.

Unity Bank upgrades to Oracle 11 g B, Sunday William UNITY Bank Pic has become the "lirst bank In Nige ria using the 'BANKS' AppUcaUon Software 10 implementOrade Ilgwith Web Logic, This will rem!! in achieving global data consistency, emciency, data Integrlty,securlty.performance and Il1anagcability. This place5 the bank In a Inding role In the rmaDciai sen' lces by having the largest data a pture and stomge capacity, Unity Banks head of med ia relations, Sanl lula has said. Apart (rom the impro\'ed scn;ce delivery, the upgrade IT optimlzati un guarantees long term data Integrity and con lidentiality of the Bank's customers' Inform ation and rccordll as wdl as high leo.·el data resilience.

Zaria wa r~vuled that the bank has achieved th e implementation of C IT· RlX. an appliuliotl 01'11mlutlon solution designed 10 Improve service lurnaround time in all.he bank$ 250 branc.hrs nationwide while drastically control. nilS the growing recurrent cost on network (0I111e(!Ivity. II can be recalled that at ii, last Annual General

Meeting. the banks management had, In consh.lc:ralion a r the r.lpid change in customers' CJpCdalions and pu:fcn:ncn promised 10 build and im'est more in its distribution platformsa! m:U ass rein force liS products C3.1'",bUillcs In asset managt'lomt and a SSd gathering through a highly dl:dicalro workforce that will go the exira mlle in (umnlng th e aspirMions of it5 customers.

India, Nigeria bilateral trade hits $14.6 billion 8, OIayemr R. lltrahim tor Nigeria in year 2111 O. _ are very happy with ill


Wema bank appoint$; 2 new directors From KayorltBn.'IlI layo. bgr6

In aslmJlardt\'dopment,

FG inducts 36 accountants for foreign missions


WEM.A Banksrid )'estenlay thatith:>-sappoU ltaltwoncw directol3 to its Tloud. TIley arc Mr. Abubakar lawai and Mr_nam~' \ Naraindas Hatllar.amanl lhe new appointments, according to lh.: t:iank, Is an ineliatiunofthrbankscontinued rommitonml to the sustenance ofr.o ed rorporak governan« as IUlr.lnsformation rge-ma stands to boost the ba'1k's existing boardslructule. The new appointa:s arc bringing with ti,em quality apcrinl« an" apntisc. having distinguished themilCh~ In variou: mdcaVUUlS and have rood,. signiRcant contributions 1(, the growth of the rno.lions economy. 11115 brin65'0 liC\'Cn, the tota.lnumberol dlrectorson tlle-bal1kilboard .

tile banlU ranks W1:re de\"ated and others appointed_ to kq l)Qsitioos with oversight functions for different areas of the bank's operati olll. SpcakingonlheappointrntnLS, ~1r Scgun Ololcetuyi, Managing Director- of the Bank said the appointments were part of the bankS mrt to medium II!rm strategic plan5 to enable it meet the demands of modem banking whilst also positioning Wema. bank to riTcctivdy Dlmpete with olh", top IndustryplaYCf1. He nJd till: bank wID continue to make slgnincallt in"estmcnts In its people. prQCesses.lnformation Technology and other strueturcs lo drive Il5 goalofbccomlnga forenlostpttrVidcroibanking !ervicesin Nige::ia

FEDERAL Government has inducted 36 accountanLJ as financial altaclu!s and treasury ambassadors to Nige ri an nll$5lon$ abroad In o rder to build efficient foreign ministry that is knowledge based and tcdJno logy drivc.n in lerviceddivcry. Speaking during the opening of a five -d ay induction workshop for the newly appointed treasury ambassadors, Pernlanent Sct:retary o f the Foreign Affairs Ministry. Ambassador Martin Uhimoibhi said the appoint«:s arc ca:pccted to adhere 5triclly to the provision of ex tant rules and regulalio ns. He was represenle4 by Under Secretary (Admin

and Finance), Arnbassador Peter Mann. Uhomoibhi nid: -Vou must ensure probity, transparency and accountabiltty In the disd\arge of yo ur duty as linanceofficen ." He urged them to be guided by Appropriation Aet and missions Indl:ll in case they are faced with a llY challenges, add ing that thei r ability to man · age aVoillable resou rces prudently will determine the elll:tenl to which the mission achieves its mandate. Also speaking at the openin g ceremony is th e DircctorofFlnance, MlnIslry of Foreign Affairs. Dr. S.I. Ocheni. who said the training Is to equip the om.:... .·.. lth necessary ski llstol.~ . -"~ ..:h~l1~I'''~

oftbc:ir ne 'Io.vsl gnme nL

THE volume of trade between India and Nigeria has hit $14.6 billion. the High Commissioner of India to Nigeria, Mahesh Sacdev has said. Mahe~h $3.lel lhls yesterelay at theonguing AbuJa6th International Trade Fair, a5 the Indians celebrated their da), at the fair. He pld the bilateral trade betwCCII lhe two<ou ntries has been very healthy. adding that the trade ume between them had doubled in the past three years and Nigeria aport is abou t to grow significantly. He !aid the purchase of Zain Nigeria by Airtd LimItN an India company last )'eaJ' aiM bOOSILhe trade volume whUe also saying tllat india was tile larg:s t lnvcs-


it and we believe: that lhls cn\'Clop of i...- ~tt:nt will 31so be expa..._ ...... " ma.jor Indiarl dri\'e to boost in''estmemin Nigeria. We bc:lit'l'e thilt the entry or companie:s like Nilg3 r lunar which 15 to set up $2.6 billion fcrli!i7.er plant, Indoramar which will also set up another fertilittrplant of O\'er a billio n dollar in Nisula will boost the Investment furlher: he said. The High Comm issioner alsosaiel that Nlgerta has over SIO billion trade surplus with Indi. . MWe arc Nige ria's second larges t .trading partnu and we arc incrnsingly finding resonance with Indiall consumers in dh'e:rse areas. from petroleum prod ucts 10 motorcycl"",,- r.'lahesh salel.

Access Bank holds conference on financial markets B, Sunda, Willaims ACCESS Bank Pic said it Is h o ldillg a conference wit h focu s o n flna.nce markel, today, The , conferenc e which is the fourth In the Bank's annua l Thought Leadership eonference Is tilled "The Access Bank Fina.J1 c ial Market Conference", a stateme nt from the b a. nk

said. The s tatement laid: "Operat ors In the Nlgerl i!neconomy ha ve Ide n tined liquidity ri sk. for clgn exchange r isks and counter parly ris ks as th e foremo st c halle nges faced by organ isatio ns In reccnt ti m es, a s itu ation largely driven by lhe recent turbulence ;n the domestic and inte r nalio na.1 markets."


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