Wednesday, September 7, 2011
er Business ....... ... 'Kogi fertiliser--p lant ready for inauguration' -
l .' 1....
Gwandu loca l ~Jovt to spend N62m on new drainages GWANDU Leal Government of Kcbbl has eamlariu:d N62 mill [on (or the conslructio n of add itional drainages and cuh"CTts wilhhl the town to (ORlIt'! nQOding,l n om · m l s3.ld. The Sole Admi nislralor or the council.Alh<lji fuli Dangl, told the News Agency ofNige ri. (NAN) In Gwandu on Thcsday that lIlt' project " -QuId be eJ:«ul~ through dircctlabour. He: explained thaI a committee of cml n!:'nl personalities (rum the area had been set up to handle the work. which would ~in
WORK o n the Nee m-ba5ed orga nic fertiliser plant established b)' the Kogi government lin been compldcd and read y for Inauguration. an offi cial said. Dr Abdulkarim Abubakar, the Commluioner (or Com · mercc and Lndustry, made the stateme nt In Agbeji-Anyingba, Oeklna l ocal Governmenl Area, on Monda), during all inspection lo uroflhe plan t site. He said the plain had ulldergone a test-run within the last th ru months after its complet ion and was ready for inauguration. He said th e construction of II road network within the pllnt slleVo"U the only constmnt to the inauguration. AbubaJw- explai ned th at
W/Bank spends N120m on community development in Niger
nexl week.. Oangisaid that the project would enable WlIh::r coming from olhersources h:I\"C fIn: pusagc 10 avoid floodinljand damage to life and property. H-:: said a ll· mcmbc::r com· millee had been mandated to bur working matcriab for the elt«ulion ofthc project. in acco rd ance: with tlle procl.Ircmcntlaw, "We l¥Quld also engage able bodied Indigenes in thecxerciK." the ad mlni5tr.Jtor $ilid. He said tit Illhe project. con· sisung of n lre culverts and 10 drailu, woiCd be complelaJ wi lhin lile ne:l lhree months.. H e IIppnl:d 10 Ihe people 10 support the k1ea by gi ving maxi mum cOOpcf;3lion 10 thecon lrac lors and enSllre Ihal they were nudnlained. ( 'MN)
Jigawa needs N6.2bn to boost water supply in Dutse Al HA/I Uaraf'i Yakubu, the 'lgaWli Commissioner for Wa ler RC:SOU1Ces, Aid on Monday In DUlSe that the stalC Ilcedw N6.2 Mllion to boon waler l upply In thestalecapl-
when fuUy o perational. UU!! pl~.nl would produce 15,000 lonnes of o rganic fertiliser annullilly. He exprCSSC'd the hope Ihal fert illscn; produced from the plant would .usi! ! farmel"5 to boost food produ ction, ge nerate enlployInent and divCI"5 ify the industrlllli bue of the sta te. 11le commissioner t::tprns.ed sathfacuon wit h the level and quallty of work o n the ialldsc:aplng of tJle premises and road network around the plant. l'le said the plant had the capacity 10 produce 8,000 to nna of fertilisers an nu all y. (NAN)
Yakubu tod the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that the figu re wa; lllTived at after I survey carried o ut by the gO\'emml'ol. He eliplaillOO tJlat due to the low WlIter Ind in Dutse, the "... ~rwot· ld besoun:ed from Clntltl m:tWll Rlver, adis· tance o(50kn from DulSe. (NAN)
THE Wo rld Bank has cam. arked NI 20 miUion for the a«utJo n of commu nity development project. in Niger. the Gcneni Managrr ofCommunlty and Social ~Jopmcnt ProJecu. Alhaji Adamu AbubaJta r, has di&cl~.
Add ressi ng the malden meC!ting of the board of the organisation In Min na on Monday, Abubilir said that only N38.7 million of the sum had bee n accused by communities benefilting from 62 II pproved micro· projects. He blamw Ihe inability of co mmunitlell; to access the funeb 10 nOIl·adherence to thl' bank', guidelin es I nd slow aecutlo n of pro}«ls. HeAld communities in TaIa, GUrara, Lapili, Glnko, Shlroro Ind Agwan loca.I government ami wen In the first phase of beneficiaries. whill' 17 other local gOI/· ('fnment aros were scheduled to benefit in Ihe second
phue. Abubakar Aid that In spite of the agenCYf laudable achlcYrrnenu. II wu fadng many cha.llenges, Includ · Ing CO UIICU. not remitting their counterpart funds for projects. He said luch Illultlon had led to lhe suspension of one local governmenl from partici pating In the programme. The board chairperso n, Hajiya indo Tanko, u rged aU staJl"to be proactive In the di scharge o(their d uties, warning Ihal the board would nol lolerale indiscipline an d indolence on the part of ....orkers. Sh e direcln1 the general managerlO ensure tha I the sl2!f re5trictro themselves 10 their schedules to avoid Ihe f)\'er lap of responsibilities and unnccn5a'1' conflicts. ·Wlth our molhC'll y touch and bcau$C' the project Is II,) atte nd to the problems of th e do\~ntrodden, we will not leave an)' slone unlurned to gel th e rcquirt'(l res ull5 .~ (NAN)