FrKiay, November 2, 201 2
• 1'
FROM left: OirKtor-General of the Set:urities and Exchange Commissio n Arunma Oteh. Director-General of the Nigerian Stock u:change Oscar Onyema a nd Direc:to r-Ge ne ral of National Pens ion Commiuion Muhammed K. Ahmad, at the 4th quarter capital Market Committee meeting in lagos, Wednesday.
Cassava becomes weapon against hunger rom this field n~l l ed among ~ material from a hall and dipping il into the lu<h rolling hills of diffm:nt $lOCt:S that acrompany fi!;h IT meat Niftcna'~ South ....-nt, the' Ca.<.,c;;noa aboanbC'gmund into fluur.ln ~mall r[;;mt~ ri~lng QUI .he oIhC'r parl~ of Africa, renrIe cmoQder the hard red dirt appear fnglle. ~of iI Cl......ava pbm as .. ddkXV, oting n.~ily crmh«l by wnthrr or cha.ncC' It In a 'iClUJ10fhying it Nigoma IS tlX' lor~(<;;l\'l\ pmduccr. 1.I.'oOk\, ~'n.~dcceMng. l"ht<ccaV'<il'l';l J'bnl,wjJl gmwinloa dnl."oC" aanding 10 the foI:,J and AgncuJtull' thidct ofhard. hunht'lo-Iike' ~~ "",hin a (')rpnir.\tion of the Vru((d Na!iom, wrth )~, ....ith runts 'I(l ~\T a \Ingle rt"',OO l\JVJI and 'Ibruland hthind it plant
likeamissltapmqortJ1!'C'branch.Thcpl;tnts Ihcntsc.·ha ilrC' nne indigenous to Afna. tmtead bmught 0YC'f from South ArntI'ic;I m thet6(X'lo;b)·the~ 11'Io.5I:ptqming it CUt the skin off. then squcczc out the w.l1C'\'" withIn theroot~fryingrt 1OmW:p"ri. Mc\.<J Nigmms cal it by pt'ding the starchy
of cornpaml."!i h)" the C.orpm7lt(' Colllmt"~Km (CACj ;md "C"t tm:l
I'I,lhnut l'k"tllingtoomuchhclpm.m ~ wtum makr:s II \'3klallie in a rountrv "'~ 1TWMI.u1l ~ IIp-ICUlrllrr by hand. r:llht'r than ",;Ih maclllne'; WI\l1e till" plant f'houri'li_
<>,.," """"'-
ht~htute for Tmpic::lI Agriculture
Ihrh-n in Ihi.~ \\'e<;t Afncan n~tK,". often
In Ni~a. a naIlOn ~ dinner tablcs oftm o;ee a rounded ca~\'3 rroduct alk<! nll."l1 by hant.I v,1th soups and di.'liw:s, ~rtallt rnnalT~1I \m.] fOocJ in thc-country R('(mlll'.lt ha.H·\'m b('(mnea ~lIittOll rmr by tht- natiITI~ pmidcnl. Sdmtists 31 Ihe in.<titute and ot~ fightmg hunfp' hope Uat dhtslo makC'ca.'i53\'a heahicnnd more numtious "iO help fmi a mnlincnt w~ &mine and sartity still pbgue nalJms. To the uninib;itcd, thecass:om1 kK*s moR
F.xpcTiInCnl~ cnntinue It ~ kitchen ;u the instJtutc., wI~ chrk ba~ IN"R I cornhma!Wlfl of n"gul;u-liotrr and 40 percmt
aYollbbie b'f~'IOlld Robert A~III, director for West Afria II the Inlr:nution:ll
pmo.,.k Ih~ tnm offnodl1,c
~,chang1rtR v,'OIhrrpaltemi M:"'I'C:'I Africa
m;lkt it lrnporum to tm't' a stmnp:"f ClIS!ill71
By Sunday Will iams
with Cll.~\'" Ia~te like wheall~ whik the sv.m taslC'ofthe nl(X'Cl'XlltJC -~inger~ rnr.m I1lIlffill~ ma.<k~ til( 6:nnr Evny wcek.lhe kitchen I",,~ I balch of ~~ t>n-ad that is takm 10 N'Il-onia.<;rnprlal.. AhuJa. and pUl on the I~ of Av:, Rock, the natJon',; ~cnll;\l ...,1b.TkIt'. Pre<Kknt ('o{l()(lIlX. ... Jon:tthan madto a "'ir Ia..t \~r whm hC' hdd up a kX1f and rmml'lall~ eat only ClI<;QV;l hread whtlt tn offlCt'. Ht' :llo;n ale 'iIlfIlt' 'Ifl nalllt(l.lltdevi!;MIIl :lnd h.1Jldt.d it out toh~~ lninio;J~ 'l!;WrlCof whom IorMI
pbncs 'lU1'VI\'I' fi~drnll{du.~ and ~11cnce. ....tlik nffmng a '11a1 food ~Otlrcr tnr more than "110 ImOIOO r~opl(' liVing ~ ~uh <;;IDaran A1Tk.a. II i\ ill ~ lew.. ly I~ sCXlllt<;l~ at ~ InlO'l\alKJnal In',liIute Q TI1''J'IC2l ~ncU1tlll'l'qy, that the ContirK'n1 will find a w:ty 10 mI itsdf no 1ll3ttc:r v,i-. "(~ war. CfOIlX anything. the' farmer who hR.~ ~<;:Sa"" ha..~ fOodw Wd ~\ Okcchukv,"U. llie in.<:lJtut~ coordin:u ....... for
l'IC'da~ am
N'rgmans whoC'llJO'l it v,11h I 'f'Ia~1 of ~m oil.which~thehld'f".li1q\lickcr",hm
Aganga launches 24-hour company registration
'Foru~ru;a n~tlOrl.fflrustom(n;"forw.trd. ""Although ClIS53\~ IlOt~ 11dred U$!IO f1'Iiln)~ ""~ om nn Imgn taU it fill' grllfltcd." ~mmt at"", tamt'ourcmtic: t;Nes," Jon;alhan A.dusaxl"We need to make 11 C'\'nl morr sax! OIItlit· tmle:. ~ d the things from hanty as the dry pmods are ~tjllft ~ oul..xk an' m t'WIllt!l good as tnc things we h:n~mqJe.: and the soil fntilitylsdcclining. Criua on ~ ~ and elsC'w~ Wlf wr really ~ the C'lMrtlrlnlrTlt 10 lhec:xtmt that aw:;;r.'3an't gm'oV. you an fbyttI Jonathan.likmlng his Cll5Sa..... hnad ~ abo\!( O(ilerpbnl" h~ <;;lid. mdnnt'rnrnt as NIp fact.d "'~ and W'"1Ih that in mmd. ~tists CU'lhnlE 10 1Inm;i tn Marie' AntOinette:..; out·of touch study the plant ;d the ift'iIitutC', Iocatal ('Jf1 mLN~ mrt akt poor Itl the r·rrnm Re>."rutlon. Jonath.mii pu..-.h M ClISS'IW Iiour II presc:rvc ju.~t north f'i the o t}' r:( Thadan. Il' 1oalx:ln1ories C(IOtam variC'tiCI d ca.~... COllI.! brndit thecountry. bui ll romcsaftcr .. growmg In tnt IUhC's.. (oWll flU7l:f'll; ~ ~mibr;andmlcd~lt~bybmcrl"'lulr:lml hnkI ~ dating bxk mort' th."tn thrtt OIusegun <Jbasanjo 10 do them ""me. But ca.",<;a,'lI rnn be U'IoCd beyond the dcades, though ~ ~i.~L~ "'nrl with CUlllngs 0( the ~ a.~ SC"C\.l~ \211 ~'t' kitchm. ~ of 0l5$I\~ ked farm ammals in N"~ wtu\e ~ produce ch~ dJlkrmt ~attrhllr§. Thcrr 11:J\~ hem ~ adding and fmJ from "ohok ~ root~ for vilMium and rnakmg llhIllt I1l{lf't drought· animm.ln indu.qriaJ~~~'3(af1 be ~ant. Scienl&\ C'\UI bm:Ill ca.~... pbnt ustd 10 makr stard\,SYottlmm and rntdicaJ "~innC'f t\$!itM:"I)dov.',amorflmm:lhy g1UUN: iOrdiabetia. (.Moooaled Pn:ss)
of Trade an.1
Olllo;cgun A~nga ha~ formedl LauTl<ht'c1 Ihecommt'ncemC11t of 24 hour r~'~tnl.nn AlTal~ IlOUr~
r~i.~IT"tinn la~1"1
(or I~ lountry The P.lini~ler ,",it! )T"'tt'nhy IIllhe bundll
(ommt~~lnninJ: of the I.a~ A!~II<.i! (:0\( officI" that thc cummi_",~.oomp. ~r;\rt. the 2·1 hour tnlof"j>Clnlroo ,("1"\1(~ a~ (':ITt of the Illini~try m\'t"'lmC!1\ dlnr~tc T{'("rm
pn"..mme II~ said Ihat311houlZh th('\ a,,:c"mm~n, 109
Ihc N-h()l1f incorpofl'lhlm ~\h c. ~ !luml.... r of people h3~ attested that the <cTn(c 1( ~Ifn\d,' nngolll~
The mll1l~tt'r Glid that the L.1!!O'!i utrl<t"o at Yab" ~nd Alau!hlGln nowlKapt mC0fJ",n.lrNt doc:ummt .md rTOCC'">'l thr cchficalt"l OTl<.e they are fiI«I. IIddmg that -fmm the day)'tWJ fill" aflC'\'" namc 'W'an::h. ~ an guaronlcdn(t Vf1t1 24-hnur~'icl"and if we don't c"mpl"in .n,\ Wt' will dC'il1 with your comrJall1 The mmlSTer drfccl«l dIal a cO!nl'l'llnl~ ft'ttl~ter tlC' orennl1n (".A(: "ffile<; filf anyone who LS un.lhk fZC1 hl~ b"'in~~ rqti~lend wr thm 24 "nun; 10 compl;"n S[lC3kmg, the R~r ~lrar General nf I A( BellI"' Mahmud qu,l thai ont' or the <cnnu.\ pmhlcm~ Ihey enCf!UnlC'R'd m Lagn- \O"a~ madequate .Iccom m{)d~t inn whrch ct>n~t rtllt~ ~ malor bottleneck in tht' ~(>f>t h \~r.lIt(tI\~
I Ie iIoiIid that the l ;tlill" offKt' 1< .. mnng th~ 10 OffKCS Including the I lead nffice in Ahuja thaI hu bttn built hy tilt c(lmmi~lon ,\;th il!lin lcrnally ~ernted T'n"C'flUC WIthout an)· Tecou ~ In the fedt'rnl gronts.