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NIMET predicts bumper harvest for farmers


NIGERlA IS aprctnJ to apu1erll."I' normal growmg SOStlfl 1112') 12 W1lhtnlyand

hcIIvy "u"f,U in most pM! (Ii the country susgemng hum~ ~


al'PicatlOO of d)e§C data

Pre5mhnglhe lUI 1 r.un bll pudKllon and dlnwr r~lew. "'nuforom s;ud tJU5 rnrs rainfall ",,11 sian in most ran of the country as early as ~ry 20 and ~WttIl DClobn



-.:ocrnlUK ~( has shown llui tht Systt:rlUIK

SpnJunlt at lhe event. Avu.llol1 ""msler Pnn-


for fw,,",",

IMa;1orGmer.aloftht NI~ run "1rt~1 Agn...-v

(Nlfl.llm.Dr. Anlholl), Anu


d<-o.:.lJIOI1 n1.lkmg and 1lW1OIIgmlnlt of 'N\"aIInn

~tJ~WC"lI"lioflheKon plOdu..:~


CCSMS SleUa AIixu OduJh. tC'f'resenl~1 by lhe Pttma OC'nI S«tCfary of the mm ISlry. Mrs. Anne EM Ita, C0I11mnldcod the ;IIgc'ncy for

rtsuh.s fnr the benefit of 1M

bnng about 70 ptrtcnt accu -

soctoo«onomlC dC'\'dop Incnl and ",,-,II being of the

tile in its 20 I t prftilCllOn





UTME: FG to introduce e-examination FUJI.RAI. p~nlllt"ntI1ill5.1lJd lhe nat Illo'l/Ol' imlralivt 1",,".lIrds unp"'....ng the UnJrrtd TcrtJ ary M.1II:ncuwron Ex.IIUnaiJoN (l rrME I ctnduaed by Ux ~ Adnltss...... ~blncul.tiun lk)Jrd i IMl B) 15 tJ.c mlrodoctKln of dectrorm - cuminatLOn lysll'flt "mUla ofEduc:rIrOlll'rofes

Ruqln7Ju Ahmtd Rufa I -ct IhlS ~~crmv ..'hlk ~g the ')I(th MumtCNI Scwon o(the




00 EJucallOl1

( NC!) II Itc IllIcrnalloll.1ll Coo-

ftml<.c (:enlrc In Ahuja l'rofn5Of 1Wlp)'y.IIU Imploml UaIef. ,ndOOmz 1M FNeraI UptbI TernIOll' to ~ tht ntc~

leT mfrastructurc Ind conduct apaoty building rrosr~mC'S lOr Inchcn 10 guar.mln' COIllputcr In rracy ol5tLidmtl. She saKi !I~ I1W oi btomctnc tKhnology in Ike 2011 lJfME ~cd the tnnd ofimpa JOll.1lhon and fntudulcnl rcgistnt. Ilion 0( candJdJo!n In lkecumll1.1l· ,~ ,

"In ordr-r 10 addrns the obscnTd delay III the \'c nfOllOfl of andxbtes III the aMTlIIWIOfI cmtrcs. the brd tw dcpio)Td Imf'J'U'"Cd btonlC'lnc nlXhtnes Ihiu arc futcr tlun Ike carlkr ones and woukl tVL only 30 ~ 40 minutn 10 vmfy tht mlil't' s..o candtdatcs rtpltCfl'd In cxfL (mt~ The IkMrd has a1Jo mctUKd iU exam-

soud has &HlSted

statts In IWng precautIOn ag.lIrul ftood.. ~ mllli'lcr !"elter-ned

llUllOO 1O'o'llSfrom J28lu J79and t.UJTllnat)Qn c.m11't'S from 10 J.o52 10 bnng I~ cnmllWJOO (kJ5CT 10 t~ c:andidalts.~ ~ 5IId 11'IC MmlStCf ad thc theme


lOr thIS )'nf 'S mcct10g whK.h 15 Rc I'Tlglll~ Teacher F.duca-

uon Ind Ikvdopmml fIX Qual lIy Service OdnTl')' ..ill dnw Ux allt'OlIon of pobcy makers and

other )la.k.chokIcn 10 II~ impor III human caprtaI .......NCE"."...,tht highest drcJSO'I WKtofl~


IlWungbodylll IhccducatlOfl SC'C. !Of COIlSIStlngoi Slatc commISSIOn' ers kif cdllClllOll,Jtalt agencies for alocallOfl,O\,1 ijocll'lYorg;ull1.a IJOOt .lind tht ~ MrnOO'y of ".ducatron.

hn commLtincnlll towards of Ivi.1ltion as'!'ncics. addmg. ~Mod crml..atlQll of ~tCOfologi cal and n.1lVlg.1llJoII.1l1 Infrast ructurc for enhanccmcnt of ufcty in !Xlt au !i~C is abo an Lmportanl den\Cn! lhe dt'\'rlopml!nI

of the aVl;llLlOfl se<:IOf rt»<! ·

nur. lk.1lnng In mind thaI a wdJ.t.ralned Ind IllOU ·

Yaled .."Morec LS urllCll for driVIng our Inm'or~ lion process. my numslry Ind thc puutatlls Irc also Implclllclltlllg a program of human capilal dC\'dop ~lIt lhrouRh !ra.rnlng and rctra.rnlngolvanousQlcgo na of Slaff, csptcnUy thow mpgcd III ~nt}.lInd I«h llIal dulies: W S.lIJd

Prisons service, firm hold conference on agriculture in March IIJAbdIIudiWW .....

'11 IE N"rgenan Prbfll1SScrvKc 10 coIbbonhon wilh Komuh Rabboni ..,U hold a ron fcrmcr on Prisons Rcbm and AgncuIturaI SustatnDbty m Nlgaa. Controller C~ oi Nigman Pruons ScrvU Mr Zak:ul Ohmop, wd thI5 Wednnday in ~ • I Pfe55 corrfcrma to announcc the 'MJIbhop. 0tun0yIsax! IMconfcrmcc W1lh thmrr ~igrnan PnsonsScrvia:: TO'Io"Uds \~11D'1 2020" was cxp«lcd 10 JIlt productro'\ly III agnculttm and nUllufKfUI1ng K'CIon. MrGordon I:na. Iht r-.lanagtng Consultanl oiKonsult Rabboni. sard lhecoofcr I'tlCC will hokI from MMrlr 21)..22 in Lagos adding tIw thc (((mnnlmenl p.lltern IS for 45'" frum tht (QfC Lm'C'SloI'. JO'II(. krr Ike public K'Ctor urut lod 25" rn.wn fOInlloaI ..-~


In.: 1M colbboratJon was to boog nwsr.'\' IlgJ'lClIIluraI prodUC1101l from tht fanm..

....Ok an IooIong II ~.1Ibbslung these f.tnns in Ihl' Sill gC'Opobtx:al1-"'1n of the <w"'Y lie sax! iIOI!lC llllcrnatlOlUl orgarusallOOS luyc alrndy wgmrrtd 1I1IeJlUOn to rw' ncr wth the /'.llniUnCli of Asnculrun. TDdr: and I~, Fornpr AlfaID and the Ccn.r.aI BankoiN"~ (OIN)

Another African leader speaks to Sunday Trust As part of our series or Interviews with African PresidenlS, Prime Ministers and Heads or governments, our team was at the presidential palace in Niamey, where President Muhammadou Issoufou gave an Insight into how his country Intends to appfy its new oil Wealth to Improve the lots of Its d tizens. He spoke also about his plan to use his country's vast uranium deposit to generate electridty from nuclear power for the benefit orthe ECOWAS subregion, The relations between Nigeria and Niger Republic also reatured In the encounter, and President Issoufou spoke candidly on it. Keep a date with Sunday Trusr fOf this interesting gl impse into the thoughts or the man In charge of Nigeria's biggest neighbour and its most consistent ally,



'Sara Suka' gangsters disrupt peace in Zaria The ancient dty of Zaria was "'latMly peaceful Thor, until rea.ntiy,lhe activities of

miscreants. popularly known as 'Van Sara Suka; have destabUised til. tranquillity of the dIy and unsettled res$dents. Read an accounto(~r~encel n

Sunday Trust.

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