Monday. M arch 5, 20 12
IFAD to support FG's cassava initiative with $4m - Adesina To Ihlt md. he said tNt;ll lechnkaI
THE Inlnmtlooal Fund for Agri. .jhu~ Ik~ ()FAD) lw:
groupromprumg 00l1TtJon.lsls.. bid tcientists. rcscarchm.. nwtcr bakm and flour millm had hem $d up to """"""" th< ""I"'i1w: minlSU'Y hill jusC 1WIi5cd 11. plan with 1ITA b massive training of all thr NJWI bakers Ihal make up n1()ft than 80 per cent of the bak£n ill the country. ~'l to him, Master bUcn hlw: 10 msure that cassava bead rached the muUt on a larsr tcaI.e: as soon as tIw I'lqtI.ind Ilour
piedgl'd 10 IlIppOI1 Niwna 10 realise Ihl."40 peranl Cas.sIva Rour Induqon in 8r&J lrutiauw. 11K MUUla' ~ A8ficuhure and RuRI Ondupmml. Dr ~wuni Ahupo tho! he hMt hdd intcn.tiw diIcussion CD tht importance: 01 the initUtNe with thtJFAD~ KanayoNwanu
.......... Mid,.......,,'"
dunnS d)e 35th ICI5IOII 01 the lFAD ~ Council In
FdJruuy In
Adelinasul lhIllFADhiid prombtd to asmt N'p 10 ieIO.IR. four-
million-dolu grart b "joinl trW-
audnoilJ7 small and m«lJum.sak enLerprises il1YOlvcd in processing
1Iow-. According to Adc:sina. somt countries haw: mdJakd Ulln-csc to kq inlo the 40 per eml c.ompo6itc cassava flour imliatM. """"" .... Aid tho! 8"""". mmt had oondudcd an agm:menI with the 0Uncse ~ b the acquisition 01 18 tush CflWIIY GI.1AVlI Door proce5Slll8 plants thai. would proca:a l.J miDion lonna 01
thecommodily. Hc said ~ would """""'" th< """""""" of milk by the privalc $«lor, by aDowill8 them
access low int«est concesAOrWY finanong. WIth. repayment period olIO to 20 yn,rul2.5 percent inter-
nlc. Adcsina addtd tJw under the ini· t.ath-e. as&IVlI production would ~ e:xpandtd £rom d)t pn::wna34 mdlion lonnes to 5 I miWon lonncs by "'IS by doubling th< ,...... from 125 LOnno5 per h«UR 10 2S kJnneI 0(
;at. b
1.J million NifFims
annuaDy as mono than IJ m.iJIion lOnna 01 amva will be ~ 10 producl'4(X),,(mlOJlneoilOpercmt
cornpoIiu: casAYa 11our. (NAN)
US donates N56m for 40 rural projects in Nigeria
I,Romob W•.\Ivud
T i lE United Stales of America. ~rnment hudonated USO.ooo (NS6 miUJOfI) In granu to fund 40
rural devdopment proJ«ts across Nigena. US Ambuudor to Nigena. Mr_ Tert:flU McCuUq-announctd thIS at a brief aremony held to issue the grants.al the~ in Abu,... He said the gesture reprumled Americ:a.s continued commitment to lhe cJn'dopment of Nigma.
",rough this prosramrm,
respond 10 dndopment PfU1«tJ to improve: the li va of people al the commumty levd," he sawi 11le gnmts W't're glven m three
Jonathan salutes Obasanjo at 7S 8, .u.I-Rl' " AIMINbr PRESlDFlIT Goodluck Jonallwl has congratubled IOnnn Pres! lIml Ohuegun Obuan,a who turns 75 today_ Jonatha.", in • \dttt to the IOnntt prtsident. wrote: "On the historic o:casioo of your 75th butlKby anni\'ft'SU')' which comes up on MOIKby. 5th Marth 20 12, I lOin you. your family. friends and
wdI-wishett to thank AJmighty
God for the life of fulfillment and uncommon accompbshment whkh He has bk:sscd you with. ~·ou
h:n-c ipt:flt virtualty all of
your adulllife in dediaUtd palrioUe
to our fathcrbnd: ., an accomplish«! otr.ctt In oor JoUVtCC
nauons armr. as • military commander who played • histork ro&c in effecting theend of the unfortu nate dvil military I lead of
Sute who wher-cd in dvd demoOlItk govcmancc; and bitt serv-
' ",two lerms as a democntk:aJtyd«lftI Presidenl. and hdpins to
COItIOlidate thedemocra1ic proasI In our country. Too,y you aft the Owmun of the BoardoITrmucs of the rulmE- and br fIT the IITgcst political pany in Nigeru. -""rough il an. you ha~ donorutnted aceptional c:ou.-.gc. neadfast commitment and abid-
mg f.uth In the Unity, peace, stabilityand pro&pentl of the NigerWl nation. 11 is gntlfymg 10 note that you stand ready to continue to avail WI of your wuc courud al all
"...... -on
behalf of my family. the G<m1'nmmt and pcopk of the
Fcder.a.I RtpubUc:ofNigena, I COlI ' gratubk you on this milatone and W1$h you nwly ~ ye.an offuJmlmcnL Happy Birthday!"
FG approves road safety in schools syllabus I;MkbIIt. Suhir THE Corps Mars/tal of the Federal Road Safely Corps Qs;lta Olidoka has said the National Coundl of EdocatlOfl has approval the Infudon of road safety education In schools curricull and adopted new standanb lor tchooIlRacs in ~ic
and &en1Or stCOOdary KhooU. Olidoka Aid In Abup. that the endorsement of ~ na~rd for Khool buses and teadung of road safety in schoob wu gJ~ by the Council at itJ meeting on wednesday in Ahup.. "With this aprrovaJ, Road wety cdOOl1 ion IJ now fuKd into the IOIlowing basic tduca-
tJon su,*"" curricula: English Language. Ovic: Education, Basic Sdmce and TKhoology, Socbl Studies and Basic Sc:iencc. Printed oopteI of thne auricula, tneludIng Integrated Early Q\ildhood Dcvdopmcnt ( IECD) curriculum au available nallOnwide.lie aid WIth the approval g
standmls for school buses In bask and KIttOI' t«OOdary schools. the tnmsportal ioo of children to and (rom school Is now In line WIth
g.IobI.I best pr.K1icc. He saKI the Corps wiU Slipub:t~ dale for aU schoob to adhere to the new regulalions or nsk prosecutioo.
C8legottel; Ambass.adors Sp«W Sdf. f-Ielp Gran t. the Am~ssa dcwsSmaJI Gran tlnd the PEPFAR C;mall Gran!. The prOJ«lS 10 be executed mc.lude library books.. chUlrooms Ind c.lassroom furm lure, oorr:holes, eqULpplng com munit y heollth c.linic,ll'llning of soda I WOf"keM 10 take Clre of vul nerable children, and funding of agro bwmCSKJ thai wLlllmpro~ the economic wellbeing of communltlel. The grants were Luucd to 44 Non Govnnmental Organau . lioM whoare expected 10 UKule the projects. The projects are 10 be uec:uttd in Rivers, Cross River. Ondo. o.un, Ebon)'l. Enup. Anarnbra, Ak~I~. Kaduna,~I~ Lagm. lkunue. Bauchl, NlS:ll1nn andlheFCT Mct:ulIey, in an IntervJeWat the end of the ceremony. expressed confidence in thecapabdityofthe NGOs to Im~ement the pro;ec:u which an expected to benefit more than 153,000 people m the rural communlUes ICT'O$I the
stales One or the recipients. Programmes Director of Safe Motherhood Ladies Association from Ebony! Siale. Engr Ndukwc Udum.. on behalf of other rccipi+ enu. thanked the US p-emment foclhe gesture sayins the proJC'Ch are little Sttd.s that will grow to impact the IJvesofNiscrwu-