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Farmers seek protection for products' pricing, marketing on Tobacco Growers' Day S TORIES:



tobacoo brands. the NI Independent Tobacco As» dation, NITA. has joined all the members of the International Thbacco Groy.'ef"S MMrlaUon, tTGA.; the week to mark the first-evN World Tobac· co GI"OftI'S' o..,y as part d efforts to call on ~t5 to oppose proposal5 by the Wor1d Health Organization's (WHO) Framework ConvenUon on Tobacco Control (FCTC) thai threatem the Uwlihoods of more th..-m 30 mllUon tobacco growen

o protect




The proposal! will be voted In two at the WHO's meeting in Seoul. South Korea However. the Nigerian group whkh eel ebrated the global t!\o't!l1.t at the SUVl!l'" PB1 v,,'t!eks

ace Motel In I!eyin. 0)'0 State. however. asked the governmen i iO gM! the group An opportUnity 10 won together to contribute to local growth 0( the l'COIlOn1)t TIlechalrmanof NITA, Mr: Rasheed Ba!tare said. -nbIcoo g1'OY;'('1"5 0( the ..'OI1d wlU oot stand idly watching their fates sealed Our I(M!r1UDent must understand that these wues will hao.-e COfl!eCIuence5 not only £or us but for the conununlUes we "'" in.-

"Ar. "'f) ce.lebrate the benef1t our rarlos bring toourcommunlties., we are also asktng our leaden to stand with us. to hear our voices and to gh:~ U5 the opportunIty 10 work together to protect our way or Iik."sakl~

lie added, "SbouJd these draconian become law lhey't1 Nn.'e a dlre Impact on the Ii\-ellhoods of BOO ~


in Nigeria and the over F1Ye Ilundred mil Uon Naira

9o'e mntrlbule

to the local !COn

omyannuall," While supportlng the original Intent 0( the F'C'R;'s artk:Ie 17 tn!atJt which was to provide "tcdmk:a1 and nnanclaI assl5tano! 10 aid the economic transition 0( lotacco grov.w'3 and worken" clalmlna: decline in tobacco production and conswnptlon hence restllUng In )ower deo mand tobacm crop. the IIJ"OWl"n said the proposals under consideration currently repn!Sent a departUre from the orlginA1 p:oal They seeking to artlficlaUy mila the SU)lply d tobacco without provkiing growers any vtab1e alten\8tives to support their fam llles. -rhls Is despite estimates Uwt demand fortobaccowill increase in coming years... the group sald.

Marketing Mix, HotSauce, others shine at MWA 2012

weekIIn:j" ..CXU>Oy' ._--.. . . Aa the CI..rWI dnIwn on 1M MartI;~ ~

Wc:n:t 2012.1hB

or-. 01

--_10_--""_ MaXebngMIX. a dgilallI!iiJIIIf1CY, HoIsau::e,

~ Fetnnc:e fm'I, MC/J, I n . " , . 01 . .

orgIW1izatiom ... emarved wn... in hi' Now ills seoond edIDt, WlA., dltJbed he Osc:as of MlWkeIr1g In Iht COld'y, II

and rrattetI1g In Vle CXII.Ary 0Itw wnw. 81 ........._...,,_""_ held .. the prastigIcus CItfanat Hotel. l.eIdd, l..agOs,Stwccm MalIa, as 8QflnCY 01 !he yta', New Qystat, ., Oltixw -oancY 01 1heve-,InIIirJt~ as~


agency of . . yetW, ~ as RIKIo c::twloeI 01 the )'8IW' rid Coca-Cda. lIS Ihe beYer _ 0 1 .. _ . YHe 1he ExecuIM! Di'ador, ~

.... .-

.-.d the Pf9IIdert, ~ 01 AdYens.... _0I_1M'N), ..... . . -

Oke bagged I.JIeciTe ~.AMMt rdll'1dt.lAy P9BonlIIIy of !he ..... Awa"d


On !he ctd:e 01 Ukoh. !he ~ Ptdsher. Mariteb'1gWoI1d orgariSerS 01 . . Aw.ds. Mr. AIm ,..",..., saki "Mfs l.IIoh Is being r.::ognIsed for her ~ to !he gowth of l1'IlWic:etng n NIgeriII tnl t.-


..... '"""'" -

Ukdl'. working ca-Mr. he s&alad.


_ 0 1 logoI T_ _

NationIIt InIIttute of MecIcaI AesIad\, l..agos rd Nestle Nigeria. whse by ~ 01 t.-d wortf rd t'ql1eYel 01 P tIessIcA idIItwn, she has bec:c1n'Ie rhe Irst rd orIi ferreIe MamII: Di'ador 81l1f1t\:1C111Cl.C1Ye ~ level 11 dale ~ ""WII . . 1tded to hOnoLI' 1I.JCh., ~ ualand oeIebaIe her seIIe!s conertuionIlO the ~ hOAIrt., Nigera a"Id Ah:a Mariteb'1gWoI1d _ (MWA) ........... k> ~ out5tanding bnrds rid ir'IdiYdl8I !hili have deIYered ~ produce ....... to !he I'I'W'ItM... he added. ing

I...ft. Pubhhet' M.n.ettnv Eag.. John Ai8yt; WWIy N..-om, Maneglrtg ~. RHch: & .. .,11 lid 8nd Brands .....MM'IIIMy of 1M ,._. Ertyl OdIpo,.t Mmeting Eag. 8 r8nd ~ A_ d Mfd .. Shenton Hot.., " ... reeentty

Union Bank undergoes repositioning, breaks new ad campaign he Union Hank m Nigeria In a bid to change Its old ways rI bank Lng attitude has began a total and ag gre55h'e rebranding 10 reposition the first gener3tkJn bank ItS the lJ'u1y bl&. strong and reliable bank. With this new positioning. the bank has launched a new logo, slgnage. meanlndul colour as well 8S better coustomer attitude and service delivery At the unveiling of the marketing plans at the Stallion lIouSt', Broad streE't. Lagos, the bank·s stratelY con sultant, Mr Bayo Bright said a WIO consumer Insight ~'hlch cited the

bank·s old fashion approach to servlre delivery. o ld buildings and failure to move with trends has forced the bank to take aggressive steps In rebulldln, a new Imatte and mo~ cUJtomer<.en Irlc service delivery. Accordln, to Bright. "the bank is taking new steps to create new Identity. new brand. remodeling, new slg nage and poylon which displays !leI"vice orrel"t'd The bank's blue colour which slgnines trust will come on a while that shows the bank·s sincerity, cleanliness These will reflect on our branch buildings across the countrY"

bld to oomolid.,\@ltsrnarRt)eadcr--

as wei] II!I to f\lrther ~1nfOn:e U1f! brand'. trIeIIIIP to its ~ that 'ty. ery drop cleans mldl more', the Mrulo'tltnR Dirnctor. PZ Ctmons Nigeria, Mr Aft Goma , thanked the constUl1el"!l lOr thtoir patnlnBgt' and maklnR It thp Nol dish wash brand in Nigeria He I)romlsed Morning Fre5h will continue to orrer superior performance that makes them proud of their kitchens AccordJng to him. the essence of the event is to Mdemonstrate Morn in~ ~h·s commitment to meeting consumer nt'e<b for performance and freshnt'S! and assure lhat for Morn



ship. PZ CU9!Ions Nil,"t'ria has WM!.i1ed a pack fbi" Its premhun Oi:sh washlnc up Uqukl. Momq Fresh and Introduced a new varianl Zesty Lemon 1",0 the tnru"ket. Mornin& ""re5h is a premhun brand and ~ market leader in the rnsh wash-

lI¥ liquid m:u1a!t. This powerfW dlsh wash ~ liquid. rk:h1y with a strorc gnme cuttincabillt)(: mak~ it verym:nomkal to U!le and gentle on the hand. while the emt tng 1emon I'cagranc:e elbnlnates cooking odoun Jeao.'t'S tf1to kJtchm refh5hed. Speaking at the launch wh1ch WId U3Ied to ~U lhf' new packaging and the new



Also, the consul1ant said the new corporate Identi ty would re n eet on every business communication rna terlab such as Business cards, letter head. envelopes, emaU template and other Internal and external communi cation materials of the bank "We are going to upgrade all otht"r branches to a world claM standard We are presently working on 100 brant'h es nationwide and hopf' to covel" 400 branches In the next eighteen months We will not put our slgnage on a build Ing that Is not hentlln, for our new look," said Bright.

Ing fo'resh, 'Every drop deans so mll('h InOre·,

"The Mornlnll Pl"t'Sh OrlginaJ new easy grip design makes It more com'e nlent for con~lUmers to handle and the Zesty Lemon variant gIves consumers the chol~ of fragrance .. On the brand·s legacy over the paSI 20 yean in Nigeria, the Brand Manager, Morning FJ"Mh, Michael Nnochlrl. ex plnl nt'd that as the le3der in the market segment. the brand b evolvlnE with its consumers by being Innovative, setting the part" in the market and providing quality vaJue for money spent

LATINA sugar-free roadshow activation berths in Ahuja ~onlhe~~of"

lan::h of the LAfII'A. Sug;w he FruI Drr* In n"IIIIO' dliM ec:rm. the oomtry, !he La eas.a Cornpenr PIc... one 0I1ht IeID1g ~ In !he Carbonated Sol 0rrIk tedOr r-.1Iy on a or-. monI'I4-CIy n::.:tehow eding and ~ ... its ~ and dIn:e dIIpMys. The rtlIIdshow whctt IIia1ed abot.t • m:witI ago hl maP' c-. a:::n:. . . CXII.Ary rddng: . . . . . Port HM:out. Enugu and 01IIde Is B!It Ilop In Abup _It ~ to .... a"Id IICile Is nunwtIUI ~ W'IIh Is r'OII popLAar Ihema "UGHTEN ~ Yt1'1l-l LA....... Speaking briaIy one oIlhe romshows t-.:t 81 !he Zl.tJa MokIr Part!" a"Id Mlwtcelln AI:It.4a. IN l...-t ~ LAT1NA~. Mr ...... "'..... ad .. EIo:asheKpta1i I8d I'1IIIIhe IM!Cln bret*ld Ihe actIvaII:In Is to aeaI8 more 8W8f1II'IMI a"Id ~ for 1M,.., at'Ik a'Id aIIo ~ hi pU:JIc 8IboU: the exn benaIs whctt by can cIarM !rom chW1g • botde oILATNA suo- he InA: d'WL LAl'J'I/I. • • new produce wtich hal pst reca1ty erier9d Inr:I IN rnarkIIt, .... IS • sIr'CI"Ig need to " . . . . drHI: VISI:IIe 10 ht CXJnSt.meB • much • poestie and aIao cppc:II1Ln1y to gil'" ~ thnlugh!he ~ 1CXMb8s....t'iCh we






He....,. expIIlIined hit tt'e LATNA ~ fI8fT1lIng a:IMIIion tnows . . c::(Im. n c\III.wi'1g on .. ~ to proYida 8 380 ~ approEh a"Id ~toc::nBa""r.-y ......... and eran thai LATNA Is....ay IMIIIatJ6e at ~ POS 0UIet. roedsde stops and dIstrl-

show "

~. W'IC81ly


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