Focus on agric, capacity building, CBN urges South-East busiJ~model
Mr«ha1u!iaid lhe noKion c;eemed tu h;t\-'p no inter
Sen. Anyiltl Piu . .... "ylll1 I~er ,hlt( ,I Ni'p
est in conulK'rriaJ bankin~
Aa:tJrd1ng 10 hIm, out of the440arti\'emicro-flnann> banks In SOllttK>rn NIeMi.'1. excluding LaI1:'OlS. the South East hasonly I&tall within the all~ d Wllty type MI-lls that are only permit ted to have Just one offic'e. lie saJrt "All known and docwllefllf'(1 fndusuial eo.'QIullons ....'In primar Uy drh-"eI1 with prudent use d credit A lot has been adtk>\"l'd <;0 far but much mort' opportunities
s.", Of'Iultbumr.; Deputy Centrel &.Ink 01 Hlg .... tk. K1"V.t.., .nd Anambnl Stile aov.tnor, Pelet" Ob4, at th. 21)12 South e..t EconottIk: Summh tn Emtgu. yesterday.
t".R: Ch-'nn.n, NIEMET Pte, Mad
Appeal Court adjourns ruling on Ararume, Okorocha's suit
"As you are awaJ1!, U)e Issues wiUtin Ule bankinl; industry are being nnnly addressed and with strong corporale governance and risk management strur tures. 1 beU....-e ample opporiunJtkos exist in I1w area d regional banks. .. On roucatlon and en
he Appeal Court slUing In Owerl'"i
paclty bullding, fo,loghalu
yesterday ad joumed ruling on the suit brought against Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo State by the Action Congress of Nigeria. ACN. candidate. (feanyl Ararume.
urged the region to raise the standant d educaUon forcapac"'lty huiklinfil: c:L Ill(' leadersof tomorrow Hesald it ....-ouJdbedlsas· trollS to continup 10 attE'pt the challenges d education as fate and consign the fu Iut? c:L the next generation to lnte1Jectual abyss. Moghalu charged the people to take business and f!Iltn!preneuria1
No going back on LGs' financial autonomy -Ekwunife O EHNIS A GBO EMJGU
he member representing Anaocha/
Ounukona/ Njlko ka Federal ConsUtuen~ Mrs. Uche Ekwunlfe. has reiter-lied the readiness of the National Assembly 10 pursue financial autonomy for the local government system In the angl>ing constitution review. Ekwunife. \\'ilo is UK!
chairman. House d Rep" resentath'CS' Committee
on Environment. saId this whUe brlcfing her oonstit uents In the United King
Ac:cordJug to her. the National Assembly will ensure that Ute kx;a1 goy. ernment system gets finan · cla1 autonomy to be able to meet the challenges facing
IL She said; -rhere ls no
goln8 back on Ute Ilnanclal autonomy for local govern. IlrIlt '!)'Stem because it will. among other things.. bring developnK!l1l to the
grassroots and the ru· ral dwcllen will feel the impact of detnoc:rntk gov. ernance whJch President GQOdluck Jonathan has brought to bear." Ekwunlfe also urged NI· gerians to learn from the presidential election of the United States. adding thai the oountry and its leaden should be more interested in facIng Issues c:::onomttog gQ\'eml1r'1Ce Instead of engaging In aunpalgm rA character assasslnaUon.
She said. .. , ""3111 our
both in Lagos and EllugU seriously and take Ul(>ir advantages to avail ~n sel\-es of modern S(r.Ileg)t management and leader ship aPl)t"OOC\M!5.
leaders and potilidans to learn lesson hln Presl· dent Brack Obama and hls closet rtval, Mitt Romney; who engaged each other on campaign 0( issues and not what ls obtainable in our democracy where our poUtklans engage each other" III campaign d character assassination... The lawmaker con· gratulated Obama on his I'M'lection and praised. the resllienoe 0( Amerk:ans for voting for candktatesoC U'lelr choice.
Youths celebrate Obama's victory in Anambra NwASUE2E 0 """"""
t 5.1XX1
yoUths under the aegis of ialkln of Igbo
Y" uUlS, AlYO, yesterday celebrated excitedly the re-
election " Barak Obama as Ute 45th American presl dent for the next four years..
ObaJna, the candidate of the Dernocrats. defeated hls rival, Mitt Romney of the
Village. State.
Republicans at the November" 6 presidential election. TIle celebration, which commenced as early as 6 am_ when the news d
ganised by the 0gIrIsh1 19bo and founder of AlYO,
Qbama's victory flltered into town, took place 8t the
Dba and head " 0gIrIsh1
The crremony was or-
Chtef Ronuny E2e0nwuka. who is the IJropfietor of the Rojenny Games Village. IgboFoundallon. Addressing Ule youth.
Ezeonwuka recalled that he had predicted that Obarna must win the elec' Uon or else there wouJd be no more Amerk:a Ezeon ....Wt3 said Obama's emergence as Amerlca's president in the first instance was 8 splrltual phenomenon and not accidental
lie saki " Qbama has done 10 Americans what his PI edecessors could not do during their own re-
the wars and p('lfoctf'd the dlt'dt mati.n~ d deadl y terrorism nu"n.-.ce in the
Saying that OOOma is 10 tl'le Americans .....hat Good luck Jonathan is to Nlwrl ans. Ezronwuka aMOO Ih.1l
"E\1!tJ'OIle knows Amer-
Icans as war mongers In all parts 0( the world In which
UleY have lost trllllons 0( dollars. but Obama has. In his ~ term, ended all
world. •
some leaders et1"lef"gel\ as avatar"S to