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ICAN bemoans low compliance with accounting, 24 fuel-laden ships to berth at Lagos regulatory requirements ports -NPA MeSHACK I OEHEN

bctWI..'t'fi a nallon's value system and It:> lev\!! of economic growth and dt:.'Yt'ioIIllWtU, and that tIC·

01 Chan~rOO AIX'Ounlallb of NI~crla (ICANI h<b ~id I[ b .III IIlbulln!: Ih~ !!olav. JMctl or Ih~


h~' In~IIIUII!

,'ulullry's deu'lopmclll to the Iln.o\'ah.·n'-~ ut l'Orru plion withiJl Ihes},,,>lem al nallOIW and !olDies h~\cls

At'uMtllI\A: 10 ICAN. CUI"rupuun b t!XUt....rb.tIL'(t by Ihe ab:!.t-nce of

.md al'COUlltabUit){ wvi lhat hnancaal unpl'Opl"il,.·hes by l~lS m pu:.uion of tn&1 traJ~Ii&ruIw..)'

h.n\' been a redpc fur under~ \'clotWUt!llI. J.nCreaSed suHerUlg 01 tilt: dlizcns. UllClllpklYlllelll. hunb'el' wki w..:.:rof lhe poor and u~lyforall

A SlalclUclll by the institute's Vl'bkknt, Mr AdOOoyin ~00b1 :.iUd lht'l'e IS a dlroct relalionShip

COlUUtng I)rot~ionals lIlust 10 strJ\~ 10 cream oasis of Sill

lIy Ul their Silheres of Influence such thai a vi.nuuU:; :,ociely will CIIX'1"ge-

Adtodoym Jointed ()lit Uw,t the OOITUllUon and !>harp pracnces UI low and It.Igh place:. ill the oatiun ha:. wntribUled 10 the slow pace 01 de\'e)oa. 1nl..'lIt Ul the COUJlll)t and that pro. specuve members must !;ubmh to the CU1)o, mannerism and accept able prncUces in Ule Profc»1OO 01 ICAN lllember..hlil !;ITenglh 1)I'e\'aknce of

·~rhl.·re b a compeUuIll man date we must continue to db d\a!'ge. k. chartered 8CCOi..Ultanl:>, .... ~ must deliberately joillUlE! ail kaJ. mass to sUIlPon and sustain

the on-gomg ami.Q)ITUllljoli ern

sade by Ule lIO'I'ertUnelll

he Nlg~rian Ports Au· thorlty (NPA) 011 ThW"Sday said thal U fuel -laden and liMbe (I you brought ships were waJtulg 10 berth at mlo the loki fA thiS noble profl'S various oil terminals al the La siol1tOlWx mw.1join )QI.U"pei!r'S 10 gas l'orts. take up thiS ballk>. In Its daily publication. ~Ship. '''nle rocent incidents U1 otu' pilll Position'" made avallable banking set'll.- have agam l"eo I to newsmen in Lagos, the NPA echoed the Ill'(!d for transparency : said that the products include III oW"corpor.ue activities. ProfI!S aviation fuel. pl!trol. kerosene. ;,iOnaJS ~ a wKle SpectnUlI d lKUe::.::.ions ha\-I! dl..'nXllllotrated base oU and ethanol According to the document. Indiscreciun Ul their appbcauon the petrolcwn products would be 0( regulatory and ethK:al Strul dardsand within tile acoountatlC)' dlscharged in oU terminals, inprofessWln; there IS COf'ICt!f"n 0( in cluding Atlas Cove Jelty, lbafon cou:'15lendes and failure to com Tt!rmlnals, New Oil Je1t}: Apapa ply with 300LM.UlIUlg and other regulatory requil'emenb". tile statemelll added. lie t-XplainOO that lhe insli tute's member-mlp has grown from a paltry figure fA t50 mem STANLEY IHEDIG80 hers 1035.794 m47 yeru'S "\\e mlal all stand Ull 10 be m 11m; Iliutle for UW' re1la.bSUll."e fA oW" social values




L-ft ........llng M~. DuN Prtm. ~ ..... IAnpf-..c Singh; wtnMf of ttMo 5th ~ ~ MUI;o"w. Promo, Mr. On! ChMIa; Public IWatIon. ..-d Ennt CoordinH;w M~. Mr. Tope ..-d o.puty ... . . . . ~ loa.y R~ CommlQon. Ugos ZonM Offiee. ~ Dn.I.. ~ 1M pr~tIon of ttMo cn.qu.1n lIIgoIa.. ,...'-«NIy

FG advised on implementation of cassava bread policy M ESHACK IDEHEN

he Executive Vice-Chairman of Hon~yweU ,"' lour Mills Pic. Mr. Babatunde Odun<l),o. has said the lo'ederaJ Go\'t:rnlllelll .....ould require stronK will to push the Impit!mentation of Ihe cassava bread policy to lasting success. lie suld desilite the government's. good intention to use cassava to boost rural develop.. lIlent aclueve w -ban deconges 11011 and emptJ",,'erment of local farmers. thai the unavailabU· ilY and Jack of tochnology by 10C;:i1 miller.. to process the vol· ume required could frustJ"ate the efTon Odunayo said some stakeholders are lilill nOt convinced Ihat the gO\lernment hallc the wlU to execute the policy because It may be detrimental to


the people's wellbeing. conSidering lhal the 40 per cent CDSsava nour Input is 100 high Dbcrlblng the situation as a challenge 10 flour makers despite lhelr willingness 10 use cassava flour, he argued that manufaclUrers might not have much choice at Ole end but to lIulJ[imise the profil with the new unport duty. which cowd lead 10 increased prices in olh er thinp. ~pt.'C1a11y bread and wheat. Odunayo explained that wheal Is a m:tior raw material In the production of bread and allied products. saying also thai It (wheat) accounts for more than 90 per cent of the total raw material Input and that it is wholly Imported. The 1I0ney .... ell vice chair· man added that the price of wheat is influenced by so many


It said that the ships ....'Quld

sail in with nce. general C<lIl;:o. bulk salt. petroleum products. new and used vehicles.. contain· ers. steel productS. sugar. f'res.h flsh and bulk w-ea.

Nigeria, Ghana non-oil export trade hits $266m in 2011

he Chanalan High Commissioner. Alhajl Bab;t. Kanw-a on Wednesday said that nOlH)il export trade between Nigeria and Chana hHs I2:66milllon in 2011 The Hlgh CommissIoner dis· closed thls at the Chana busl· ness forum al the on'Goine 2012 Lagos International Trade Fair. adding that Nigeria exported Sll8m of non-oil Items to Chana and Ghana also exported Sl48miUlon to Nigeria. totalIng S266mUllon. He said the figures were made available by the Nigeria Export Promotion CoWlci1 and Chana Export Promotion CouneD on trade in non oil products. He noted thai is very low and does not reflect the polentlnls that ex· bt between the cowllnes.. Kaman who was represented by Chana Consulate General. Lagos. AJhaJl Abukari Abdul· lah!. enjoined poliey maken:



Bulk ThnninaJ Ltd.. Single Buoy Mooring and Bulk Oil Plant The document reponed thaI three ships laden with bulk malt. bulk wheat and rice ......ere also waiting 10 berth. The NPA docwnent lndlcawd that 103 other ships were being QXpected in the Lagos ports between NO\'eUlber 8 and Decem·

faecors mOSt of which are beyond local wen:. ex-plalnlng for instance that the Jo"ederal Cov· ernment recently announced 15 per celli levy, In addition to I the nve per cent Import du ty for wheat necessarily means an mcrease in the production cost of flour and other wheat based products from flour millers. Also speaking. Lagos Slate Chairman of the Association of Master Bakers and Confec· tlonerles. Mr. Jacob Adejorln. confirmed to Nalional Mirror that the price of bread and olh· er flour based products had in· creased since September I. fol · lowing the Lncrement of price of flour and other ingredients. I He !.aId members of the asso ciat ion have no option but 10 increase Ihe price of bread because of the Nt. 000 additions on the price of flour.

of the two countries to work at removing the harden to trade between them 50 that trade ean £;row slgnificnmJy and brine about the Improvemenl in the quality of Ufe of our people. ACCOrding to him. there. is the need for closer collabora tion between the organized buslness organization of the two COWllrles in setting the agenda for I)romoting trade and invesunenL Commenting on recent developments In ChanalNllleria relation following the implementotion of the Ghana act on retail tradinll. which affected Nigerians dOing business there, he said that the action of the 1I0vcmment was ai med at ensuring that foreigners engaged in buslness in Chana abide by the laws of the coun· try. He added that the action Is not targeted at Nigerians. eveo as i!:COWAS citiJ.ens have the right of residence and establishment of bUSiness in any

Diamond Bank rebrands with new corporate colour AOEDEJI AOEMIGBUJI _ _ _ __ he Croup Managing Director. Diamond Dank Pic. Mr Alex Onl. has announced the tr.msfonnation of the bank willI the unvellhlg 0( new corpo. rate colour to attract customers. At the on Wednesdax Ott! said to ensure visibilIty Q( the bank to customers and prospect, the bank new look was informed by the need to e~ that the bank can easUy be no. ticed by CUStomers who often pass by the branches before realiSing that they had bypassed Diamond Bank hence a new klt;o. new wordmarlI: and shortened brand name aion& with a new tagline-"your bank" based on the original colour palette. Mit Is a IItLie refresh. It doesn'l change much ~ the Diamond DOlow: Diamond has sever1ll roIow:


We hm~ chosl!n this grid coIout. We will implement the colour from branch to branch. Its not a day thln&. We want to be visible hence the Deed to change the c»lDw:- he said. With stroIIi: fl.ll3JlCial base but restrained number 0( branches, the bank said the transforma· tion Is not about colour rebrand· ing, but added that ....,ithin the space 0( three years, Diamond bank will increase the numlX!r of branches to become more Poe> oessible by depositon who are yearning for Diamond Bank. '"in addition 10 ph,yslcal branches. ....'e also haw other transacUon chaJmels such as Eobank1na and we are the ooly bank: that issues ATM free of charge." said Otti The bank affirmed that the use d lemon green, m..agenta and blue are attractive ~tgi. to n0tice the new ident' 0'_ _ _ __

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