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thnrisation process to achieve

uneven network coverage stalling fertiliser distribution -Adesina

=m!!..Uler ~a!:


might pose a greater chaUenge for farmers who are 001 within the range of the GSM net....u-k

aJ Mirror that the Federal and State goYB'nTnent would pn)'dde a Growth Enhancement SYStem



suppon for farmers cultivating

Speaking to Natioml Mirror recently in -Lagos. Adesina saUl paper roucher would be intr& duced in the areas where GSM oerworks do not work well, adding though that voudler system of fert:ilizer distribution may not \\'0111: well. as there are tendency

1-3 hectares of land. He said the suppon would be in form of cash to be loaded OD their mobOe phone as an evoucher, which \\'OUld serve as an lncent:h~ for the fanners to buy two bags of fertilizers from the

of corruption.

Aa:oniing m Oyeleye, "Dur. ing a space of period 1m.".,'!] as the redemption \\'eel\. the farmer tp!5 bade to the agro.deaJer V.1th the 50 per cent balance of the money required in buying the two baGS of fertilizer". However, he added that a pl. lot test canied out in four stateS revealed that 7U pen::em of the pan:k.ipating 400 fanners suoc:essfully redeemed their GES support for fen:ilisers..

Weco Systems attains Gold Certified Status of NeTApp K UNLE A ZEE2

eoo SystemS lnrerna· tional Um.Ued. Nigeria', leading .,.,.... In S}-stem lntegralion services, has achie\'Ed Gold Certified staws in


I Poor,

have of the h.jghf!st smndards not onJy in the arms d data st£Jrng(' and data m.anagemenL. but also in meeting thelr ~ infrast:ruc.


On)ebudli added tba! Weco the NeTApp Partner- Progr;:tnune. As a Gold Cen.1fiBi pan:net; System's implementation and 'M!oo Systems has adjudged bl' Ne- rompreheosl\'e support of such solutions enahles TApp to ha\oe demonstrated exper. end-tn-end tise ",tith rechnnlogJes puven enterprises to accelerate thelr business pruoesses. manage thelr ability lD meet CUSl(J[I)fS'S' needs. :\o::ordlng ro tie Head. Pre- data centreS more effecm.'ely and sales and ArchitECture al Weco jJf'e\'e011oss of ~ 11 solution also helps\'@ S~"SIElns International Lu:nlted. M.r. NnamdI Onyebuch1. ""'ben slgD.i.ficant cost reductions. Weco it comes to IT management. soft· SystemS not only supports organware and inu!grntion of busi· isations in the imp1ementauon ness sen.ices. Weco Systems has of their (\'irtualised) dam centreS exeel1.ed both in the quality of but abo provides a comprehooits consulr:aocy and in its (Dmpe- sive suppon senrice, \I\'Olictng with the leading equipment WI)tmce in auning solutions.'He said tn l-erms of the au· dors." he said. -------------------



he MInister of Agrlculrural and RuraJ Develop-

ment.. Dr. Akinwunmi Ad· eslna has said the introduction of electronic wallet system in the distribution 0( fertillser thls )-eaT by the ministry is being hampered by the uneven cover·


age mobile network across the countr)! Adesioa sa.u:1 funher that the anlerage of Global System for

Mobile Communication (GSM) is mostly limited to urban areas. lemring out the rural areas where most agriculrural activities aJY being carried out Aroording to him, the intro-

duction of the E-wallet systetn. whereby fanners have to use thelr moblle phones to take deli,,· en' of thejr ...... and fertilizer.

"The chaIlenge we ~: face is the uneven coverage or mobile phones inruraJ areas.sov.1Iat we decided to use is paper voucher. In the areas where GSM netwotk work wcll, v.'e will do thefiill elec· trOnic wallet, in the areas where there are DO GSM netWOrk paper \'Oucherswill beusecl." he said. Meanwhile, the SpocIal Assis· tanl to the ministeroD Media. Dr. Ka,yode O}'eleye also tokl NatJDn ·

..... deaI....

NCC backs WAFICT broadband forum -ne Vl-1th jts current drive broadband growth tn the -: the NIgenan Communiartkms Conunissim has coufirtoed its partnerShip WIth IT & 'l'elecoms Digest Magazine. the OI'g2nisetS or the West Afri-


can Information and Commu-

'"""""" - towards ach!el:ing cangn,s, 21112 to \\urk tbegoal focus on issues around broadband penetr.ation, accessibility and policies, the regulator has taken the eve.lll as an avenue 10 push foru-ard its htoadband plans and Strategies for the


coun1r)The ~ Vice Cbainnan rI the Commission, Dr: F.ugene Juwah. bad at dilfereot oc:caslons

reiterated the Camnnssiorls ccmmitmem to broadband, descrtl). ing it as the next rerolution tv be

Lifemate Furniture rewards customers at Easter


panof pmungsmi1e; In the race of loyal cl.JSlOl'tr during this Easter festival Lifemate Ni.geri.a Limited, a leading furtunn-e company in Nigeria bas put plans together to re....-an:! both loyal and prospB':lh'e cuswmers for their patronage. ACXlarding to the company's DeputY .M.anaging Director, Lifemale. Ml: Weir Wu, customers ,vill benefit from a generous discount on a wIde range ri of· ferings tram among the suit.e: ci productS tncluding leather and fabric sofas. bedroom furni{1.1l't". kitchen cabUlel and accessories that have become the benchmark for quality furnishing- in Nigeria.. \\'U, who advised l'\1gerians to

witneS9Eld by the Nigerian telecommunications industt)' whidl would fonn an integ:ra1 pan of efforts aimed. 31 achehing the nation's Vlskm~. And with this partnership. the :regulator is set to le\-erage on the Congress tD ha.r-nE$ dh1!rgen1 views m el..'}JE!!'1S from. across the West African reg!oo' in ctrning broadband growth in Nigeria. This will also be an avenue for the Conunisslon to unYlill in; SD"alegic Iroadband plans and targI!tS. DirectOr of Affairs of the Nee. .M.r: Ton)' Ojobo, who confirmed the partner· &hJp with IT & Teiecom Digest for the WAFlCT Congress 2012. described the event as ~mOSl suitable" for providing the Commiss1on the platform for spreading the broadband messaGe lONigerians. shun substandanl prodUctS satUrating the market said quality controlled prodUCIS wIth manu· facturers' warrant}; wiD eru;ure \1:llue for moeny as V.1!l1 as peace of mind. Aoc:ording to him. the comps.n}' offers "the rJKJS' fashionable, ftmctional and comfortable col· lscDon u living room furrul.lD'l!. .. "Our coffee tables and glass tBblas offer lhe ultimate in luxury and oomfon and modern dinning sets and aa:essories \\.111 create the dining room of your dream without breaking your bank aa:ounL - he added Some other prodUCtS 00. offer he said include exquisite bed, 'A-ardrobes. nightstand, dresser and mirrors; light fittings and sanitarY wares include deluxe glass basin. shO'Wel' roan with power.shov..w. bath ttillS, camput·



~ n Computers Lim· ited, an indigenous HP • ed Gold Supplies Partner in NIgeria, has called for increased measures from the managemerll rI liP Nigeria tOwards curbing counterfeiting andgreymarketsyndromeintbe market. The. Chief Executive om· oer- u Amason CompUters, Me. Ethelbert Amaefule. said the twin cases d. counterfeiting and grey IJ1aI'ket has been affecting the business operations of autborUed HP dealer.;. in the COWlIl'l~ 10 him, HP JXU1:ners hlI\oe. OYer the years. been losing a lot or rnatket share to HP prodUClS that are imimted and are being sold by some IT dealers in various IT duster.; in the counlI11 "People are imitating HPprod·


ucts and the imitations are giv.

Firm seeks measures against IT counterfeiting, grey market ing us very bad effect to some us that are dealing in original HP productS. J most cases. in SPite of the awareness in newspaper and electronic media by BP 10 create some awareness and our efforts in educating our products each time they come to from us, there stD.1 seems to be increased patronage for imitated HP prod. UClS,"

he said.

He a-plained that there is need far HP to be more practicaJ in mckling the menace ~ counterfeiting: of its products, ....web.. he said.. ?'as now prevalent in the roarl<et. Amaefule said, 41\e Bv.arene!I9 has been in lheory and not. much of practical. I would v..ant HP to be more practical by build· jug a robust task flll\% who will work with other security opera-

UYeS to descend on those imitatIng their products and seUIng them to cuswmers. "Jf the awareness has prac:tt. cal effect in form of damping down on the fake HP products dealers. it would help tackle the Issue. J am saying this because doing th1s. as a roncen.ed ef[on would help in sanitiring the mw·· kef. 00caU&e productS that will be in t.he market will be original products and for customers too, they will derive maximum \'Iltue for what they are buying." He said grey market syn· drome. llo'h1ch entalls bringing RP produas that are not meant for a particular region into thai region through unautbortted importation is another problem

robbing HP partners a substan· tial market loss.

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